Ultimate Book of Accountancy Class 12 Part A Solutions – Retirement
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Practical Problems
Solution 1:
(a) New share when X retires = 2:1
New share when Y retires = 2:1
New share when Z retires = 1:1
(b) Rohan’s share 5/20 this share is taken by Sandeep and Mukesh equally 5/20 x 1/2 = 5/40 OR 1/8
New share of Sandeep = 7/20 + 1/8 = 19/40
New share of Mukesh = 8/20 + 1/8 = 21/40
New share = 19:21
Solution 2:
Share of Mohan = 7/20 this share is taken by Ramesh and Naresh equally
7/20 x 1/2 = 7/40
New share of Ramesh = 5/20 + 7/40 = 17/40
New share of Naresh = 8/20 + 7/40 = 23/40
Solution 3:
Shivam’s share = 7/20 this share is taken by Satyam and Sundram in 1:2
7/20 x1/3 = 7/60
7/20 x 2/3 = 14/60
Satyam’s new share = 8/20 + 7/60 = 31/60
Sundram’s new share = 5/20 + 14/60 = 29/60
Solution 4:
Great’s share = 6/20 this share is taken by Super and Medium in 1:1
6/20 x 1/2 = 6/40
Super’s share = 7/20 + 6/40 = 20/40
Medium’s share = 7/20 + 6/40 = 20/40
New Share = 1:1
Solution 5:
Old Share 3:2:1
Y’s share = 2/6 this share is taken by X and Y in 3:2
2/6 x 3/5 = 6/30
2/6 x 2/5 = 4/30
X’s new share = 3/6 + 6/30 = 21/30
Z’s new share = 1/6 + 4/30 = 9/30
New share = 7:3
Solution 6:
Old Share = 5:3:2
New share = 6:4
X’s Gain = 6/10 – 5/10 = 1/10
Z’s Gain = 4/10 – 2/10 = 2/10
Gain = 1:2
Solution 7:
Manish’s Gain = 5/8 – 5/10 = 5/40
Naresh’s Gain = 3/8 – 3/10 = 3/40
Gain = 5:3
Solution 8:
Jamwal’s Gain = 1/2 – 15/32 = 1/32
Gupta’s loan = – 9/32 = 7/32
Gain = 1:7
Solution 9:
Old share = 4:1:3
C’s share = 3/8
Surrender to A = 3/8 x 4/9 = 12/72
Surrender to B = 3/8 x 5/9 = 15/72
A’s new share = 4/8 + 12/72 = 48/72
B’s new share = 1/8 + 15/72 = 24/72
48: 24 i.e. 2:1
Solution 10:
Old share = 4:3:2 and new share 5:3
Gain of Verma = 5/8 – 3/9 = 21/72
Gain of Dharma = 3/8 – 2/9 = 11/72
Solution 11:
Old Share = 5:3:2
Gain share = 8,000 : 4,000 = 8:4 OR 2:1 (Gain)
Solution 12:
Old Share = 4:3:2 and new share = 5:3
A’s Gain = 5/8 – 4/9 = 13/72
C’s Gain = 3/8 – 2/9 = 11/72
A’s Capital A/c Dr. 13,000
C’s Capital A/c Dr. 11,000
To B’s Capital A/c 24,000 (72,000 x 3/9)
Solution 13:
Old share = 4:3:2
New Share 4:2 OR 2:1
Azad’s Gain = 2/3 – 4/9 = 2/9
Chandel’s Gain = 1/3 – 2/9 = 1/9
Gain 2:1
Azad’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,000
Chandel’s Capital A/c Dr. 1,000
To Bajaj’s Capital A/c 3,000 (9,000 x 1/3)
Solution 14:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share = 1:1
Mehra’s Gain = 1/2 – 3/6 = Nil
Prera’s Gain = 1/2 – 1/6 = 2/6
Prera’s Capital A/c Dr. 10,000
To Nehra’s Capital A/c 10,000
Solution 15:
Old Share = 2:2:1:1
New Share = 1:1:1
Ravi’s Gain = 1/3 – 2/6 = Nil
Naresh = 1/3 – 1/6 = 1/6
Yogesh = 1/3 – 1/6 = 1/6
Naresh’s Capital A/c Dr. 30,000
Yogesh’s Capital A/c Dr. 30,000
To Mukesh’s Capital A/c 60,000 (1,80,000 x 2/6)
Solution 16:
Old Share 4:3:1
A retires and his share 4/8 is taken over by B and C in 1:1
4/8 x = 4/16 to B and 4/8 x = 4/16 to C
B’s new share = 3/8 + 4/16 = 10/16
C’s new share = 1/8 + 4/16 = 6/16
Gain 10:6 OR 5:3
B’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,000
C’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,000
To A’s Capital A/c 4,000
Solution 17:
Old Share = 1:1:1 and New Share 3:2
P’s Gain = 3/5 – 1/3 = 4/15
Q’s Gain = 2/5 – 1/3 = 1/15
P’s Capital A/c Dr. 9,600
Q’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,400
To R’s Capital A/c 12,000 (36,000 x 1/3)
Solution 18:
Old Share = 5:3:2 and new share 2:3
Ramesh = 2/5 – 5/10 = 1/10 sacrifice
Suresh = 3/5 – 2/10 = 4/10 Gain
Suresh’s Capital A/c Dr. 48,000
To Ramesh’s Capital A/c 12,000 (1,20,000 x 1/10)
To Naresh’s Capital A/c 36,000 (1,20,000 x 3/10)
Solution 19:
Old Share = 2:1:1 and new share = 4:11
Gain of Tara = 4/15 – 1/5 = 1/15
Ravi = 11/15 – 2/5 = 5/15
Gain 1:5
Tara’s Capital A/c Dr. 6,000
Ravi’s Capital A/c Dr. 30,000
To Chander’s Capital A/c 36,000
Solution 20:
Old Share = 1:2:2 and New share 3:2
Gain of T = 3/5 – 2/5 = 1/5
U = 2/5 – 2/5 = Nil
T’s Capital A/c Dr. 12,000
To S’s Capital A/c 12,000
Solution 21:
Old share = 1:1:1 and New Share = 3:2
Gain of A = 3/5 – 1/3 = 4/15 and B = 2/5 – 1/3 = 1/15
A’s Capital A/c 3,200
B’s Capital A/c 800
To C’s Capital A/c 4,000
A’s Capital A/c 2,000
B’s Capital A/c 2,000
C’s Capital A/c 2,000
To Goodwill 6,000
Solution 22:
Old Share = 5:4:3
B retired and his share 4/12 is taken over by A and C in 1:1 4/12 x 1/2 = 4/24
A’s new share = 5/12 + 4/24 = 14/24
C’s new share = 3/12 + 4/24 = 10/24
New Share = 7:5 and Gain 1:1
Solution 23:
Ratio of 3,000 and 2,0000 is 3:2
Alay’s new share = 3/5 x 3/8 = 9/40
Now 4/8 + 9/40 = 29/40
Chandel’s new share = 2/5 x 3/8 = 6/40
now 1/8 + 6/40 = 11/40
New Share = 29:11
Ajay’s Capital A/c Dr. 3,000
Chandel’s Capital A/c Dr. 2,000
To Bajaj’s Capital A/c 5,000
P/L App. A/c Dr. 8,000
To Ajay’s Capital A/c 5,800
To Chandel’s Capital A/c 2,200
Solution 24:
Old Share = 3:2:1 and new share = 1:2
Gain = X = 1/3 – 3/6 = 1/6
Sacrifice Y = 2/3 – 2/6 = 2/6 OR 1/3 Gain
Y’s Capital A/c Dr. 10,000
To X’s Capital A/c 5,000
To Y’s Capital A/c 5,000
Solution 25:
Old Share = 4:3:2 and new share 5:3
Gain = N = 5/8 – 4/9 = 13/72 and S = 3/8 – 2/9 = 11/72
Solution 26:
Old Share 3:2:1 and new share 5:1
Gain of Tanya = 5/6 – 3/6 = 2/6 OR 1/3
Bhawna = 1/6 – 1/6 = Nil
Solution 27:
Old Share = 1/2:1/3:1/6 OR 3:2:1 and new share 3:2 and Gain = 3:7
Solution 28:
Old Share = 1:1:1 and New Share 1:1 and Gain = 1:1
Solution 29:
Old Share = 3:2:1
new Share = 3:1 and Gain 3:1
Solution 30:
Old Share 1/2 : 1/3: 1/6 OR 3:2:1
New Share = 3:2 and Gain 3:2
Solution 31:
Old Share = 3:2:1
New Share 3:1 and Gain 3:1
Revaluation Account
Solution 32:
Old Share 2:2:1
New Share 2:1 and Gain 2:1
Solution 33:
Old Share 3:3:2
New Share 3:2 and Gain 3:2
Solution 34:
Old Share = 4:3:2
New Share 4:2 OR 2:1 Gain 2:1
Solution 35:
Old Share 5:3:2 and New Share 3:2 Gain = 1:2
Solution 36:
Old share = 3:2:1
New Share = 3:1 and Gain share 3:1
Solution 37:
Old Share = 2:2:1
New share = 5:3 Gain 9:7
Solution 38:
Old share = 5:3:2
New share 2:1 Gain 5:4
Solution 39:
Old share 1/2 : 1/3: 1/6 OR 3:2:1
New share 2:1 Gain 2:1
Solution 40:
Old Share 2:2:1
New Share 2:1 and Gain 2:1
Solution 41:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share 2:1 and Gain 2:1
Solution 42:
Solution 43:
Old Share 5:3:2
New Share 5:2 Gain 5:2
Solution 44:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share 2:1 Gain 2:1
Solution 45:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share 3:1 Gain 3:1
Solution 46:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share 3:2 and Gain 3:7
Solution 47:
Old Share = 5:3:2
New share 3:2 Gain 3:2
Solution 48:
Old Share 5:3:2
New Share 3:2 and Gain 1:2
Solution 49:
Old Share 1:1:1
New Share 5:3 Gain 7:1
Solution 50:
Old Share 3:2:1
New share 3:1 and Gain 3:1
Solution 51:
Old share 1/2 : 3/10: 1/5 OR 5:3:2 Gain 5:1
Solution 52:
Old Share 3:2:1
New Share 2:1 ……….. only A is Gainer partner and B No sacrifice or gain
Solution 53:
Old Share 3:2:1
New share 5:4 and Gain 1:2
Solution 54:
Old Share 5:3:2
New Share 3:2 and Gain 1:2
Solution 55:
Old Share 1/2: 1/6: 1/3 OR 3:1:2 and Gain 3:1
Solution 56:
Old share 3:1:1
New Share 3:1 and Gain 3:1
Solution 57:
Old Share 4:2:2 OR 2:1:1
New Share 2:1 and Gain 2:1
Solution 58:
Old Share 24:18:12 OR 4:3:2
New share 5:3 and Gain 13:11
Solution 59:
Old share 2:2:1
New share 3:1 Gain 7:1
Solution 60:
Old share 4:3:2
New share 2:1 Gain 2:1
Solution 61:
Old Share 4:3:1
Y’s share taken by X and Z in 4:5
X’s Gain = 3/8 x 4/9 = 12/72 and Z = 1/8 x 5/9 = 15/72
X’s new share = 4/8 + 12/72 = 48/72
Z’s new share = 1/8 + 15/72 = 24/72
New Share of X and Z 2:1
Brilliant Problems
Solution 1:
Old Share 1/2 : 1/3: 1/6 OR 3:2:1
New Share 2:1 and Gain 2:1
Solution 2:
Old Share 1/2 : 1/3: 1/6 OR 3:2:1
new Share 3:1 and Gain 3:1
Solution 3:
Old Share 3:3:2
New Share 3:2 Gain 3:2
Solution 4:
Solution 5:
Old Share 76:57:38 OR 4:3:2
New Share 3:2 and Gain 3:2
Solution 6:
Old Share = 4:6:4 OR 2:3:2
New Share 3:4 given and Gain only Usha is gainer.
Solution 7:
Solution 8:
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