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Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures


Completing Mridang Class 1 English Worksheets Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures helps students develop their reading and writing skills.

NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Fun with Pictures

Let us Speak

Do you know why we eat fruits and vegetables?

We eat fruits and vegetables because they are good for our bodies and help us stay healthy. They have important vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to grow and be strong.

Fruits and vegetables also have fiber that helps our tummies feel good, and helps us go to the bathroom regularly. They can also keep us hydrated because they have lots of water. Fruits and vegetables come in different colours and taste yummy, making our meals more fun.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Eating them helps us stay at a healthy weight and keeps our bodies working well. So, remember to eat fruits and vegetables everyday to stay healthy and strong!

Match the fruits with their name.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 1

Match the vegetables with their name.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 2

Fruits for All

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct options.

Question 1.
What are the fruits mentioned in the poem?
(a) Oranges
(b) Mangoes
(e) Bananas
(d) Apples

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Question 2.
How many mangoes are hanging on the tree?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five

Question 3.
For whom is the apple intended for that hangs on the tree?
(a) The traveller
(b) The bird
(c) The squirrel
(d) The rabbit

Question 4.
Name one animal mentioned in the poem that lives under the tree.
(a) Bird
(b) Squirrel
(c) Rabbit
(d) Traveller

Question 5.
Tho is invited to share the fruit with the speaker in the poem?
(a) The traveller
(b) The bird
(c) The squirrel
(d) The reader

Let us Ready

A visit to the market

A. Based on the story ‘A visit to the market’ of the textbook, complete the story by filling in the blanks. Choose from the options given in the brackets.

1. Mini’s father is a ___________ (trader/farmer).
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 3
2. He grows ____________ (vegetables/fruits) in his ______ (home/farm).
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 4
3. He sells them in the ___________ (shop/market).
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 5
4. Every ___________ (Sunday/Saturday), Mini goes with him to the ________ (park/market).
5. Her father _________(sells/purchases) his vegetables.
6. He takes her around the _______(market/field).
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 6

B. Now, answer the following questions based on the story ‘A visit to the market’ of the textbook, by choosing the correct option.

Question 1.
What are the people buying in the market?
(a) Vegetables and fruits
(b) Flowers and toys
(c) Clothes and shoes
(d) All the above

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Question 2.
What does Mini notice in the market?
(a) Colourful flowers
(b) Toys and games
(c) Fresh vegetables
(d) All the above

Question 3.
What are the names of the flowers mentioned by the father?
(a) Roses, Marigolds, and Tulips
(b) Lilies, Daisies, and Sunflowers
(c) Roses, Marigolds, and Jasmine
(d) Orchids, Daffodils, and Carnations

Question 4.
What does Mini’s mother do with Jasmine flowers?
(a) She makes a string of flowers.
(h) She cooks them in a dish.
(c) She uses them for decoration.
(d) She gives them to neighbours.

Question 5.
What does Mini notice behind the apples?
(a) Pineapples
(b) Oranges
(c) Vegetables
(d) Flowers

Question 6.
What does Mini hold
(a) A bag of fruits
(b) A small basket of flowers
(c) A toy car
(d) Book

Question 7.
What does Mini’s father have in his bag?
(a) Toys
(b) Books
(c) Fruits
(d) A book

Let us Speak

What do you call these fruits in your mother tongue? Write and speak loudly.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 7

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Let us Read

A. Read the name of the vegetables and fruits given below aloud,
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 8

B. Read the story. Write the words for the picture in the blanks to complete the story. You can take help from the words given in the Help Box.Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 9

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

Let us Draw

A. This is a fruit. Join the dots and colour the picture. Now, guess which fruit is this?

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 10

B. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions by filling in the blanks.

(a) What is this?
This is an _________
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 11

(b) Is this a potato?
_______ this is a potato.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 12

(c) Is this a green chilli?
_______ this is not a green chilli.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 13

(d) Then, what is this?
This is a ________

(e) Is this a fruit?
________ this is not a fruit.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures 14

(f) Then, what is this?
This is a ________

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 6 Fun with Pictures

(g) What is its name?
It is a ________

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Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat


Completing Mridang Class 1 English Worksheets Chapter 7 The Food We Eat helps students develop their reading and writing skills.

NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Let us Read

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 1

Sharing food promotes unity, cooperation, and empathy. It helps us understand others’ needs, communicate, and build strong relationships.

By sharing meals, we develop social skills, foster a caring community, and cultivate a spirit of generosity. In India, there are many different types of yummy foods to try.

Each region has its own special flavours and ways of cooking. From spicy curries to tasty sweets, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring the foods in India is like going on a fun adventure for your taste buds!

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Answer the following questions by choosing the right option.

1. Where do you sit when you have lunch at school?
(a) In the cafeteria
(b) In the classroom
(c) In the school courtyard
(d) At designated picnic tables

2. How do you share your food with your friends?
(a) We take turns eating from the same plate
(b) We divide the food equally among ourselves
(c) We bring our own separate meals
(d) We share snacks or small portions with each other

3. When you were hungry, did anyone share food with you?
(a) Yes, my friends offered me some of their food
(b) No, I usually ate my own food
(c) Occasionally, a teacher or staff member shared food with me
(d) I didn’t experience hunger during school hours

Let us Write

A. Think of the words for the pictures and read aloud. Also, write its name in the blank provided.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 2

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Let us Speak

Say aloud the name of food items you see in the pictures.
Tick your favourite food item. Also write the name of the food items in the space provided.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 3

Let us Draw

Connect the dots and colour the picture as shown. Write the name of the food item.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 4
This is a _______

Let us Do

First let us study the shapes that we see in our daily life.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 5

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 6

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Now match the shapes given in column A with the food items given in Column B.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 7

Let us Speak

A. Match the sentences with the images.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 8

B. Here are some words that have only one syllable. Read them aloud.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat 9

C. Here are some words that have two syllables. Read them aloud.
Apple — Ap-pie
Carrot — Car-rot
Orange — Or-ange
Pizza — Pi-zza
Burger — Bur-ger
Pasta — Pas-ta
Salad — Sal-ad
Cookie — Coo-kie

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Let us Do

Read the riddle and write the answer. You can take help from the help box.

Riddle : I bark and have four legs. I wag my tail and
love to play fetch. What am I?
Answer : ______

Riddle : I am big and orange. I grow on a vine. You can carve me for Halloween. What am I?
Answer : ______

Riddle : I am small and yellow. I am sour and you can make lemonade with me. What am I?
Answer : ______

Riddle : I am a round fruit. I am red or green and you can take a bite out of me. What am I?
Answer : ______

Riddle : I am a fluffy animal. I hop around and have long ears. What am I?
Answer : ______

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 7 The Food We Eat

Help Box
A lemon, A dog, An apple, A rabbit, A pumpkin

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Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता


Students can benefit from Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता by practicing regularly and seeking help when needed.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Sarangi Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता

बातचीत के लिए :

प्रश्न 1.
बारिश से जुड़े अपने अनुभव बताइए।
उत्तर :
मैं अपने पिताजी के साथ बाज़ार गई/गया था। अचानक से बारिश शुरू हो गई। हम वहाँ कुछ देर रूके पर बारिश तो रूक ही नहीं रही थी। सामने कुछ बच्चे बारिश में खेल रहे थे। मैंने भी झट से उनके साथ खेलना शुरू कर दिया। पिताजी पहले तो समझाने लगे कि ठंड लग जाएगी पर फिर मेरी खुशी देखकर मुझे खेलने दिया। फिर हम दोनों भीगते हुए मज़े से घर पहुँचे।

प्रश्न 2.
आप बड़े होकर क्या बनाना चाहेंगे?
उत्तर :
मैं बड़ा/बड़ी होकर एक रोबोट बनाना चाहता/चाहती हूँ।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता

प्रश्न 3.
क्या सचमुच कोई इतना बड़ा छाता बना सकता है कि पूरी दुनिया के बच्चे उसमें आ जाएँ?
उत्तर :

प्रश्न 4.
छाते में ऐसा क्या होता है कि हम बारिश में भी गीले नहीं होते?
उत्तर :
छाता जलरोधी (पानी रोकने वाले) पोलिस्टर नामक कपड़े से बना होता है। इस पर पानी का कोई असर नहीं होता। इसलिए हम बारिश में भी गीले नहीं होते।

नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर अपनी कॉपी में लिखिए-

प्रश्न 1.
हर बार छाता क्यों छोटा पड़ता था?
उत्तर :
हर बार छाता इसलिए छोटा पड़ता था क्योंकि हर बार छाते के अंदर और बच्चे आ जाते थे।

प्रश्न 2.
हर बार बड़ा छाता कौन देते थे?
उत्तर :
दयाल चाचू।

प्रश्न 3.
इस कहानी में आए सभी बच्चों के नाम लिखिए।
उत्तर :
टिल्लू, सलीम, लता, मोनू, शलीन, सनत, सोनू, हामिद और हरमीत।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता

प्रश्न 4.
बारिश में क्या-क्या गीला हो गया?
उत्तर :
बिस्तर, अम्मा की साड़ी, दादी का कंबल और पूरा शहर।

शब्दों का खेल :

प्रश्न :
हर बार बड़ा छाता छोटा पड़ जाता था।
बड़ा और छोटा इन दोनों शब्दों के अर्थ एक-दूसरे से विपरीत हैं। जैसे दिन और रात।

नीचे दी गई तालिका से दिए गए शब्दों के विपरीत अर्थ वाले शब्द ढूँढ़कर लिखिए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 1
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 6

पढ़िए, समझिए और लिखिए :

प्रश्न :

  1. दिन में सूरज, _______ में तारे दिखते हैं।
  2. _____ बोलें, झूठ नहीं।
  3. ऊपर आकाश और _____ धरती है।

उत्तर :

  1. दिन में सूरज,रात में तारे दिखते हैं।
  2. सच बोलें, झूठ नहीं।
  3. ऊपर आकाश और नीचे धरती है।

नीचे दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से पाँच से छह वाक्य लिखिए – 

प्रश्न :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 2
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 4

पहेली :

प्रश्न :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 3
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 5

Sarangi Class 2 Hindi Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता Summary

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता कहानी का सार

इस पाठ में बरसात (बारिश) के दिन के बारे में बताया गया है। लगातार बारिश हो रही है। छत पर, घर में और आँगन में सब जगह पानी ही पानी है। सारा बिस्तर, अम्मा की साड़ी और दादी का कंबल-यह सब कुछ गीला हो गया है। सारा शहर गीला और सर्द (ठंडा) हो गया है। लेकिन लेखक के पास छाता है और उसमें वह और उनके दोस्त सलीम बिलकुल सूखे और गरम हैं। लेखक ने छाते में टिल्लू को भी बुला लिया। अब टिल्लू बिलकुल सूखा और छाता छोटा पड़ने के कारण लेखक और सलीम कुछ गीले हो गए।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 7

लेखक ने दयाल चाचा से बड़ा छाता माँग लिया। अब सब छाते के अंदर। फिर लता और मोनू भी आ गए अब बड़ा छाता भी छोटा पड़ गया। लेखक फिर दयाल चाचू से और बड़ा छाता ले आए। फिर सब छाते के अंदर। अब शलीन और सनत भी आ गए। फिर यह छाता भी छोटा पड़ गया। लेखक दयाल चाचू से और बहुत बड़ा छाता ले आए पर फिर सोनू, हामिद, हरमीत आ गए और बहुत बड़ा छाता भी छोटा पड़ गया। लेखक ने दयाल चाचू से और बड़ा छाता माँगा तो चाचू ने कहा कि इससे बड़ा छाता तो बनता ही नहीं है। इस पर लेखक ने कहा कि बड़ा होकर मैं दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा छाता बनाऊँगा जो आसमान जितना बड़ा होगा। जो पूरे शहर को बारिश में छुपा लेगा और मैं, टिल्लू, सलीम, चाचू, राकेश आदि सब छाते के भीतर होंगे बिलकुल सूखे और गरम।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 25 सबसे बड़ा छाता 8

शब्दार्थ :

  • सर्व – अत्यधिक ठंडा।
  • भीतर – अंदर।

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Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons


Completing Mridang Class 1 English Worksheets Chapter 8 The Four Seasons helps students develop their reading and writing skills.

NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Let us Sing

Nature’s seasons, four in a row,
Spring blooms, summer’s warm glow.
Monsoon rains, winter’s icy show,
Each a tale of nature’s flow.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 1

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Blossoms bloom, skies so blue,
Golden sun, fields renew.
Raindrops fall, a rhythmic cue,
Snowflakes dance, painting anew.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 2

Nature’s cycle, ever spinning,
Stories told, beginnings and ending.
Transient beauty, forever grinning,
In each season, nature’s blending.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 3

Let us Speak

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

Question 1.
Which season is characterized by blooming flowers and warmer temperatures?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Question 2.
Which season is known for its long days, abundant sunlight, and higher temperatures?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 3.
During which season does the rainfall typically increase, resulting in lush greenery?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 4.
Which season is associated with cold weather, snowfall, and shorter days?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(e) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 5.
In which season do trees shed their leaves and prepare for dormancy?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 6.
Which season is often characterized by thunder storms. lightning, and heavy rainfall?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 7.
During which season do temperatures gradually rise, and nature awakens from its slumber?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Question 8.
Which season is known for its hot and dry weather, perfect for beach outings?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(e) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 9.
Which season marks the transition from winter to summer. with milder temperatures?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Question 10.
Which season is often associated with festive holidays, such as Christmas and New Year?
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon
(d) Winter

Let us Read

Look at the pictures and read the story.

The Thirsty Crow

Once upon a time, there was a hot summer day. A clever and thirsty crow was flying in search of water to quench its thirst. After a long journey, the crow finally spotted a small village with some houses and trees.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

It found a pitcher with little water but a narrow neck. The clever crow dropped pebbles into the pitcher, raising the water level and quenched its thirst.

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Let us Read


During the summer season, people typically wear light and breathable clothes to stay cool and comfortable in the heat. Here are some common types of clothing worn during summer.

In summer, we wear:
T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops,
Light and breathable, keeping us cool,
Hats and sunglasses, shading us from the sun’s pull.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 5


During the winter season, people typically wear warm and cozy clothes to stay protected from the cold. Here are some common types of clothing worn during winter.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

In winter, we wear:
Coats, scarves, and gloves,
Warm layers that help us brave the cold,
Boots and hats, keeping us cozy and bold.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 6


During the monsoon season, when it tends to be wet and rainy, people typically wear clothes that are comfortable and offer protection from the rain. Here are some common types of clothing worn during the monsoon.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

In the monsoon season, we wear:
Raincoats and waterproof boots,
Carry umbrellas to stay dry while commuting.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 7

Quick-drying clothes, keeping us comfortable and protected from the rain.

A Speak

Look at the pictures. say aloud the names of clothes we weat in different seasons.

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Let us Do

Look at the pictures and make a paper aeroplane.
Things required:
An A4 size paper

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Follow the following steps :
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 10

Fly the aeroplane you have made and enjoy.

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Let us Sing

Rain and the Rainbow

Raindrops fall, one by one,
Bringing life, under the sun.
Rainbows shimmer after the rain,
Colours dancing, a joyous refrain.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 12

Let us Write

Pick up the words given below and put them in the correct columns.

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Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons 14

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The post Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 8 The Four Seasons appeared first on Learn CBSE.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia’s Rainbow


Completing Mridang Class 1 English Worksheets Chapter 9 Anandia’s Rainbow helps students develop their reading and writing skills.

NCERT Class 1 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandi’s Rainbow

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 1

Anandi, a young girl, was dreaming of rainbows while it was raining outside. When she woke up, she saw a magnificent rainbow across the clear blue sky. Excited, she went to her garden with her cat Milli. Anandi loved painting, and she decided to use the colours of the rainbow to paint the flowers in her garden.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow

As she coloured the flowers with different hues, the rainbow gradually disappeared. She left the colour yellow to keep the sun shining brightly. In the end, Anandi had given her garden the vibrant colours of the rainbow and the rainbow was gone.

Let us Speak

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct Option :

Question 1.
What was Anandi dreaming of when she was fast asleep?
(a) Rain
(b) Flowers
(c) Rainbows
(d) Cats

Question 2.
What did Anandi see when she looked out of the window?
(a) Clouds
(b) Birds
(c) Rainbow
(d) Sunshine

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow

Question 3.
Who did Anandi take to the garden with her?
(a) Her friend
(b) Her cat Milli
(c) Her sibling
(d) Her teacher

Question 4.
What did Anandi want to paint with the colours of the rainbow?
(a) Trees
(b) Grass
(c) Flowers
(d) Rocks

Question 5.
Which colour did Anandi leave for the sun in her painting?
(a) Violet
(b) Indigo
(c) Blue
(d) Yellow

Question 6.
Which colour did Anandi used to colour the leaves?
(a) Green
(b) Orange
(c) Red
(d) Yellow

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow

Question 7.
What happened to the rainbow as Anandi painted the flowers?
(a) It grew bigger
(b) It started raining again
(c) It began to fade away
(d) It turned into different colours

Question 8.
What did Anandi use to paint the flowers?
(a) A paintbrush
(b) Her fingers
(c) A crayon
(d) A pencil

Question 9.
What colour did Anandi use to paint one of the flowers?
(a) Violet
(b) Yellow
(c) Blue
(d) Red

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow

Question 10.
What was the name of Anandi’s cat?
(a) Lily
(b) Milli
(c) Daisy
(d) Bella

Let us Do

A. Look at the pictures given below. Tick (✓ ) the pictures that you see when you go outside of your home.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 4
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 3

B. Look at the pictures and colour them with pencil colours.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 5

Let us Write

My name is _____
My father’s name is ____
My mother’s name is _______
I have _______brother(s).
I have ________sister(s).
My date of birth is _____ (date) _____(month)_____(year).
I am ________ years old.
I study in standard ___my section is _______
My school’s name is _______
My class teacher’s name is ____
My English subject teacher’s name is _______

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow

Let us Colour

Do you know that a country is represented by its flag?
This is our national Flag. Our national flag is called tricolour because it has three colours, that are, saffron, white and green. On the white band there is Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour.

Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 7
Now, colour the national flag in the colours as shown in the flag on the previous page.
Mridang Class 1 English Worksheet Chapter 9 Anandia's Rainbow 8

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CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions


Students find that CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Science with Solutions and CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) effectively boost their confidence.

CBSE Class 10 Science Board Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 80

General Instructions

  • The Question Paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
  • All questions are compulsory.
  • All questions of Section A and all questions of Section B are to be attempted separately.
  • Question numbers 1 to 2 in Section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
  • Question numbers 3 to 5 in Section A are txvo marks questions. These are to be answered in about 30 words each.
  • Question numbers 6 to 15 in Section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered in about 50 words each.
  • Question numbers 16 to 21 in Section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in about 70 words each.
  • Question numbers 22 to 27 in Section B are based on practical skills. Each question is a two marks question. These are to be answered in brief.

Section – A

Question 1.
Mendel took tall pea plants and short pea plants and produced F1, progeny through cross-fertilisation. What did Mendel observe in the F1 progeny?
Mendel observed that all pea plants were tall in F1 progeny. This meant that only one of the parental traits was seen.

Question 2.
Define power of the lens. Write its S.I. unit.
Power of lens. The reciprocal of focal length of a lens is known as its power, the focal length is expressed in metres.
S.I. unit of power of lens is Dioptre (D).

CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Question 3.
Carbon has four electrons in its valence shell. Which type of compounds can be formed by carbon atom and why? Give any one example of such compounds.
Carbon has 4 electrons in its valence shell, so it should either lose 4 electrons or gain 4 electrons to achieve the inert gas configuration. But it is not possible to remove 4-electrons from a carbon atom. Also it is not possible to add as many as 4-electrons to the carbon atom due to high energy requirement. Therefore carbon atom achieves the inert gas configuration only by sharing of electrons. Thus carbon always forms covalent bonds.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 1

Question 4.
Different parts of brain are associated with specific functions. Name the part of human brain which perform the following functions:
(a) Sensation of feeling full
(b) Vomiting
(c) Picking up a pencil
(d) Riding a bicycle
(a) Sensation of feeling full – Cerebrum/Fore brain
(b) Vomiting – Medula/Hind brain
(c) Picking up a pencil – Cerebellum/Hind brain
(d) Riding a bicycle – Cerebellum/Hind brain

Question 5.
An object is kept 40 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length of 20 cm. Find the position and nature of the image. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image in this case.
Concave mirror
u = -40 cm;
f = -20 cm;
V = ?
nature = ?
According to mirror formula
\(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ u }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ f }\) ⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ -40 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ -20 }\)
⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ 40 }\) = \(\frac { -1 }{ 20 }\)
⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { -1 }{ 20 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 40 }\) = \(\frac { -2+1 }{ 40 }\) = \(\frac { -1 }{ 40 }\)
v = -40 cm
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 2
Position: Image is formed 40 cm in front of the concave mirror.
Nature: Image is real and inverted.

Question 6.
In the reaction:
MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
(a) Name the compound:
(i) oxidised,
(ii) reduced.
(b) Define oxidation and reduction on its basis.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 3
(a) (i) Compound oxidised = HCl;
(ii) Compound reduced = MnO2
(b) Oxidation. The addition of oxygen to a substance or the removal of hydrogen from a substance is called oxidation.
Reduction. The addition of hydrogen to a substance or the removal of oxygen from a substance is called reduction.

Question 7.
1 g of solid sodium chloride is taken in a clean and dry test tube and 2 mL of cone, sulphuric acid is added to it. If the gas evolved is tested first with dry and then with wet blue litmus paper, in which case will the litmus paper change colour? Give reason for your answer. What inference can be drawn about the nature of the evolved gas? Support your answer with a chemical equation for the reaction.
(a) For the preparation of cakes, baking powder is used. If at home your mother uses baking soda instead of baking powder, how will it affect the taste of the cake and why?
(b) How is baking soda converted into baking powder?
(c) What makes the cake soft and spongy?
2NaCl + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2HCl
Concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with sodium chloride to form hydrogen chloride gas. When the gas evolved is tested with dry blue litmus paper then there is no change in the colour of the dry blue litmus paper. This shows that HCl gas does not behave as an acid in the absence of water.
When the gas is tested with wet blue litmus paper then the blue litmus paper turns red. This shows that HCl gas shows acidic behaviour in the presence of water.

Dry HCl does not contain any hydrogen ions (H+) in it, so it does not show acidic behaviour so HCl gas does not change the colour of the dry blue litmus paper.
When HCl gas is tested with wet blue litmus paper then HCl gas first dissolves in water to form HCl acid solution.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 4


CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 5
For the preparation of cake if only sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) is used instead of baking powder then sodium carbonate is formed from it by the action of heat during baking. This will give a bitter taste to the cake. The advantage of using baking powder is that tartaric acid present in it can react with sodium carbonate formed and neutralise it to sodium tartrate salt and the cake has a pleasant taste.

(b) Baking soda is a single compound, i.e., sodium hydrogen carbonate. It is converted into baking powder by mixing solid sodium hydrogen carbonate with solid edible acid such as tartaric acid (or citric acid).

(c) When baking powder mixes with water then sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with tartaric acid to evolve CO2 gas
NaHCO3 (aq) + H+(aq) → Na+(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O (l)
The CO2 gas produced gets trapped in the wet dough and bubbles out slowly causing the cake (or bread) to rise and become soft and spongy.

Question 8.
What happens when hydrogen is added to a vegetable oil in the presence of nickel? Name the reaction and write one difference between the physical property of the vegetable oil and the product obtained in this reaction. Write the role of nickel in this reaction.
• Vegetable oils are unsaturated fats having double bonds between some of their carbon atoms. When a vegetable oil is heated with hydrogen in the presence of finely divided nickl then a saturated fat called vegetable ghee is formed. This  reaction is called hydrogenation of oils.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 6
• Vegetable oil is in liquid state at room temperature whereas vegetable ghee (saturated fat) is solid (or semi-solid) at room temperature.
• Nickel acts as a catalyst in the process of hydrogenation of vegetable oil.

Question 9.
What is geotropism? Draw a labelled diagram of a potted plant showing positive geotropism and negative geotropism.
The response of plants to gravity is called geotropism. The roots of plants always grow downwards in response to gravity showing positive geotropism. The shoots of the plants always grow up, away from the gravity showing negative geotropism.
Diagram of a potted plant showing positive geotropism and negative geotropism:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 7

Question 10.
(a) What is meant by the dispersion of white light?
(b) Explain why the planets do not twinkle but the stars twinkle?
(a) Dispersion of light. The splitting of white light into its component colours on passing through a prism is called dispersion of light.
(b) The planets are much closer to the earth. A planet can be considered as a collection of large number of point-sized sources of light. So the total variation in the amount of light entering our eye from all the individual point-sized sources will average out to zero thereby nullifying the twinkling effect. On the other hand, stars twinkle because stars are point-sized sources of energy therefore the continuously changing atmosphere causes atmospheric refraction which causes variation in light.

CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Question 11.
We wish to obtain an equal sized inverted image of a candle flame on a screen kept at a distance of 4 m from the candle flame.
(a) Name the type of lens that should be used.
(b) What should be the focal length of the lens and at what distance from the candle flame the lens be placed?
(c) Draw a labelled diagram to show the image formation in this case.
A 5 cm tall object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 15 cm. Find the position, size and nature of the image formed.
(a) Convex lens
(b) Focal length of the lens should be 2 m. Distance of candle flame from the lens is 4 m.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 8
In the given Convex mirror –
Object height, h1 = +5 cm
Focal length, f = +15 cm
Image height, h2 = ?
Object distance, u = -30 cm
Image distance, v = ?
Nature = ?
According to mirror formula,
\(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ u }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ f }\)
⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ -30 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ +15 }\)
\(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 15 }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ 30 }\) = \(\frac { 2+1 }{ 30 }\) = \(\frac { 3 }{ 30 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 10 }\)
∴ v = +10 cm
The image is formed (10 cm) behind the convex mirror. Since the image is formed behind the convex mirror, its nature will be virtual (as v is +ve).
∵ \(\frac{h_2}{h_1}\) = \(\frac{-v}{u}\)
⇒ \(\frac{h_2}{5}\) = \(\frac{-(+10)}{-30}\)
h2 = \(\frac { 10 }{ 30 }\) × 5
∴ h2 = \(\frac { 5 }{ 3 }\) = +1.66 cm
Thus size of the image is 1.66 cm and it is erect (as h2 is +ve).
∴ Nature of image = Virtual and effect

Question 12.
Consider the following circuit:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 9
What would be the readings of the ammeter and the voltmeter when key is closed? Give reason to justify your answers.
What is electrical resistivity? Derive its SI unit. In a series electrical circuit comprising a resistor made up of a metallic wire, the ammeter reads 100 mA. If the length of the wire is doubled, how will the current in the circuit change? Justify your answer.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 10
R1 = 5 Ω;
R2 = 8 Ω;
R3 = 12 Ω;
Resultant resistance, R = R1 + R2 + R3(series)
R = 5 + 8 + 12 = 25 Ω; V = 6 V; I = ?
V = IR
I = \(\frac { V }{ R }\) = \(\frac { 6 }{ 25 }\) = 0.24 A
∴ Reading in ammeter is 0.24 A
R3 = 12 Ω
I3 = 0.24 A ….. [I1 = I2 = I3 = I
V3 = ?
⇒ V3 = I3 × R3 = 0.24 × 12 = 2.88 Volts
Electrical resistivity of the material of a conductor is the resistance offered by the conductor of length 1 m and area of cross-section 1 m2. Numerically it is equal to the resistance of a rod of that substance which is 1 metre long and 1 square metre in cross-section.
ρ = \(\frac { RA }{ l }\)
since unit of R = ohm;
A = (metre)2;
l = (metre)
unit of resistivity, ρ = \(\frac{\text { ohm } \times(\text { metre })^2}{(\text { metre })}\) = ohm-metre (or Ω m)
R = \(\frac { ρl }{ A }\)
If l’ = 2l … [∵ Lenght is doubled
∴ A’ = A
New resistance, R’ = \(\frac{\rho l^{\prime}}{\mathrm{A}^{\prime}}\) = \(\frac{\rho \times 2 l}{\mathrm{~A}}\) = \(\frac{2 \rho l}{\mathrm{~A}}\)
R’ = 2R
∴ Resistance will be doubled since length is doubled.
∵ V = IR …[Ohm’s law ⇒ I = \(\frac { V }{ R }\) ⇒ I’ = \(\frac { V’ }{ R’ }\)
∵ V’ = V; R’ = 2R
∴ I’ = \(\frac { V }{ 2R }\)
⇒ I’ = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) × I
∵ I = 100 mA
⇒ I’ = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) × 100 = 50 mA
∴ Current in the circuit is reduced to half.

Question 13.
Calculate the total cost of running the following electrical devices in the month of September, if the rate of 1 unit of electricity is ₹6.00.
(i) Electric heater of 1000 W for 5 hours daily.
(ii) Electric refrigerator of 400 W for 10 hours daily.
(i) Energy consumed by electric heater = P × time = 1000 W × 5 h = 5000 Wh
(ii) (Energy consumed by refrigerator = P × time = 400 × 10 = 4000 Wh
Total energy consumed in one day = 5000 Wh + 4000 Wh
= 9000 Wh = \(\frac { 9000 }{ 1000 }\)k Wh = 9 k Wh

Total energy consumed in the month of September = 30 × 9 = 270 kWh = 270 units
Cost of 1 unit of electricity = ₹6
∴ Cost of 270 units of electricity = ₹6 × 270 = ₹1,620

Question 14.
While teaching the chapter “Our Environment” the teacher stressed upon the harmful effects of burning of fossil fuels, plastic, paper etc. The students noticed the extensive use of plastic and polythene in daily life, which can be avoided and the surroundings can be kept clean. They decided to make their school “plastic and polythene” free and motivated each other for its minimum use.
(a) Why should the use of polythene and plastic be reduced in daily life?
(b) In what ways the students would have avoided the use of plastic and polythene in their school?
(c) How the students would have motivated each other for the success of their decision?
(a) Polythene and plastic are non-biodegradable materials which cannot be decomposed by micro-organisms. Burning of plastic in open air leads to environmental pollution due to release of poisonous gases. When polythene is thrown on land it makes the soil less fertile. When thrown in water it chokes our water bodies and harms the aquatic life. If eaten by stray animals, the plastic bags can choke their alimentary canal.


  • Stop using polythene bags and start using bags made of cloth or jute.
  • One must collect the used and discarded items of plastic and send them to the respective industries for making fresh plastic items.
  • The use of disposable items like cold drink cans, stationary items, glasses should be avoided. Have freshly squeezed juice or eat fruit instead of buying juice in plastic bottles. It is healthier too.
  • Students should carry tiffin and water in steel containers instead of plastic containers.
  • Encourage the use of ink pens instead of ball pens made of plastic.

(c) Students can –

  • create a vibrant school board about the improvement of environment;
  • Holding a recycling challenge to clean the school and design the recycle bin;
  • Students should create and put up signs and posters around the school about the harmful effects of using plastic.;
  • Speeches in morning assembly, debate competitions in the favour of environment safety should be conducted;
  • Start an Eco or Sustainable Club; and
  • Make new recycling and composting collection stations in the school and nearby localities.

CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Question 15.
What is “Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”? Why is it necessary? Which one out of reuse and recycle, would you practise in your daily life and why?
The development which meets the current basic human needs and also preserves the resources for the needs of future generations is called sustainable management. A system of controlling the use of natural resources in such a way as to avoid their wastage and to use them in the most effective way is called sustainable management.
(i) The resources of the earth are limited. Proper management of these natural resources can ensure that these are used judiciously so that they fulfill the needs of the present generation and also last for the generations to come.

(ii) The proper management of natural resources takes into consideration long-term perspective and prevents their exploitation to the hilt for short term gains.

(iii) Proper management can ensure equitable distribution of natural resources so that all the people can be benefitted.

(iv) Proper management will take into consideration the damage caused to the environment during the extraction or use of the natural resources and find ways and means to minimize the damage.

Reuse is preferred over recycling. The ‘reuse’ strategy is better than ‘recycling’ because even the process of recycling uses some amount of energy. In the reuse strategy, plastic bottles in which we buy various food items like jam and pickle can be used for storing things in the kitchen. Whereas, if we send the discarded plastic bottles for recycling to the industry, we will be using energy sources for the recycling process.

Question 16.
(a) List in tabular form any three chemical properties on the basis of which metals and non-metals are differentiated.
(b) State two ways to prevent the rusting of iron.

Metals Non-metals
(i) Metals lose electrons to form positive ions; are electropositive in nature. (i) Non-metals gain electrons to form negative ions; are electronegative in nature.
(ii) React with dilute acids to liberate hydrogen gas. (ii) Do not react with dilute acids.
(iii) Metals react with oxygen to form basic oxides
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 11
Metals react with chlorine to form ionic chlorides
2Na + Cl2 → NaCl
A few reactive metals react with hydrogen to form ionic metal hydrides.
2Na + H2 → 2NaH
(iii) Non-metals react with oxygen to form acidic oxides
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 12
Non-metals react with chlorine to form covalent chlorides
H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl
Non-metals react with hydrogen to form covalent hydrides.
H2 + S → H2S

Question 17.
What is homologous series. Write the properties of compounds of a homologous series.
Write the names of functional groups of alcohols, aldehydes and corboxylic acids. Draw structures of these functional groups also.
A series of carbon compounds in which the same functional group substitutes for hydrogen on a carbon chain is called a homologous series. There is a difference of – CH2 in the molecular formulae of two nearest compounds of a homologous series. Each such series has same general molecular formula and has a general scientific name. There is a difference of 14 u (unified mass) in the molecular masses of two nearest compounds of a series.
(i) As the molecular mass increases in any homologous series, the melting and boiling points increase, therefore a gradation in physical properties is observed.
(ii) The chemical properties, which are determined by the functional group, remain similar in a homologous series.
Examples of homologous series are alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes etc.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 13
(i) Alcohols:
Name of functional group:
Structure of functional group:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 14
(ii) Aldehydes:
Name of functional group:
Structure of functional group:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 15
(iii) Carboxylic acids:
Name of functional group:
Structure of functional group:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 16

Question 18.
(a) Write the reaction that occurs when glucose breaks down anaerobically in yeast.
(b) Write the mechanism by which fishes breath in water.
(c) Name the balloon like structures present in lungs. List its two functions.
(d) Name the respiratory pigment and write its role in human beings.
(a) Name the process and explain the type of nutrition found in green plants. List the raw materials required for this process. Given chemical equation for the mentioned process.
(b) Write three events that occur during this process.
(a) Break down of glucose anaerobically in yeast:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 17
(b) The fishes have special organs of breathing called ‘gills’. The fish breathes by taking in water through its mouth and forces it past the gills, the gills extract dissolved oxygen from this water which is then taken up by the blood. The water then goes out through the gills slits.

(c) The balloon like structures present in lungs are called alveoli.
Two functions:

  • The alveoli provide a surface where the exchange of gases can take place.
  • The walls of alveoli are covered by extensive network of blood vessels or capillaries in which oxygen from alveoli dissolves and are carried by the blood to the heart for pumping. In the same way, carbon dioxide from the body cells are carried by the blood capillaries to the alveoli from where it goes out of the body.

(d) In human beings, the respiratory pigment is haemoglobin which has a very high affinity for oxygen. This pigment is present in the red blood corpuscles.
(a) Green plants obtain their food by the process of photosynthesis. This mode of nutrition is called autotrophic nutrition. This type of nutrition involves the intake of simple inorganic materials from the environment and use an external energy source like the sun to synthesise complex high energy organic material. The process by which green plants make their own food (glucose) using inorganic material like carbon-dioxide and water by using sunlight energy is called photosynthesis.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 18

(b) Events that occur during photosynthesis:
(i) Absorption of sunlight energy by chlorophyll.
(ii) Conversion of light energy into chemical energy and splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by light energy.
(iii) Reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen to form carbohydrates like glucose by utilising the chemical energy (obtained by the transformation of light energy).

Question 19.
(a) What is variation? How is variation created in a population? How does the creation of variation in a species promote survival?
(b) Explain how, offspring and parents of organisms reproducing sexually have the same number of chromosomes.
(a)• The difference in the characters among individuals of a species is called variation.

• A basic event in reproduction is the creation of a DNA copy. Cells use chemical reactions to build copies of their DNA. The DNA in the cell nucleus is the information source for making proteins. If the information is changed, different proteins will be made. Different proteins will eventually lead to altered body designs. This causes variations among the population.

• The great advantage of variation to a species is that it increases the chances of its survival in a changing environment. For example, the accumulation of heat resistant variation in some bacteria will ensure its survival even when the temperature in its environment rises too much due to heat wave. On the other hand, the bacteria which did not have variation to withstand heat would not survive.

(b) In sexual reproduction, organisms produce gametes through a special type of division, meiosis – reductional division, in which the original number of chromosomes becomes half. These two gametes then combine to form the zygote and original number of chromosomes is restored as in the case of human beings.

Question 20.
(a) What is presbyopia? State its cause. How is it corrected?
(b) State the functions of the following in human eye: 5
(i) Iris, (ii) Pupil
(a) Presbyopia is a defect of vision due to which an old person cannot see nearby as well as far off objects clearly due to loss of power of accommodation of the eye. Causes: Presbyopia occurs in old age due to gradual weakening of the ciliary muscles and diminishing flexibility of the eye-lens. The near point of the old person having presbyopia gradually recedes and becomes much more than 25 cm away. Correction: Presbyopia defect is corrected by using spectacles having bi-focal lens.

(b) Function of iris in human eye. Iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
Function of pupil in human eye. The amount of light entering the eye can be controlled by the pupil. If the intensity of outside light is low, then the pupil expands to allow more light to enter the eye. On the other hand, if outside intensity of light is high, then the pupil contracts so that less light enters the eye.

Question 21.
(a) What are magnetic field lines? How is the direction of magnetic field at a point in a magnetic field determined using field lines?
(b) Why do two magnetic field lines never cross each other?
(c) Where is the magnetic field strength maximum in the magnetic field of a bar magnet?
(a) Magnetic field lines are the lines drawn in a magnetic field along which a north magnetic pole would move. Magnetic field lines are also known as magnetic lines of force. Direction of magnetic field lines is determined by the following activity.
A bar magnet is placed on a sheet of paper and its boundary is marked with a pencil. A magnetic compass is brought near the N-pole of the bar magnet. It is observed that N-pole of magnet repels the N-pole of compass needle due to which the tip of the compass needle moves away from the N-pole.

Thus a magnetic field pattern is obtained around a bar magnet. Each magnetic field line is directed from the north pole of a magnet to its south pole. The field lines are closest together at the two poles of the bar magnet. The strength of magnetic field is indicated by the degree of closeness of the field lines. So the magnetic field is the strongest near the poles.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 19

(b) If two field lines cross each other at any point then at that point, direction of magnetic field will be in two directions which is not possible. Field direction at any point is only in one direction.
(c) Magnetic field strength is maximum near the poles of the bar magnet. Near the poles field lines are very closely packed.

Section – B

Question 22.
In the laboratory of a school, the sample of hard water is not available “to study the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water”. Which salt from the laboratory can be added to tap water to make it hard? In the experiment how is cleaning capacity of soap compared?
Calcium and Magnesium salts (like CaCl2, MgCl2) are added to the tap water to make it hard.
• Take 10 ml of soft water (tap water) in a test tube and 10 ml of hard water (just prepared above) in a separate test tube. Add few drops of soap solution in both the test tubes. It is observed that, the test tube containing soft water produces large amount of foam but the test tube with hard water will have white and curdy appearance of precipitate.

• Soap does not give lather with hard water as it reacts with the calcium and magnesium iens present in hard water to form insoluble precipitates of calcium and magnesium salts of fatty acids.

• The scum (or precipitate) formed by the action of hard water on soap sticks to the clothes being washed and it interferes with the cleaning ability of soap. This makes the cleaning of clothes difficult.

CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Question 23.
In a school laboratory the students are studying the properties of ethanoic acid through certain experiments. How can they test its acidic nature? Give two tests.

  • Ethanoic acid turns blue litmus solution to red.
  • Ethanoic acid gives orange colour with universal indicator.
  • Ethanoic acid remains colourless in phenolphthalein.
  • On adding solid sodium carbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate, brisk effer-vescence is observed.

Question 24.
Draw a labelled diagram of the experimental set up for the study of liberation of carbon dioxide gas during respiration.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 20

Question 25.
Draw diagrams showing reproduction in yeast in proper sequence.
This process is known as Budding method of Asexual Reproduction. Diagram:
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 21

Question 26.
While tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab a student tabulated his observations. If in his experiment for two readings he takes two values of ∠i as 40° and 50°, what should be the correct values of ∠e and ∠r in each case?
Draw a labelled ray diagram for the formation of image by a convex lens of focal length 15 cm when the object is placed at a distance of 25 cm from the lens. Determine the size of the image formed, if size of the object is 4 cm.
Case I.
When ∠i = 40°
then ∠e = 40°
∠r < 40° or ∠r = 23°
∵ ∠i = ∠e
\(\frac { sin (i) }{ sin (r) }\) = Constant

Case II:
When ∠i = 50°
∠e = 50°
∠r < 50° or ∠r = 30°
Convex lens
f = +15 cm;
u = -25 cm;
h1 = 4 cm
\(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) – \(\frac { 1 }{ u }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ f }\)
⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) – \(\frac { 1 }{ -25 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 15 }\)
\(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) + \(\frac { 1 }{ 25 }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 15 }\)
⇒ \(\frac { 1 }{ v }\) = \(\frac { 1 }{ 15 }\) – \(\frac { 1 }{ 25 }\) = \(\frac { 5-3 }{ 75 }\) = \(\frac { 2 }{ 75 }\)
v = \(\frac { 75 }{ 2 }\) = 37.5 cm
\(\frac{h_2}{h_1}\) = \(\frac{v}{u}\)
⇒ \(\frac{h_2}{4}\) = \(\frac{75}{2 \times(-25)}\)
h2 = \(\frac{-75}{2 \times 25}\) × 4 = -6 cm
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 22
A real and inverted image of 6 cm is formed at 37.5 cm away from the lens on the other side of die object.

Question 27.
You have following material:
An ammeter (0 – 1A), a voltmeter (0 – 3V), a resistor of 20 Ω, a key, a rheostat, a battery of 3 V and seven connecting wires.
Using this material draw a labelled circuit diagram to study the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it.
An ammeter (0-1 A), a voltmeter (0-3V), a resistor of 20 Ω, a key, a rheostat, a battery of 3 V and seven connecting wires.
CBSE Class 10 Science Question Paper 2018 (Delhi & Outside Delhi) with Solutions Img 23

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Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle


Students enjoy working on Mridang Class 2 English Worksheets Chapter 1 My Bicycle as they make learning fun and interactive.

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle.
It runs on the land. The main parts of a bicycle are:
the handle, the rims, the frame and the pedals.
A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 1

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Let us Speak

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 2

Now answer the following questions:

1. Do you have a bicycle?
2. Where have you seen a bicycle?
3. What does the bicycle have?
4. What colour is your bicycle?
5. Who generally ride it?

Let us Match

Match the vehical with its name

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 3

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Let us Speak

When a word begins with a consonant sound, we should write an in front of it.

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 4

Let us Write

Write the names of the parts of the bicycle in the given boxes.
Use the help box for selecting names.

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 5

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

Let us Think

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 7

Let its Write

1. Complete the following sentences:

(a) Bicycle is a two wheeled _____
(b) The child in the poem has a _____bicycle.
(c) The bell goes _____
(d) The seat is _____ in colour.

vehicle, red, blue, trin.., trin…

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle

2. How do you ride a bicycle?

Put a tick (✓) for the correct sentences and a cross (✗) for the incorrect sentences.
(a) The child has are bicycle.
(b) The sound of the bicycle makes people move aside.
(c) Bicycle is a machine.
(d) The child puts on a big helmet while riding the bicycle.

A bicycle is a means of transportation. It is a two wheeled vehicle 8

The post Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 1 My Bicycle appeared first on Learn CBSE.

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल


Students can benefit from Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल by practicing regularly and seeking help when needed.

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Sarangi Chapter 26 बादल

बातचीत के लिए :

प्रश्न 1.
बारिश आने से पहले कैसा मौसम होता है?
उत्तर :
बारिश आने से पहले मौसम बहुत सुहावना होता है।

प्रश्न 2.
बारिश कैसे होती है?
उत्तर :
सूरज की गरमी से सागर, नदी, नालों आदि का पानी भाप बनकर उड़ जाता है। यह भाप ऊपर जाकर बादल बन जाती है। बादल इन बूँदों को बारिश के रूप में बरसाता है। इस प्रकार बारिश होती है।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

प्रश्न 3.
आपको बारिश के मौसम की सबसे अच्छी बात क्या लगती है?
उत्तर :
बारिश के मौसम में सारे पेड़-पौधे नहाकर साफ़-सुथरे हो जाते हैं- मुझे बारिश के मौसम की यह बात सबसे अच्छी लगती है।

प्रश्न 4.
क्या बारिश से कभी कोई परेशानी भी होती है?
उत्तर :
हाँ, जगह-जगह पानी भरने से बहुत परेशानी होती है।

कविता के आधार पर उत्तर लिखिए-

प्रश्न :

  1. बादल कैसे बरसते हैं? __________________
  2. मोर कैसे नाचते हैं? _________________
  3. हवा कैसे चलती है? _________________

उत्तर :

  1. बादल कैसे बरसते हैं? कलकल छलछलकरतेहुए बादल बरसते “हैं।
  2. मोर कैसे नाचते हैं? मगन मन मोर झूम झूमकरनाचते हैं।
  3. हवा कैसे चलती है? हवा सर-सर करके चलती है।

चित्रकारी और लेखन :

जब आसमान में बादल हों, आसमान को ध्यान से देखिए। आपको कौन-कौन से आकार दिखाई देते हैं? इन बादलों के आकारों के चित्र अपनी कॉपी में बनाइए। आसमान और बादलों के बारे में कुछ वाक्य भी लिखिए।
उत्तर :
मुझे फूल, घोड़ा, भालू, हाथी और पेड़ जैसे आकार दिखाई देते हैं।

आसमान –

  1. आसमान नीले रंग का होता है।
  2. मुझे आसमान में उड़ते पंछी बहुत अच्छे लगते हैं।
  3. आसमान में रात को बहुत-से तारे होते हैं।
  4. कभी-कभी आसमान में काले बादल भी छा जाते हैं।

बादल –

  1. बादल बहुत-से रंगों के होते हैं जैसे सफ़ेद, भूरे, नीले और काले।
  2. बादल बहुत-से आकारों के होते हैं-छोटे-बड़े या मध्यम।
  3. बादल देखकर मोर झूमकर नाचता है।
  4. काले बादलों में पानी होता है।

(नोट: विद्यार्थी अपनी लिखी आकृतियों (आकारों) के चित्र अपनी कॉपी पर बनाएँ।)

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

शब्दों का खेल :

प्रश्न 1.
‘बादल’ शब्द सुनने पर आपको बिजली, मोर आदि की तरह अन्य कौन से शब्द याद आते हैं? इन शब्दों को लिखिए और आपके शब्द ‘बादल’ शब्द से कैसे जुड़ते हैं, सभी को बताइए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 1
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 8

उत्तर :

  • बिजली – बादल आते हैं तो बिजली भी चमकती है।
  • मोर – बादल देखकर नाचता है।
  • छाता – बादल जो वर्षा करते हैं उसे बचाता है।
  • नदी – बारिश के कारण पानी बढ़ जाता है।
  • बारिश – बादल बारिश लाते हैं।
  • नाव – हम सब कागज़ की नाव तैराते हैं।
  • रेनकोट – मैं रेनकोट पहनकर स्कूल जाता हूँ।
  • अँधेरा – काले बादल अँधेरा कर देते हैं।
  • इन्द्रधनुष – बादलों के कारण बारिश के बाद बहुत बार इन्द्रधनुष दिखाई देता है।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

प्रश्न 2.
मिलान कीजिए और नए शब्द बनाइए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 2
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 9

प्रश्न 3.
कविता में देखकर सही शब्द चुनकर लिखिए-

  1. हवा _______ लाती सर-सर।
  2. नन्हें जल-कण गए ______ बन।
  3. _______ मगन मन, _______ छननछन।
  4. बरसे _______ कलकल छलछल।
  5. तैर चली _______ की नैया कागज़ की नैया _______ उठाकर _______ गया।

उत्तर :

  1. हवा पकड़कर लाती सर-सर।
  2. नन्हें जल-कण गए भाप बन।
  3. मोर मगन मन, धूम ‘छननछन।
  4. बरसे बादल कलकल छलछल।
  5. तैर चली कागज़ की नैया कागज़ की नैया पूँछ उठाकर भागी गया।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

प्रश्न 4.
इन शब्दों को पढ़िए। बच्चों और वस्तुओं के नामों को अलग-अलग लिखिए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 3
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 10

प्रश्न 5.
नीचे दिए गए चित्रों का मिलान सही शब्द से कीजिए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 5
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 12

लेखन :

चित्र देखिए और दिए गए शब्दों से रिक्त स्थानों को भरिए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 4
उत्तर :
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 11

पहेली :

1. काली भूरी नीली है,
लाल गुलाबी पीली है,
बरखा से यही बचाती है,
धूप नहीं आ पाती है।
रहती है सिर के ऊपर,
फैली रहती है तन कर,
सुंदर-सी है, जानो तुम,
अपने सिर पर तानो तुम।

2. ऊपर देखो उड़ा जा रहा,
मुड़ा जा रहा अब ये,
लेकिन वापस भी आएगा,
मगर न जानें कब ये।
आसमान में उड़ जाता है,
डैने कितने भारी,
क्या चिड़िया है,
अरे नहीं, यह काफ़ी बड़ी सवारी।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 6
उत्तर :
हवाई जहाज़

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

चित्रकारी और लेखन :

प्रश्न :
नीचे दिए गए चित्र में रंग भरिए। चित्र के आधार पर पाँच से छह वाक्य लिखिए-
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 7
उत्तर :
छात्र चित्र में रंग भरें।
Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 13

Sarangi Class 2 Hindi Chapter 26 बादल Summary

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Chapter 26 बादल कविता का सार

कवि कहते हैं कि आसमान में काले-काले, पानी से भरे बादल आ गए हैं। ये कैसे आए होंगे? हवा इन्हें पकड़कर लाती है। ये आकाश में काले कंबल की तरह लगते हैं। ये बादल दिखने में कितने सुंदर लगते हैं।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 14

इनके अलग-अलग आकार हैं, कोई पेड़ों जैसे, कोई भेड़ों जैसे, कोई चलते घोड़े मानों हाथी के जोड़ों में बदल जाते हैं। ये नन्हें-नन्हें जल-कण सूरज की गरमी से भाप बनकर उड़कर आकाश में चले जाते हैं, ठंडक पाकर बादल बन जाते हैं और फिर बरस पड़ते हैं। बारिश हो जाती है। बादल गड़गड़ की आवाज करते हुए चढ़ आते हैं। बिजली चमकती है और अँधेरे में रास्ता दिखाती है। मोर मगन होकर झुमकर नाचता-गाता है। बादल बरसता है, बच्चे कागज़ की नाव चलाते हैं और गाय पूँछ उठाकर भागती है।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल 15

शब्दार्थ :

  • कंबल – ऊनी धागों से बुनी हुई एक प्रकार की मोटी चादर जिसे अधि कतर ओढ़ा जाता है।
  • नन्हे – छोटे।
  • जल-कण – पानी की बूँदें।
  • अँधियारे – अँधेरे।
  • गैया – गाय।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Chapter 26 बादल काव्यांशों की व्याख्या

1. काले-काले, पानी वाले
आसमान में बादल आए
बोलो, कैसे आकर छाए

पेड़ों जैसे, भेड़ों जैसे
लगते जैसे चलते घोड़े
बन जाते हाथी के जोड़े

हवा पकड़कर, लाती सर-सर
छाए जैसे काले कंबल
कितने सुंदर लगते बादल

नन्हे जल-कण, गए भाप बन
उसी भाप ने ठंडक पाई
बादल बरसे, बरसा आई

व्याख्या- कवि कहता है कि ये जो आसमान में बादल आए हैं जो काले-काले और पानी से भरे हैं, आखिर कैसे छाए? आगे कहता है कि हवा इन्हें पकड़कर लाती है और यह काले कंबल की तरह छा जाते हैं। सच में बादल कितने सुंदर लगते हैं। यह अलग-अलग आकार के होते हैं। कुछ पेड़ों जैसे तो कुछ भेड़ों जैसे लगते हैं। कुछ चलते हुए घोड़े जैसे बादल चलते-चलते हाथी के जोड़े जैसे दिखने लग जाते हैं। कवि कहता है कि नन्हीं-नन्हीं जल की बूँदें सूरज की गरमी से भाप बनकर उड़ जाती है और फिर भाप बादल का रूप ले लेती है। बादल बरसता है और बारिश होती है।

Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल

2. करते गड़गड़, आते चढ़-चढ़
बिजली बादल को चमकाए
अँधियारे में राह दिखाए

बरसे बादल, कलकल छलछल
तैर चली कागज़ की नैया
पूँछ उठाकर भागी गैया।

मोर मगन मन, छूम छननछन
झूम झूमकर नाच दिखाए
खुश हो होकर गाना गाए

व्याख्या – बादल गड़गड़ की आवाज़ करते हुए आसमान में चढ़ आते हैं। ज़ोर-ज़ोर से बिजली चमकती है और बादल को चीरती हुई अँधेरी राह में उजाला कर देती है। मोर बादल को देखकर मगन होकर मस्ती में झूम-झूमकर नाचता और गाता है। बादल बरसते हैं। बच्चे कागज़ की नाव चलाते हैं और गाय पूँछ उठाकर भागती है।

The post Sarangi Hindi Book Class 2 Solutions Chapter 26 बादल appeared first on Learn CBSE.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading


Students enjoy working on Mridang Class 2 English Worksheets Chapter 2 Picture Reading as they make learning fun and interactive.

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading

Observe the picture carefully and answer the following questions
Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading 1
1. What is this place?
2. How many children arc there in the picture?
3. Who are playing?

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading


One day Jeet and Babli were playing. They played many games. Both of them skipped the rope. Then they played hide and seek. After that they played bat and ball.

Jeet threw the ball. Babli swung the bat hard. They could not find the ball. Babli rolled rags, paper and wool to make a new ball. Babli threw the ball. Jeet hit the ball hard. Babli caught the new ball. She shouted out! out!

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading 2

Complete the following sentences.

1. Babli _______the ball.
2. Jeet threw the __________
3. The ball went into _____ garden.
4. They lost the_____
5. Cricket is played with a bat and _____

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading

Let us Speak

Cricket is a game played with bat and ball. The person who hits the ball is called Batsman another person who bowls is called Bowler. A batsman can be dismissed in a number of ways, the most common being bowled, caught. leg before wicket (LBW). run out and stumped.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Name the things that you use to play.
2. What games do you like to play?
3. How do you play bat and ball?
4. Which game is played with bat and ball’?

B. Put a Tick (✓) for the correct sentences and a Cross (✗) for the incorrect sentences.

(a) Jeet threw the ball.
(b) Bablihittheball.
(c) The ball went into Ajay’s garden.
(d) They lost the ball.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading

Let us

The article ‘an’ is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o and u). A or An is called an indefinite article.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading 3

Let us Write

Conjunctions join words and phrases to make complete sentences. One of the most common conjunctions is ‘and’.
Join the following sentences by using ‘and’. One has been done for you.

1. Pooja is sitting. Pooja is eating.
Pooja is sitting and eating.

2. He hit the ball. He dropped the bat.
3. The girls went to the mall. They went to the store.
4. I had dinner. I went to sleep.
5. Rudra is tired. He want to sleep.
6. Ajay packed his bag. He went to school.
7. Ram packed his lunch. He went to the office.
8. Kiran went to market. She purchased chocolate.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 2 Picture Reading

Let us Write

Opposite words: The words having the opposite meaning are called antonyms or opposite words.

Word —- Opposite Word

1. On — Off
2. Short —-
3. Big —-
4. Low —-
5. In —-
6. Cold —-
7. Dry —-
8. Near —-
9. All —-
1o. Down —-

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Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun


Students enjoy working on Mridang Class 2 English Worksheets Chapter 3 It Is Fun as they make learning fun and interactive.

NCERT Class 2 English Mridang Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun

Let us Speak

Read the poem ‘it is Fun’ and answer the following questions:

1. If you were a dog, what would you do?
2. What activity did you do today that was really ?
3. If you meet a monkey. what would you say?
4. Imagine you are a little fish. Describe what you might see around you.
5. Fill in the blanks:
(a) If I were a bird, I would _____ (fly/cry)
(b) A cat climb on the tree. (can/can’t)

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun

Let us Write

Make as man sentences as you can from the table given below. One has been done for you.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 1

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 2

Picture Reading

Look at the picture carefully and complete the sentences.
Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 3

1. This is a scene of a ________
2. Two boys are playing with a _______
3. A girl is on the _______
4. There are children_______

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun

Let us Think

Action word tell us what people animals, things do.
Look at the picture. Circle the actions each one can do. One has been done for you.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 4

Let us Speak

Match the pictures with their names.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 5

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun

Let us Draw

Follow the steps to draw a rangoli and colour it.

Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun 6

The post Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 3 It Is Fun appeared first on Learn CBSE.

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