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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 2


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 2

(For Annual Examination to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards) Based on the latest syllabi and Design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E New Delhi.

Strictly based on the Latest Scheme Of Assessement, the latest Syllabus and Design of the Question paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


SECTION A : READING                                                    (20 MARKS)

Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8]

  1. Following the advice of the committee the Delhi High Court has already barred nursery schools from conducting any kind of interviews or interaction with children or their guardians during the admission process, and has fixed a point system ranging from 1 to 100 on the basis of which the children could gain admissions. The court has accepted that priority should be given to children staying within 3 km radius of the schools for admissions.
  2. Children living within three kilometres of the school will be awarded 20 points and those between 4 and 10 kilometres will be awarded on a sliding scale with a minimum of 8 points being allotted to those who live 10 kilometres away. The school is given 20 points for any particular parameter a school may want to fix. It is here that schools hope to find their wiggle room.
  3. Places in a “good” school are a very scarce resource. In many schools the Principals are subject to all types of pressure to give places. Offers of bribes, threats, and bureaucratic and political pressure are commonplace. Pressure comes from every quarter. From the ‘owners’ and board members, from the friends of the management and teachers, from the senior, and sometimes not-so-senior, bureaucrats, and from politicians.
  4. Some of the schools owned by industrial houses have quotas for their management staff and, on top of this, places are often found for the siblings of their industry partners and top cus­tomers.
  5. Many schools will seek to override the 3 km neighbourhood concept and continue business as usually by using their discretionary 20 points. However, this will be tough.
  6. The parameters the school will want to fix are required to be made public and open a challenge.
  7. Some schools are already contemplating dropping their nursery sections and admitting straight into class one where they can ignore the admission standards that the court has ruled only apply to nursery classes.
  8. For those schools continuing with nursery education, the advantage given to girls by the new proposals could be problematic. All things being equal, one of the major effects will be that in future all nursery schools will have far more girls than boys.

— Abha Adams

(a) What was the decision of the Delhi High Court regarding nursery admissions?      [1]
(b) To whom priority should be given, according to the Delhi High Court?   [1]
(c) Mention the points given to children living within 3 or 10 km of the school. [1]
(d) Mention the different types of pressures faced by the principals. [1]
(e) What happens in schools owned by industrial houses? [1]
(f) Why are some schools thinking of not having a nursery section and admit
students to class one only? [1]
(g) Does each and every school follow the court’s guidelines? [1]
(h) What will be the major effect in future for all nursery schools? [1]
(a) It has barred nursery schools from conducting any kind of interviews with children or their guardians during the
admission process.
(b) It should be given to children living within 3 km radius of the schools for admission.
(c) 20 points are awarded to those within 3 km, 8 points to those who live 10 km away.
(d) Bribes, threats, political and bureaucratic pressure are faced by the principals.
(e) They have quotas for their management.
(f) They can ignore the court orders on nursery admissions and frame their own rules for class 1.
(g) No, many schools override the 3 km neighbourhood concept.
(h) The major effect will be that in future all nursery schools will have far more girls than boys.

Question 2:
A nuclearfamily consists of husband, wife and their children. The concept of a joint family where all the family members like aunt, uncle, cousins and grandparents live together contrasts with the idea of a nuclear family.
The most important advantage that attracts people to nuclear families is that the couple can have their privacy in their own home. People can live their own way and can do whatever they want to. There are no boundaries set by the elders to follow. In a joint family, the elders restrict youngsters not to do certain things because they think it is not good for them. But today s generation is very smart. They know what is good and bad for them and have enough analytical power so they don’t like to restrict themselves. Instead, they want theirfreedom so that they can do and achieve whatever they want in their life.
The advantages of jointfamilies are many. You get the complete support of family members whenever needed. You don’t have to ask for help from others if all family members are living together. Your children will not be left alone at home when you go to a job. Many burglaries take place during the daytime because nobody is present in the home, so if there is a joint family, burglary cases also decrease. You can share your joys and sorrows with them. Each and every member of the family shares their opinions and the family take a decision together. One member is not burdened with the responsibility of decision and it becomes a joint responsibility.
The basic pillar of a joint family is to have healthy and selfless moral values for all members.
In a joint family, one always gets guidance from older people. They are more experienced. They can take care of grandchildren rather than depending oh outside help. In a joint family, the elders are always there to guide and encourage us in every decision we take and their experiences make us grow wiser and become a better person. But again, it revolves around how considerate we are — how we listen to other’s point of view before considering our own. Keeping an open mind, accepting our faults and moving ahead is the best way to make a joint family an ideal family.
(a) Is it always good to ignore our elder’s advice? Give a reason. [2]
(b) Why do elders restrict youngsters to do certain things? [2]
(c) How can one create a good joint family? [2]
(d) Decision making is very important in a joint family. How? [2]
(e) Give another word of the same meaning for ‘restrict’.   [1]
(f) Find a word in the passage which means the opposite of ‘rejecting’.  [1]
(g) Give the synonym for ‘advantage’.  [1]
(h) Give the antonym for ‘encourage’.   [1]
(a) No, because our elders advise us for our safety and betterment. They could be over possessive sometimes, but we must not always take them as barriers for us.
(b) Elders have a rich experience from their past life, so they know better what the youngsters must do. Our elders are only our well-wishers, not our enemies.
(c) By listening to other people’s point of view, keeping an open mind and not being selfish.
(d) In a joint family, the members of every age group give their point of view when making any decision. It helps the family’s head to make any decision which can go in favour of the whole family.
(e) Limit
(f) Accepting
(g) Benefit
(h) Discourage.

SECTION B : WRITING AND GRAMMAR                                       (30 MARKS)

Question 3:
Nowadays the youth are taking upon themselves different roles and responsibilities. They also have varied interests. Recently you came across the following pictures in a magazine. Using the information you gather from the picture and ideas of your own, write an article on ‘The Changing Role of Youngsters’ in about 100-120 words.   [8]
SECTION B -3                                                                    The Changing Role of Youngsters

Most of the surveys conducted on youngsters are hardly flattering. They paint a sad picture of stubborn youth, out to enjoy and defy all rules and regulations.
But we have not paid enough attention to some of the new role youngsters have taken up under proper guidance. So many youngsters are showing a capability to fight for the right cause, and for peace and order. Why have we failed to notice school children adopting a village and going there regularly to teach? They have started visiting old homes to spend a day with the aged. They enthusiastically join in “planting trees and attending “Road safety weeks”. Young students in colleges take up the right causes.
So please wake up to the changing role of today’s youngsters. Encourage them to engage in useful projects. Do not be critical but tap their boundless energy for good causes.

Question 4:
Write a short story based on the outline given below in about 200-250 words. [12]

Hari — elephant mahout taking care of Manu — a grown-up elephant — for 7 years — elephant one day turns violent — attacks mahout — narrow escape.
Hari was a mahout. He had been taking care of Manu – a grown-up elephant 7 years old. Both were friendly. Hari took good care of Manu-fed him with his own hands-gave him bath and let him play with water for long hours.
Things were just going smoothly for Hari and Manu and then suddenly one day a change occurred in Manu. His ears turned red and he flapped them back-turned sideways and looked at Hari. Hari noted these alarming changes. He knew they meant trouble. They were the forerunners of Manu becoming aggressive.
But he could not believe it. Suddenly Manu attacked him and charged at him. Hari ran for his life. There was a 10 yard deep hollow with barbed wires around it. Running for dear life Hari jumped into it, escaped being mauled by Manu very narrowly. Bruised from his fall he lay still, pressed against the soft soil.
Manu was still angry; he kept trying to reach Hari with his trunk, hitting the ground with great force. People gathered and tried to calm Manu. After some time he quieted down and was normal.
Seeing him now no one could believe he had been violent 15 minutes back. Hari was rescued from the pit. Later on they both reconciled and became friends again.

Question 5:
Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options given below.[½ X 6 = 3]
Like many Indian children, I grew up (a)_______ the vast, varied and fascinating tales of the Mahabharata. Set (b) __________  the end of what the Hindu scriptures term D’wapur Yuga or the third age of the man, a time (c)_______the lives of the Gods and people still intersected, the epic weaves myth, history, religion, science and statecraft (d) _______Stories that (e) ________and (f) ________
(a) (ii)             (b) (ii)                   (c) (iii)                 (d) (iv)             (e) (ii)               (f) (i)

Question 6:
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheets.         [ ½ x 8 = 4]

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningtful sentences.  [1 × 3 = 3]
(a) a familiar / is / the typewriter / machine
(b) letters or figures / it prints / sheet of / on a / paper
(c) consists of / a movable / roller / a metal frame / it / and
(a) The typewriter is a familiar machine.
(b) It prints letters or figures on a sheet of paper.
(c) It consists of a metal frame and a movable roller.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :     [1 x 4 = 4]
And by my word! the bonny bird In danger shall not tarry :
So, though the waves are raging white,
I’ll row you over the ferry.
(a) ‘And by my word’. What does it indicate?
(b) Who does the speaker promise to row across the river?
(c) Which figure of speech is used in ‘Waves are raging white ’ ?
(d)What does the poet mean by ‘the bonny bird?


I wish I’d been more willin’
When I had more tooth there than fillin ’
To pass up gobstoppers,
From respect to me choppers,
And to buy something else with my shillin ’.
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) What is the poet’s wish?
(c) What does the poet mean by ‘choppers ’?
(d) What does she mean by “more tooth than filling”?
(a) It indicates a man who honoured his word.
(b) Chief of Ulva and his bride.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) He means the ‘the pretty bride’.


(a) The poem is “Oh, I Wish I’d Looked after Me Teeth”. The poet’s name is Pam Ayres.
(b) The poet wishes she had looked after her teeth properly in her childhood.
(c) She refers here to her teeth.
(d) She means she had more healthy teeth than those which had cavities.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :          [2×4 = 8]
(a) Why does Frost choose the road less travelled?
(b) ‘ Kashi Yatre’ was grandmother’s favourite novel. Why? Give two reasons.
(c) Describe the first impression of Miss Allyn’s house on John Pescud.
(d) Did Private Quelch’s day to day practices take him closer towards his goal? How can you make out?
(a) He does not want to trust the path chosen by most. He is also facing a dilemma at this stage whether to remain in the USA where his talent was unrecognised or migrate to England and start life afresh. He prefers to take a risk, be self-reliant and hence chooses the road not taken by many.
(b) The grandmother, who also had never been to Kashi, could identify herself with the protagonist characterised in the novel since she also desired to visit Kashi. Every Hindu considers visiting Kashi as the ultimate ‘punya’ and so did the religious grandmother.
(c) The inside of the house was a surprise when compared to the beautiful outside. There was hardly any furniture, only some old horsehair lounges and three-legged chairs. There were framed pictures of ancestors on the walls and that was all.
(d) In pursuit of showing off his own superiority, Quelch irritated and tried to belittle his instructors. He rudely interrupted them in front of the squad and exhibited his knowledge. No wonder he was relegated to the back quarters of the kitchen house.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words :  [8]
The age long bond between ‘Man and Dog’ needs no reminder and proof. This story ‘A Dog Named Duke’ just adds on to the saga of “Dog as man’s most faithful companion.” Express your views.


After reading ‘How I Taught My Grandmother To Read’, what are your views about Adult Education? Write an article for a local magazine, ‘Value of Education has no Age Bar’.
There are stories and stories of the faithfulness of dogs for their masters, the way they have sacrificed their lives for their masters. These mute friends of man need no introduction, no medal, no awards. The dog in our story is named Duke – a big Doberman weighing 23 kilos. The way he stubbornly persists in making Hooper walk, regain the use of his legs is remarkable. Duke’s intention, foresight, extraordinary powers of in-depth understanding of human psychology all bear fruit and Hooper regains the use of his limbs and also gets back his job with a promotion. Tragically, Duke loses his life in this noble struggle. Dogs have proved time and again their loyalty and faithfulness. But man has also tried to pay his tribute to these mute companions as the “Dog Memorial Graveyard” bears witness.


When I read the lesson “How I Taught My Grandmother to Read”, two things impressed me most. One—that education should be a must for everyone without any bar of age, sex, and class. It is that beacon of light which lights up the dark recesses of mind and brings a miraculous change in anyone’s thoughts and way of thinking. It is that treat which brings joy to the young and the old, alike. The other was the close bond between the grandmother and the granddaughter. Unlike many youngsters of today who have no time for the old, this extraordinary bond of love and care between the two will be an eye-opener. The helplessness and desperation of the grandmother as she mutely gazed at the printed page, her burning desire to get educated and to learn the Kannada alphabet, will inspire many old people to do the same. This will renew our traditional relationship of respect between the Guru and the Shishya.

Question 11:
Describe in detail how Gulliver prevents an invasion by the neighbouring empire of Blefuscu.


Draw the character-sketch of the Emperor of Lilliput.


“Why it is so curious,” murmured Harris, “but precisely that very same thing happened to my father also at a country inn…”
Narrate the incident referred to in the above statement, bringing out the humour in the situation.


Draw the character-sketch of the writer, Jerome K. Jerome.
Gulliver views the magnificent fleet of the men of war across the sea on the shore of Blefuscu. He communicates to the emperor his resolve to seize the whole fleet and bring it over to the shores of Lilliput. He consults the most experienced seamen about the depth of the channel which he is told is about six feet. He takes out his viewing glass and looks at the fleet at anchor consisting of fifty men of war. He orders a great quantity of strongest cables and bars of iron. He fixes fifty hooks to as many cables and taking off his coat, shoes and stockings walks into the sea in his leather jacket. He arrives at the fleet. He fixes the hook and with his knife cuts the cables that fastened the fleet with the anchors. The enemy releases great volleys of arrows. Gulliver puts on his spectacles to protect his eyes and with great ease draws fifty of the enemy’s largest men of war after him. He is welcomed by the Emperor with great fanfare who declares him a Nardac on the spot.


The Emperor of Lilliput possesses some very admirable and endearing qualities which if possessed by rulers and emperors of big nations, could change the whole panorama of world politics. These qualities put him on top of all his countrymen. When Gulliver displays the use of his scimitar and pocket pistols, most of the little people present there get terrorised and fall on top of each other, only the Emperor stands his ground in spite of being greatly impressed. He is brave, courageous and generous. He makes it mandatory for all the villages nine hundred yards round the city to bear the expense and responsibility of providing food for Gulliver. At the same time he is shrewd, far-sighted and very kingly. He doesn’t take kindly to Gulliver’s refusal to bring the kingdom of Blefuscu under his control and never forgives him.


After a jolly evening and sitting up very late, George’s father and his friend were a little too jolly (read drunk). They went up with their candles to their room where they had to sleep in separate beds. The candles were out when they reached the room and they had to undress and grope into bed in the dark. Without checking, they climbed into the same bed, one slept with his head at the top, the other crawled in from the opposite side, and lay with his feet on the top. After a few minutes’ silence, George’s father called his friend Joe and told him there was a man in his bed with his feet on his pillow.

Joe replied that it was an extraordinary thing as he also had a man sleeping in his bed! George’s father asked Joe what he was going to do. Joe replied he would chuck him out. George’s father tried, bravely, to do the same.
After a brief struggle and two heavy bumps, Joe was heard to ask in a doleful voice, “Tom, how have you got on?”
George’s father replied, “To tell you the truth, my man chucked me out.” Joe said the same thing had happened to him and he did not like the inn they were in.


Jerome K. Jerome or Jim or the writer is too sensible person. You cannot accuse him of being satirical or cynical. He knows the weaknesses and follies of mankind and of himself also. He laughs at himself and at others, and provides laughter and amusement to all. He loves the river and river travel. He is against sea travel. He feels that sea travel makes you sea-sick at least for a week and the day you begin to walk and eat solid food, the trip is over. This discussion over sea-trip brings out all the qualities of the writer as a writer of comedy. His remark that ‘people never become sea-sick on land’ shows his ability to laugh at himself and provides laughter and amusement to us as readers. The writer derides the funny traits of his trends but does not spare himself too. He imagines he is suffering from numerous ailments but feels that George fancies he is ill. He also mocks at his friend Harris. He describes himself as a hospital in himself. He doesn’t like swimming in the river before breakfast but prefers lying in bed.

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