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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 English Communicative – Paper 5


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 English Communicative – Paper 5

(For Annual Board Examinations to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards)
Based on the latest syllabus and design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi…

Strictly based on the Remodelled Scheme of Assessment, the Latest Syllabus and Design of the Question Paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.



Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8]


All of us have seen the inside of a hospital some time or the other. Hospitals have a special smell of their own and seem very busy all the time. But how did the idea of setting up a special place for sick people ever come about?
The ancient Greeks used the temples of their Gods of healing as resting places for the sick. So too, did the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the ancient Indians.
The Romans especially, began to realise the need for hospitals. They were always at war, and their soldiers needed care and treatment.
The idea of hospitals caught on, and slowly they passed into the charge of the Church. By the 4th century, Church Hospitals had begun.
Centuries passed. By the 17 th century, public hospitals were founded in Britain by rich citizens who wished to serve the public.
The hospital, as we see today, began to evolve only around the 19th century. People began to live in better conditions. They felt the needfor more cleanliness and better expert care. In the past, nuns and other members of the Church had done the nursing.
It was Florence Nightingale who began to feel the need for trained nurses to care for the sick. She began the St. Thomas‘s Hospital in England. This was the first training college for nurses ever. Hospitals soon began to have public wards and private rooms.
Today, any hospital is a vast, complex organisation. There are doctors (physicians and surgeons) and nurses, of course with a sweet smile like fairy godmothers. The enduring patience, tolerance, round the clock service etc., are all the hallmarks of an ideal doctor and a nurse. There are other staff like receptionists, records staff, hospital managers etc. They even have a pharmacy. Today many of the hospitals offer a homely environment to the patients by providing T. V, telephone, etc., in their rooms.
Big hospitals could have porters, orderlies, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, security – whew! Doesn’t that sound like a small town in itself?
But whatever the case be, still visiting a hospital remains nightmarish for some because waiting anxiously to know what has gone wrong with our system is a nerve-racking experience.
(a) With what do you associate the inside of a hospital? [1]
(b) Egyptians and Babylonians? [1]
(c) Who first realised the need for hospitals? [1]
(d) When did church hospitals begin? [1]
(e) When and where were public hospitals founded? [1]
(f) Who began the St. Thomas’ Hospital in England? [1]
What are ideal hallmarks of an ideal doctor and a nurse? [1]
(h) Why is visiting a hospital still a nightmare? [1]
(a) We associate the inside of a hospital with special smell.
(b) They all used the temples of their Gods of healing.
(c) The Romans first realised the need for hospitals.
(d) By the 4th century, church hospitals had begun.
(e) By the 17th century, public hospitals were founded in Britain by rich citizens.
(f) Florence Nightingale began the St. Thomas’ Hospital in England.
(g) Enduring patience, tolerance, round the clock service are the hallmarks of an ideal doctor and a nurse.
(h) One has to wait anxiously to find out what is wrong with us and that is a very unpleasant experience.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [12]
Music is perhaps one of the most popular and widely practised forms of the Fine Arts, transcending all kinds of cultural and linguistic barriers. Any form of fine art is difficult to master and almost impossible to perfect and music is no exception.
Nature, it is learnt, has blessed almost two-thirds of the human race with musical ability of some sort. Music has the power to bring out the deepest emotions. It can make one cry or bring a smile on one s face. In fact it is a magic medicine and many seek refuge in it when they are depressed or stressed. It is this intimacy that makes us listen to music or even hum or sing sometimes. This singing, or realistically speaking, expressing one s emotions musically, sometimes takes a serious turn. This desire to showcase musical expression in public domain then transforms into a serious business profession. Andfrom here the musical journey begins.
This desire to sing before an audience is innocent and beautiful and indeed it is perfectly alright to have such a genuine desire. But it is also important to understand that singing is an intricate art – a highly refined one at that, which requires systematic, prolonged and rigorous training, even to pass muster. This is an aspect we forget in our keen desire to reach the stage and perform. It is almost like preparing a formal meal for some specially invited guests, without even having learnt and experienced the basic aspects of cooking. This is why we have more noise and less music in the present.
These days almost everyone sings and it does not stop here. Most of us want to become professional singers. Result, a complete disregard for and ignorance of the training part, as the need is never felt to go through one and the urge to get to the stage and perform overpowers the slight inclination to learn, if any. If at all, somewhere along the way one feels the need to gain some knowledge and training, it leads to hurried shortcuts and half-hearted attempts, best described as Crash Courses.
(a) Why does the writer say, ‘Music is no exception’? [2]
(b) When and how does a musical journey begin? [2]
(c) What all is needed to ‘pass muster’ in the art of singing before an audience? [2]
(d) What are described as ‘Crash Courses’? [2]
(e) Why is there more noise and less music in the present, according to the writer? [1]
(f) What is the result of everyone wanting to become professional singers? [1]
(g) Which word in the passage means ‘complicated’? [1]
(h) Give a synonym for ‘refuge’. [1]
(a) All fine arts require hard work and practice. It is impossible to achieve perfection. Music is also a fine art and difficult to master.
(b) When we want to seriously express our emotion through music before the public, the journey begins.
(c) Prolonged and rigorous training and to present the art of singing in a systematic way is needed even to pass muster in music.
(d) When we take shortcuts or make half-hearted attempts, instead of training, it is described as Crash Courses.
(e) In our desire to reach the stage and perform, we ignore rigorous training. It results in our music being more noise and less music.
(f) There is a total disregard for and ignorance of the training part.
(g) Intricate.
(h) Shelter.


Question 3:
Commonwealth Games was the ideal platform to attract foreign tourists, but corruption, news of floods and the outbreak of dengue have spelled disaster for any such hope. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper regarding the prospect of decline in tourism. Include all the necessary details. (120 words) [8]
18-C, Golf Links
New Delhi- 18
12 September, 20XX

The Editor,
The Times of India
New Delhi


Subject: Increase in Tourism during Commonwealth Games

I wish to express my views regarding the lukewarm interest that Commonwealth games are generating in the sporting and tourism fields. To be honest, the image of India or Delhi Games has taken a beating internationally. Media reports of delayed infrastructure, lack of preparation, and the recent dengue outbreak have only underlined the original concerns about security.

The Organising Committee initially was expecting about 7,000 athletes but now the number has declined. Even star athletes have backed out in some cases. India has sadly missed out on the unique opportunity to cash upon such an event. Not only there is a loss of foreign exchange but the artisans and merchandisers also suffer, whose livelihood depends on tourists. The rich cultural heritage and art has failed to gamer interest amidst negative publicity. Despite excessive expenditure on infrastructure, the expected gains don’t seem to be coming. The prospect of earning revenue and commendation seems a distant prospect. Many officials privately acknowledged that reports of venues not being ready have led to the contingents being wary of coming to India.

So, I hope the government takes note of all the views expressed and punishes the guilty for tarnishing the image of India. Real damage control policies are urgently required.

Yours faithfully,

Question 4:
Write a short story based on the visual given below in about 200-250 words. [10]
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 English Communicative - Paper 5-4


Kite-flying competition of junior section of the school was to take place on 15th September, 2014. Atul was a very bright and enthusiastic boy, who never admitted defeat. He wanted to win this competition but did not know how to do it, since he was not very adept at flying a kite. Moreover, he owned only a small blue kite. His friend Shekhar consoled him and offered to teach him. He brought his kite—a big bright green one. He taught Atul how to let the kite into the air and then tug it. Both the kites were flying in the sky, when the small blue kite said to the green one, “Please, elder sister, teach me, how to remain in air, I want to remain steady and not let down Atul.” The green one replied, “No, don’t worry, sister, hold yourself straight, feel the direction of the wind and swirl and sway.” “But I don’t want to fall down before the competition ends, or get cut.” “Sail along, remain above most of the kites, fly very high and a little away. Remain steady and all will be well,” assured the green: “It is perseverance and determination that counts.” After the practice, Atul went home, somewhat confident. On the day of the competition he felt that his kite wanted to sail above all others and remain away. To his surprise, he discovered that all other kites got entangled in electric poles or trees, others were cut and dropped down. He was declared the winner. He thanked his kite and was surprised to see a faint smile on the face of the kite. Maybe he was mistaken. Anyway, he was too happy to bother.

Question 5:
Complete the following dialogues by choosing the correct option.  [1×4 = 4]

Joan : What (a)_____________ [(i) were (ii) are (iii) will be (iv) would] you wearing for the function, today?

Anne : My blue jeans and grey top. (b)______________ [(i) What do you do? (ii) How about you? (iii) How is it? (iv) What would you do?]

Joan : I am wearing a formal dress. But I (c)______________ [(i) have to (ii) would have to could have (iv) might be] buy one as yet. Do you (d)_____________ [(i) have (ii) has (iii) know (iv) had] one to lend me?
(a) are (b) How about you? (c) have to (d) have

Question 6:
The following passage has not edited. There is an error in each line. Write down the correct word by replacing the incorrect one in the space provided. [½ x 8 = 4]
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 English Communicative - Paper 5-6
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 English Communicative - Paper 5-6s

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. [1×4 = 4]
(a) are a / common man / rising / prices / nightmare / for the.
(b) hoarding / and / are / profiteering / in our / country / rampant.
(c) scarcity / traders / create / artificial / try to.
(d) bother / to / was / he / too / happy.
(a)Rising prices are a nightmare for the common man.
(b)Profiteering and hoarding are rampant in our country.
(c)Traders try to create artificial scarcity.
(d) He was too happy to bother.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : [4]
And every tongue, through utter drought,
Was withered at the root;
We couldn’t speak, no more than if
We had been choked with soot.
(a) Identify the poetic device in the first two lines.
(b) Why were the tongues dry?
(c) What had brought such misery?
What couldn’t they do?


This was the most unkindest cut of all.
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong than traitor’s arms,
Quite vanquished him.
(a) Which cut is the most unkind, according to Mark Antony?
(b) Why does Antony make a reference to ‘ingratitude’?
(c) What was the result of the cuts?
(d) What is ingratitude compared to?
(a) The poet has used a metaphor. The dryness of the sailors’ tongues is compared to a withered root of a plant.
(b) Lack of water.
(c) The killing of the albatross had brought such misery.
(d) They couldn’t speak.


(a) Mark Antony is referring to the stabbing of Caesar by Brutus.
(b) Because Brutus had been the most trusted and dearest friend of Caesar.
(c) Caesar was killed by Brutus’ treachery rather than his stabs.
(d) It is compared to traitors’ arms.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words : [2x 4 =8]
(a) Why do you think John avoided to tell the reality of Helen to Lavinia?
(b) Why did the news of the ‘miracle recovery’ shock Michael?
(c) Why is the old woman compared to a terrible fish in the poem ‘Mirror’?
(d) How do Brutus and Cassius respond to Antony when he sees the dead body of Caesar?
(a) John was of the view that Lavinia would be scared if she knew that Helen was a ghost. He knew that Lavinia was so sensitive that even a little mouse scared her. So he did not disclose the identity of Helen.
(b) Sebastian Shultz, a boy of 14 years, had met with an accident and had gone into coma. The news of the miracle recovery shocked Michael because the same boy was giving Michael instructions to retrieve him when Michael played psycho-drive games.
(c) Sylvia Plath chose the metaphor of the fish because seeing her own reflection leads to self loathing and she sees less of the young girl and more of the old woman in the mirror. The fish is a symbol of creature’s inability of escape from the sea of time. The poet feels the same when caught in the cruel jaws of time.
(d) Both Brutus and Cassius request Antony not to plead for his own death. They offer him authority and good position and ask for his support in the murder of Caesar.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words : [8]

Imagine you are Lucia, and you are deeply touched by the care and love showered on you by your two brothers. Write what lesson of love and faith can people at large learn from them.


“They just got hold of some people, got them to go through certain motions, paid them for their labours and forgot all about it. Paid them, yes, but how much? Ten, fifteen, twenty rupees? It is true that he needed money very badly, but what was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication?”
The character of Patol Babu portrays that personal satisfaction in one’s work is more rewarding than materialistic gains. Highlighting these values write a few lines on ‘Hard work never goes unrewarded.’
My two brothers Nicola and Jacopo have just left after paying me a visit. Their visit always gives me a boost because they are so vibrant and full of energy and have taken such good care of me that I have recovered completely. I know they have worked hard to provide me with medical care and fruits and have gone without proper food and clothing. Their deprived and rugged faces and worn clothes make their sacrifices so poignant yet their faces always shine with hope and love. I am so lucky to have such affectionate and sacrificing brothers. I wish other boys and girls were also like them, then how much better our society would be.


Every religion, every leader, every literary work lays great emphasis on ‘hard work’. Nothing can be gained or achieved without sincere perseverance and continuous hard work. Our history is replete with instances of hard work which ultimately brought success. Einstein made thousands of experiments, Edison discarded so many theories till he discovered the electric bulb. In our own mythology, Kalidas, an illiterate man, after studying, became our greatest dramatist. The achievements of Helen Keller and Booker T. Washington are results of hard work and perseverance. People who do not give up in the middle, who continue trying, who are sincere in their work, achieve greatness.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 200-250 words : [10]

There was one person in the Annexe with whom Anne could never get along — Mr Dussel. Do you agree with Anne’s views about them? Give reasons for your answer.


What do you learn about Anne from her description of her constant skirmishes with her Maths teacher?


Give a brief character sketch of Helen’s father.


What were the other sources of amusement to Helen, besides reading books?
Mr Dussel joined the occupants of the Annex on Monday, 16 November, 1942. He was a dentist by profession and Miep brought him as the 8th member to the Annexe. He had to share Anne’s room, which she didn’t mind. He surprised Anne by immediately asking a lot of questions and told everyone a lot of stories about the outside world. But soon he started annoying her by calling out “Ssh-ssh” to her at night even when she tried to turn over. On Sundays he woke up early to do his exercises and made enough noise to disturb her sleep. Soon he angered her by giving her long sermons on manners. He branded her as the worst behaved of the three young people. On top of it he would tattle against her to her mother, who lectured her at once. Then, the big fight, over the use of writing table, infuriated Anne. Mr Dussel insulted, abused Anne and she ended up by thinking of him as pedantic and small-minded. He joined Mrs van Daan in pouncing Anne at the slightest opportunity. He irritated her by his manners at the dinner table, where he ate enormous meals. He then would occupy the lavatory for so long without any heed to other people’s need. He endangered the lives of the occupants by asking Miep to bring a forbidden book for him, one which abuses Hitler and Mussolini. She was chased by an scar but escaped.

Dussel made remarks like, “Anne’s second home”, when she visited Peter. He made a great commotion when one of his cushions were taken up by Peter and Anne. Peter put two hard brushes in his cushion as revenge. Dussel quarreled with Mr van Daan and was not on speaking terms with her father.

Mr Dussel was old, perhaps old fashioned, who could not stand being answered back rudely. Anne was harsh with him because he constantly criticised her, gave her sermons on behaviour and sneaked remarks about her to her mother. He seemed to be an old man set in his habits, rather selfish and with no understanding of the young people — specially whom he considered rude.


Anne got along well with most of her teachers, except Mr Keesing who taught Maths to her. She called him an ‘old fogey’ who got mad at her constant chattering in class. Inspite of many warnings. Anne continued to talk in his class. Mr Keesing was forced to give her extra homework — an essay on the subject “A Chatterbox.” Anne was worried and in the evening wanted to give convincing arguments to prove necessity of talking and not just ramble. She was struck with an idea and wrote three pages. She argued that talking is a female trait, and inspite of her best efforts, she could not break this habit since her mother talked as much as she did if not more and she could not do anything about inherited traits! Mr Keesing had a good laugh at her arguments, but Anne kept on talking in his class. He gave another assignment to her on “An Incorrigible Chatterbox”. Mr Keesing had nothing to complain about for two more days. But his patience ran out after the third day and as punishment he asked Anne to write an essay entitled, “Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox”. The class laughed, and Anne too. But she was worried she had exhausted all her ideas on this subject. She had to do something original. Her friend Sanne came to her rescue. She offered to write the essay in verse. Anne was overjoyed. She would now turn the joke on Mr Keesing! She wrote a beautiful poem about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings. The baby ducklings were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily for Anne, Mr Keesing had a sense of humour! He enjoyed the poem, read it aloud in class and to several other classes. He let Anne talk in class without writing extra essays! Anne’s skirmishes with her Maths teacher revealed that Anne had a flair for writing even at thirteen. She had a sense of humour and a sense of fun. She could take punishments in her stride. All this was later revealed by her diary entries — thoughtful, amusing, and an ability to portray people.


Since Helen was the first baby in the family, she was greatly loved and petted. Helen affectionately remembered that her father had been so excited during her naming ceremony that he was confused regarding the name that had been decided for Helen. Helen’s father was greatly devoted to his family and he hardly ever left them, except in the hunting season. He was a great hunter and known for his shooting ability. He loved his dogs and took great care of them. His hospitality was well-known and he brought lots of guests with him. He was extremely proud of his garden and brought the first ripe grapes and berries for Helen. Helen remembered her father’s affectionate caresses and it relieved her pain. He was an excellent storyteller and spelt the nicest jokes in Helen’s hands. In 1896, when Helen was in the north, enjoying the beautiful summers, Helen’s father expired. This was Helen’s first personal experience with death and she couldn’t recover from this tragic circumstance. Helen could remember how great had been her father’s happiness, when Helen had learned to speak. Her father had made great efforts to find a tutor for Helen, despite the indifference of the family.
If Helen made a mark in life and learned a few skills, then a lot of credit went to her father who left no stone unturned to educate Helen.


During the rainy days Helen kept busy indoors, amusing herself like other girls of her age. She liked to knit, crochet or play a game of chess with her friends. She also loved playing solitaire with playing cards. Helen enjoyed the company of little children, the best. Their prattle, frolic and interests pleased her immensely. They could not spell in her hands, nor could Helen read their lips but their happiness gave great joy to Helen. Helen could not play ‘dumb show’ with them and her mistakes would let the little children to burst into noisy laughter.

Helen was very interested in going to Museums and art stores and these visits were very inspiring to her. She traced every line and curve with her finger tips and could sense the emotions of the artist. She was particularly impressed with them medallion of Homer, the blind poet and could imagine his glorious songs. Helen was also fond of visiting the theatre. She preferred and enjoyed the plays better when they were being performed, rather than reading them. She also had the privilege of meeting some great actors and actresses like Mr. Jefferson. Helen could not forget Mr. Jefferson’s enactment of the role of “Rip van Winkle”. After the play Helen was most excited to touch his flowing hair and his dress.

So Helen’s family provided all kinds of amusements to Helen and Miss Sullivan, remained her constant companion and helper in all these activities. All these amusements added to her personality and Helen enjoyed them all, despite her deprivations. Her attitude was a reminder of the fact, “There is joy in self-forgetfulness” and Helen learned to savour the best that life offered her.

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