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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Social Science – Paper 5


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Social Science – Paper 5

(For Annual Board Examinations to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards)
Based on the latest syllabus and design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi…

Strictly based on the Remodelled Scheme of Assessment, the Latest Syllabus and Design of the Question Paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


Question 1.A:
When was Ireland forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom? [1]
In 1801


Question 1.B:
To control Southeast Asia, in which year Japan occupied Vietnam?

Question 2.A:
Why did Germania wear a crown of oak leaves? [1]
Because the German Oak stands for heroism.


Question 2.B:
Name a Hollywood movie which reflected the moral confusion that the US-Vietnam war had caused in the US? [1]
‘Apocalypse’ (1979) by John Ford Cappola.

Question 3:
Name two public sector industries. [1]
(i) Bharat Heavy Electronic Ltd. (BHEL)
(ii) Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL)

Question 4:
Where was the first jute mill in India set up? [1]
At Rishra near Kolkata in 1859.

Question 5:
Where is Naharkatiya oil refinery situated? [1]

Question 6:
What is the most distinctive feature of democracy? [1]
The most distinctive feature of democracy is that its examination never gets over. As it passes one test, it produces another test.

Question 7:
Which sector has the largest number of underemployed persons? [1]
Primary Sector.

Question 8.A:
Explain the role of women in the nationalist struggles of Europe. [3]
The issue of extending political rights to women was a controversial one within the liberal movement, in which large numbers of women had participated actively over the years. Women had formed their own political associations, founded newspapers and taken part in political meetings and demonstrations. Despite this, they were denied suffrage during the elections to the Assembly. When the Frankfurt Parliament convened in the Church of St. Paul, women were admitted only as observers to stand in the visitors’ gallery.


Question 8.B:
What was Phan Chu Trinh’s objective for Vietnam? How were his ideas different from those of Phan Boi Chau?
The objectives of the two nationalists, Phan Chu Trinh and Phan Boi Chau, were different from each other.
Phan Chu Trinh (1871 – 1926) did not want to resist the French with the aid of monarchy. He was influenced by the Western idea of democracy and wanted to set up a democratic republic of Vietnam.
Phan Boi Chau (1867 – 1940) went on to form a revolutionary society with Prince Cuong De. So, we can say that Phan Boi Chau favoured monarchy and Phan Chu Trinh favoured a republic.

Question 9:
What was the cause of disagreement between the Congress-led Non-Cooperation Movement and the peasants’ and workers’ movements? [3]
The Congress under Gandhiji believed in achieving ‘Swaraj’ by peaceful means and total non-violence. He believed Satyagraha, truth and non-violence. He believed in non-cooperation with British regime.
The peasants and workers, though believed in Gandhi’s Swaraj, khadi and boycott, did not believe in non-violence. They turned violent to gain their aims, which went against the Congress creed. The violence at Chauri-Chaura led to suspension of the Non-Cooperation movement.

Question 10:
Explain the importance, occurrence and distribution of petroleum in India. [3]
(i) Petroleum is the next major energy source in India after coal.
(ii) Petroleum occurrence in India are associated with anticlines and fault traps in the rock formations of the tertiary age.
(iii) About 63 percent of India’s petroleum production is from Mumbai High, 18 percent from Gujarat and 16 percent from Assam. Ankleshwar is the most important oil field of Gujarat while Assam is the oldest oil producing state in India.

Question 11:
How are agriculture and industries interdependent on each other? Explain any three points. [3]
Agriculture and industry go hand in hand.
(i) The agro-industries have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.
(ii) Agriculture needs pumps, fertilisers, insecticides, etc, which creates demand for industry to produce such items.
(iii) Competitiveness of manufacturing industries as well as efficiency of production processes are both improved.

Question 12:
How do physical and economic factors influence the distribution pattern of Indian railway network? Explain with examples. [3]
The distribution pattern of the railway network in India has been greatly influenced by physical and economic factors.
Level lands of the Northern Plains of India with high density of population, rich agricultural resources and greater industrial activity have favoured the development of railways in this region. The region, therefore, has the densest network of railways in India.
The rugged terrain of the Himalayan mountain region in the north and the north-eastern states with sparse population and lack of economic opportunities are unfavourable for construction of railway lines and railway network is lacking in these regions.

Question 13:
Political parties are rightly called the government in disguise. Justify the statement in reference to democratic politics by giving four arguments. [3]
(i) Parties contest elections. In most democracies elections are fought mainly among the candidates put up by political parties.
(ii) A party reduces a vast multitude of opinions into a few basic positions which it supports. A government is expected to base its policies on the line taken by the ruling party.
(iii) Parties play a decisive role in making laws for a country. Most of the members of a legislature belong to a party and they go by the direction of the party leadership.
(iv) Parties form and run governments. Parties recruit leaders, train them and then make them ministers to run the government in the way they want.

Question 14:
Bring out any three arguments in support of democracy as a better form of government as compared to dictatorship. [3]
Democratic government is legitimate government. It may be slow, less efficient, not always very responsive or clean but a democratic government is people’s own government. This is not true in case of dictatorship.
In a democratic government citizens have fundamental rights and duties but in dictatorship it is not so.
In a democratic form of government, the decision making process is slow. Because it follows the procedures and its decisions are more acceptable to the people. This is not seen in the dictatorship type of government.

Question 15:
What could be the two possible outcomes of politics of social divisions? [3]
The two outcomes are :
(i) Political divisions could lead to violence and disintegration of a country. Example: Yugoslavia.
(ii) They could be amicably settled in a democracy where rulers share power, and people think of themselves as nationalists and then as belonging to a religious or ethnic or linguistic group. Example : India.

Question 16:
In what ways does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of banks? Why is it necessary? [3]
The Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of formal sources of loan. For example, we have seen that the banks maintain a minimum cash balance out of the deposits they receive. The RBI monitors that the banks actually maintain the cash balance. Similarly, the RBI sees that the banks give loans not just to profit making businesses but also to small cultivators, small scale industries etc.

Question 17:
Why are transactions made in money? Explain with suitable examples. [3]
Money is accepted as a medium of exchange because the currency is authorised by the government of India. In money transactions, money can be paid for any goods or services one desires. For example : the producer of shoes may want wheat in exchange for his shoes. But he may find it difficult to find a person who is also willing to exchange his wheat for shoes. So simultaneous fulfilment of mutual wants is the first and foremost condition to buy and sell the commodity. In money transaction one can buy a commodity whenever one wants it. One does not have to wait for another person to agree to an exchange of goods.

Question 18:
Explain any three ways by which people may be exploited in the market. [3]
Consumer may be exploited in the market in the following ways :
(i) Substandard quality : Selling of medicines beyond their expiry date, supply of defective home appliances etc. are examples of activities by traders through which they sell substandard quality of goods.
(ii) Higher prices : Traders sometimes charge a price higher than the Maximum Retail Price (MRP).
(iii) Duplicate Articles : Many false and duplicate products are being sold to the consumers.

Question 19.A:
Trace the origin of Silk Route and describe its significance, [5]
The Silk Route is one of the world’s oldest and historically most important trade route which affected the cultures of China, Central Asia and the West. It had many branches leading to different regions, including ancient India. It played an important role as a means of pre-modem trade and cultural exchange between different regions.
The Romans learned about the Silk Route from the Pailhians around 53 B.C.E. They used the word “Seres” or the silk people to refer to the Chinese. The modem word “Silk Route” was coined by a German scholar, von Richthofen, in the nineteenth century. Silk was considered the most precious by the Romans even though it was only one of the many commodities that was traded between China and the world through this route.


Question 19.B:
Explain the miserable conditions of Indian weavers during the East India Company’s regime in the eighteenth century.
Once the East India Company established political power, it started asserting monopoly right to trade. It proceeded to develop a system which gave it control to eliminate all competition, control costs and ensure regular supply of cotton and silk goods. It took the following steps.
First, it eliminated the existing traders and brokers and established direct control over the weaver. It appointed a special officer called the ‘gomastha’ to supervise weavers, collect supplies and examine the quality of the clothes.
Second, it prevented the Company weavers from dealing with other buyers. They advanced loans to weavers to purchase the raw materials, after placing an order. The ones who took loans had to give their cloth to the gomastha. They could not sell it to any other trader.
Weavers took advance, hoping to earn more. Some weavers even leased out their land to devotc- all time to weaving. The entire family became engaged in weaving. But soon there were fights between the weavers and the gomasthas. The latter used to march into villages with sepoys and often beat up the weavers for delays in supply.
In many places like Carnatic and Bengal, weavers deserted their villages. In many places they revolted against the Company and its officials. Weavers began refusing to accept loans after some time, closed down their workshops and became agricultural labourers.


Question 19.C:
Mention various measures taken to decongest London in the I9th and 20th centuries.
(i) Rent control to prevent severe housing shortage.
(ii) Building a Green Belt around London as “New Lungs” for the city.
(iii) Building holiday homes in the countryside by wealthy residents of London.
(iv) Ebenezer Howard, an architect and planner, planned “Garden City” full of plants and trees where people could work as well as live. Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker designed the Garden city of New Earswick.
(v) A million houses were built by local authorities.

Question 20.A:
How did the print expose caste and class exploitation? [5]
From the late nineteenth century, issues of caste discrimination began to be written about in many printed tracts and essays. Jyotiba Phule, the Maratha pioneer of Tow caste’ protest movements, wrote about the injustices of the caste system in his Gulamgiri (1871). In the twentieth century’, B.R. Ambedkar in Maharashtra and E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker in Madras, better known as Periyar, wrote powerfully on caste and their writings were read by people all over India. Local protest movements and sects also created a lot of popular journals and tracts criticising ancient scriptures and envisioning a new and just future.
Workers in factories were too overworked and lacked the education to write much about their experiences. But Kashibaba, a Kanpur millworker, wrote and published Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal in 1938 to show the links between caste and class exploitation. The poems of another
Kanpur millworker, who wrote under the name of Sudarshan Chakr between 1935 and 1955, were brought together and published in a collection called Sacchi Kavitayen.


Question 20.B:
Describe in brief the role of novels in popularising the sense of belongingness among Indians.
(i) Imagining a heroic past was one way in which the novel helped in popularising the sense of belonging to a common nation.
(ii) Another was to include various classes in the novel so that they could be seen to belong to a shared world. Premchand’s novels, for example, were filled with all kinds of powerful characters drawn from all levels of society.
(iii) The novels promoted an understanding of different people, different values and different communities. Bhudeb Mukhopadhyay’s Anguriyo Binimoy (1857) was the first historical novel written in Bengali. It glorifies Shivaji and his many battles against the clever and treacherous Aurangzeb, the Mughal ruler. It describes how Shivaji escaped from the clutches of Aurangzeb. It helped the reader in imagining a nation full of adventure, heroism, romance and sacrifice. Shivaji became a nationalist figure fighting for the freedom of the Hindus.

Question 21:
Why has the water shortage problem aggravated in post-independent India? [5]
Intensive industrialisation and urbanisation witnessed in post-independent India have significantly contributed to the exploitation of the available fresh water resources. Industries require huge supply of water for production, cooling of machineries and for power supply in the form of hydroelectricity. Ever increasing urban centres with large and dense population and urban lifestyles have increased the domestic water requirement and power requirement. Individual groundwater pumping devices in housing complexes of big cities have aggravated the problem of depletion of water resources. Agricultural progress in the post-independence era has also eventually led to water scarcity. Irrigation in different forms to increase agricultural production exploits the available surface and groundwater sources excessively. As a result of the above mentioned reasons, the water shortage problem has aggravated in post-independent India.

Question 22:
Politics too influences the caste system. Explain giving five points. [5]
Politics in castes takes the following forms :
(i) Each caste tries to widen its base to gain majority. It starts including neighbouring castes or sub-castes which were not in their group earlier.
(ii) Various caste groups form coalition with other castes or communities and thus enter into negotiations.
(iii) Many new caste groups come up in the political field like ‘backward’ and ‘forward caste groups’.
(iv) Politicisation of caste is quite common during elections in our country
(v) Political parties appeal to the caste sentiments to influence voters to vote for them.

Question 23:
Mention some of the suggestions made to reform political parties. [5]
(i) Laws made to regulate internal politics of parties.
(ii) It should be compulsory to maintain a register of its members, hold independent inquiry in case of a party dispute and hold open elections to top party posts.
(iii) It should be mandatory to give 1/3 party tickets to women candidates. There should be a quota for women in decision making bodies.
(iv) The government or the state should help parties during elections by funding them.
(v) Expenses for petrol, paper, telephone etc. can be given. Cash can be given on the basis of votes secured by the party in the last elections.

Question 24:
Why is the tertiary sector becoming more important than other sectors in India? Give four reasons. [5]
Tertiary sector has become important in India due to
(i) Basic services like hospitals, education, post and telegraph, courts etc. are the responsibility of the government.
(ii) Demand for services such as transport, trade, storage has increased with the development of primary and secondary sectors.
(iii) Demand for tourism, shopping, private schools, private hospitals etc. increased with the increase in the level of income.
(iv) Rapid growth of service sector also benefited from external demand such as software industry and call centre services.

Question 25:
The workers in the unorganized sector need protection on the following issues: wages, safety and health. Explain with examples. [5]
In unorganized sectors workers are exploited by the private individuals because their aim is to earn more profit. They are not concerned with the safety and health of the employees. They also pay low wages to increase their profits. In such a type of organization working conditions are not good. So the protection of their rights is necessary. They can take the help of labour laws and courts. Outdated and obsolete machines installed in factories play havoc with health of workers. These need upgradation. Government should make laws and strictly implement them for benefit of workers.

Question 26:
Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. [1]
(i) Lahore (ii) Amritsar

Question 27:
Two features A and B are marked in the given outline political map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map. [1]
(A) The place where the movement of indigo cultivators took place.
(B) The place where the Indian National Congress session was held in 1927.
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Social Science - Paper 5-27
(A) Champaran
(B) Madras

Question 28:
Locate and label the following items on the same map with appropriate symbols. [3]
(i) Kanpur – Cotton Textile Industry
(ii) Bhadravati – Iron and Steel Plant
(iii) Paradip – Seaport on eastern coast
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Social Science - Paper 5-28

Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only, in lieu of Q. No. 26, 27 and 28. [5]
(28.1) Where was the 1929 session of Congress held?
(28.2) Name a thermal power plant in Orissa (Odisha).
(28.3) In which state Amritsar is situated.
(28.4) Naharkatia is famous for what?
(28.5) Where is Bokaro steel plant located?
(28.1) Lahore
(28.2) Talcher
(28.3) Punjab
(28.4) Oilfield
(28.5) Jharkhand

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