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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 3


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 3

(For Annual Examination to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards) Based on the latest syllabi and Design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E New Delhi

Strictly based on the Latest Scheme Of Assessement, the latest Syllabus and Design of the Question paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


SECTION A : READING                                                (20 MARKS)

Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :                                      [8]
At first it seemed that writing a biography would come easily to a journalist. After all, it is only an extended interview : 100,000 words instead of 1,000. But then the obstacles began to appear : the subject s self-regard, false memories, and, most worryingly, the clatter of skeletons tumbling out of cupboards.
Also, whereas the journalist could feel supported by the power of the press, this would be an encounter of individuals, one to one. The biographer could become aware that his or her subject was so much more important than himself. Could one have half-emulated the feats of this war hero, or written anything half as memorable as this literary lion? Of course not.
So, first of all, a degree of inferiority must be overcome, but not to the extent that breeds cheek. The relationship between the biographer and his living subject is a delicate one. Am 1 a magistrate or a counsellor? Am I asking what to him, or her, and to me, sounds an impertinent question because it is important to understanding, or because 1 want to cut him down to size? When a biography is ‘authorised ’ and the biographer depends upon his subject .V cooperation, the problems are obvious. Does he ask embarrassing questions and, if so, does he accept an answer he suspects is, at best, evasive? If the subject seems to have been careless and trusting, does he publish and be damned as a betrayer of confidences? The portraits of living people are never as rounded as they might have been because of the subject’s veto and the biographer’s own scruples.
A biographer may thus well prefer to write about subjects who have died within living memory. But these voyages of discovery are not without obstacles. Families and friends may have cultivatedfond legends and can be reluctant to risk challenge, let alone demolition, even if neither is the biographer’s intention. And often access to unpublished letters and diaries is accompanied with the condition that the family be the first to read the typescript and, if necessary, censor it. Such a compromise may not always be acceptable to a biographer.
(a) How does the writer describe the relationship between a biographer and his living subject?   [1]
(b) What does a biographer depend upon when he is authorised to write a biography? [1]
(c) What does the author mean by “subject’s veto”? [1]
(d) Why does a biographer ask an impertinent question? [1]
(e) What other motive could be behind an impertinent question? [1]
(f) How do relatives of subjects who have died a few years ago, hamper the writing of
a biography.   [1]
(g) Give one word for “to be criticised and condemned.” (Para 4) [1]
(h) What does “Families and friends may have cultivated fond legends” mean? [1]
(a) A very delicate one in which the biographer must be very clear of his role — is he a magistrate or a counselor.
(b) He depends on his subject’s co-operation in giving the right answers.
(c) It means subject’s refusal to answer questions which he finds embarrassing.
(d) He asks it because it is important to understand the subject properly.
(e) You want to cut him (the subject) down to size and paint a true picture of the person.
(f) They demand that the family should be the first to read the manuscript, and if necessary, censor it.
(g) Damned
(h) Families of a subject who are not living, may have considered that person to be a hero and do not want that image to be challenged by a biographer.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :         [12]

  1. As parents, we strive hard to give our children the best of every thing. We ensure to give them all possible comforts, facilities, pleasure and exposure so that they can have a wonderful life. But the most important thing parents forget to provide their children is ‘self-worth ’. If your child doesn’t love himself, he will not have the ability to give love. If he keeps on demeaning himself he might become successful but will never feel powerful. Give your child the gift of self-worth and his life will be a rocking affair.
  2. Introspect, who do you think you are? Creative or dull? Intelligent or goodfor nothing? Loving or quarrelsome? Isn ‘/ it a fact that what you believe you are is something that your parents labelled you as? The label you give to your child is the ultimate truth of his life. Your child will identify himself by not what he feels he is, but by what label his parents have given him. Tell your child he is an achiever, and he ’ll be. Tell him he is a loser, and he ’ll lose all the battles of his life.
  3. Every child is unique. Each child has his own set of qualities, so there is no question of comparison. Don’t expect your child in totality, you ’ll be able to love him unconditionally. And your love will nurture his self-worth every moment of his life.
  4. Do you remember how you felt when you were last appreciated at work or in a personal relationship? How good did it make you feel about yourself? The same applies to children. Appreciate your child whenever you see him doing something right. Be lavish and honest in your praise. Create opportunities to boost his self-esteem. Like, seek his help in household chores and then reward him. Enrol him into a recreation of his choice may be dancing or swimming and then applaud him. Remember, praise a child on his progress and do not wait till he does it perfectly.
  5. Express your love for your child. Let him know how much joy he has brought in your life. Hug him, spend time with him; do little things to make him feel cherished. Let your child always receive positive vibrations from you that he is someone precious. Then your child will believe that he is someone who is lovable and huggable.

(a) According to the writer, what is the mistake all parents make? [2]
(b) What is self-worth? [2]
(c) Why, giving a label to your child, is the biggest damage you can do to him? [2]
(d) Why do you think it is important to give your child love, appreciation a id encouragement?  [2j
(e) Give synonym for : achiever.  [1]
(f) Give opposite of : applaud. [1]
(g) Give the noun form of ‘remember’. [1]
(h) Give the antonym of ‘remember’.  [1]
(a) Parents shower love, give the best of every thing to their children, but forget to provide them with self-worth.
(b) Self-worth is the opinion you have about yourself and the value you place on yourself.
(c) The label becomes the final, ultimate truth of his life. The child does not think at his own and he starts believing his parents blindfolded.
(d) It is important to boost up their confidence. If a child is neglected by his parents, he might choose the wrong path.
(e) Winner.
(f) Criticise.
(g) Remembrance.
(h) Forget.

SECTION B : WRITING AND GRAMMAR                           (30 MARKS)

Question 3:
You have recently been chosen as a student editor of the school magazine ‘Quest’. You have interviewed the Principal of your school, Mr. Ketan Parikh. Write an article based on the points given below in about 100-120 words.   [8]

  • Principal’s message to the children
  • Challenges ahead for the school
  • Efforts made by school authorities
  • Vision of the school

                                                                                Message From the Principal’s Desk
“Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work and the power to appreciate life,” says Brighem Young. In keeping with this faith, our school offers a caring and educational environment in which there is scope for individual excellence, self-reliance and developing a full-fledged personality.
The school empowers the youth through leadership training, nurtures sensitivity through commonly out of reach programmes and instils self-confidence through many interactive and brainstorming activities. We have a fast growing generation of the Teamed’ and the ‘learners’ who seek to transform this world.
I sincerely thank the entire staff, non-teaching staff and managing committee who have offered unstinted support and guidance. Our best endeavour is to grow by leaps and bounds every day. Looking forward to such times!

Question 4:
Write a short story in about 200-250 words based on the outline given below. Also give a suitable title.  [12]
an hungry leopard — watched a prey — with difficulty was successful in catching a deer — food snatched by a lion — had to leave it — the king of the jungle enjoyed royal feast
                                                                                 King of the Jungle
Once a leopard was very hungry. At a distance he saw a male deer. He ran after it trying to catch him. The deer was afraid. Trying to save his life the deer took to its heels and ran like mad. But he could not match the leopard’s strength and speed.
Soon the leopard overtook him and pounced at him. Grabbing it in his mouth he ran in search of a quiet place to enjoy his dinner. The deer was dead. Clutching it with his sharp teeth he
reached a quiet clearing in the forest and sat down to enjoy his much earned meal.
Suddenly a loud roar rang out and the whole forest resounded with it. The hungry leopard pricked his ears. He had recognised the roar of the lion. He knew the lion was somewhere near. Fear gripped him. He was no match to the all mighty and powerful king of the jungle.
Before the lion entered the picture the leopard took to his heels. When the majestic king entered the clearing he found his dinner laid out invitingly. He sat down and leisurely enjoyed his meal and after finishing it he left the leftovers for the jackals, the foxes and the wolves, and moving a little away sank down to enjoy his nap.
The poor leopard deprived of his justly earned dinner was again running to catch his prey as he was still hungry.
Of course the law of the jungle prevails. What can you say?

Question 5:
                                                                  LION’S CLUB AT GURGAON
Gurgaon (a)______ soon (b) ______ a club, called the Lion’s Club. The club (c) ______ built on the main road, near the shopping area. The first phase of the club (d)______ cost about ₹ 40 lakhs and (e)______ by the end of December. The lawns of the club (f)_____  used for social functions.
S3- section B-5
(a) (i)              (b) (i)                 (c) (ii)                         (d) (ii)                    (e) (ii)                                (f) (i)

Question 6:
The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction :[½ × 8=4]
S3- section B-6
S3- section B-6s

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. [1 x 3=3]
(a) the most complex / mathematical / problems / can / solve / they
(b) can put / they / unrelated data / thousands of / in order
(c) varied uses / can be put / computers / to
(a) They can solve the most complex mathematical problems.
(b) They can put thousands of unrelated data in order.
(c) Computers can be put to varied uses.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :  [1 x 4 = 4]
We would eat and play endlessly, savouring the freedom.
(a) What does “we” here refers to?
(b) Which occasion is being talked about here?
(c) What led to “savouring the freedom”?
(d) What made them play endlesly and savour the freedom?


I contrived to keep out of her sight as much as I could, but never lost track of her. The last station she got off at was away down in Virginia, about six in the evening.
(a) Who is the speaker of the above lines?
(b) Who met the woman? Describe the person briefly.
(c) Why did he try to keep out of her sight?
(d) What in your opinion could be the reason of Pescud, following the girl?
(a) The narrator and her cousins.
(b) A wedding in the neighbouring village.
(c) Busy schedule of the parents.
(d) Generally they didn’t have so much freedom, mostly they were kept under restriction.


(a) John A Pescud.
(b) A tall old man with a smooth face, white hair and a look as proud as that of Julius Caesar met the girl. His clothes, though, were rather worn out.
(c) He didn’t want to alarm her that he was following her.
(d) He had fallen in love with the girl and followed her to find out where she lived.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :          [2 x 4=8]
(a) Lord Ullin’s daughter faces a dilemma. What is it?
(b) What was the reaction of the neighbours as they watched Chuck’s progress every day?
(c) In what ways do the parishioners take advantage of the Bishop’s kindness?
(d) Why is old age called ‘a second childhood’?
(a) The dilemma that Lord Ullin’s daughter faces is which was the lesser evil—the storming waters or the raging Lord Ullin and his men. Would the storm be kind to them and let them reach the other shore safely or will Lord Ullin be kind and forgive her?
(b) On the sidewalk, they saw the dog pull his leash tightly and then stand and wait for Hooper to follow him. They watched every step of progress made by Hooper. When on June 1, Hooper and Duke made it to the intersection, this news spread quite far away.
(c) Bishop’s kindness, his generosity is taken advantage of by all the parishioners. They call him at all times of the day, unmindful of his comfort because they need his care, comfort and blessing. They came to him when they need financial help which he gives promptly at a great cost to himself.
(d) An infant is totally dependent on others for everything for all his needs. Similarly in the old age, man is weak, forgetful and incapable of looking after himself. He has no teeth, no sense of taste and is absolutely helpless.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words :       [8]
After reading the drama ‘Villa for Sale’ what impression do you get of human nature and psychic power of human brain through the characterisation of the main characters specially that of Gaston? Elaborate.


‘Pescud’s life story was the stuff best-sellers are made of.’ Bring out the irony of this statement by giving evidence from the text.
First, to begin, let us first of all take up the two characters of Juliette and her maid. The maid is quite intelligent and has a sharp mind. She knows how to make a little extra money. Juliette, the mildest character, is also not averse to earning a little more as seeing the eagerness of prospective buyer (Jeanne). She hikes up the price and then brings it down to two hundred thousand francs, pretending to do a favour to the young couple Jeanne and Gaston.
Gaston is the sharpest customer. He sells the villa to a customer pretending to be its owner and then buys it from its real owner making a profit of a hundred thousand francs. The actions and reactions of these characters leave us wondering and astounded.


Best-sellers are known to spin imaginative yams bordering on fantasy and melodrama. The stories revolve around incredible flights of fancy, sword-fights, fencing all the stuff that is far removed from reality. A romance appears to bloom between a beautiful maiden from the most affluent royal family and an ordinary hero who is extraordinary in terms of his bravery and determination to win the lady. Luck smiles their way and all is well that ends well.
Pescud’s story is no different. He was in love at first sight. He keeps track of the girl, follows her from Cincinnati to Louis Ville, then goes through Shelbyville, Frankford and Lexington. He proposes and wins the lady, despite the gulf of different backgrounds.
Pescud’s story has all the elements, romance, struggle, obstacles, suspense. The lesson ends on an ironical note that Pescud made a great mockery of the best-sellers all his follows the same course.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 150-200 words :   [10]
What trouble was created by the farmer’s friend for Gulliver? Explain how it till he was bought by the queen. What do you learn of human nature from the


“Size” is very important in the story. With the help of incidents show how because of his diminutive size.


What happened to Harris in the maze?


Give the character-sketch of Montmorency.
One day a farmer who was the friend of Gulliver’s master came on a visit. Gulliver was produced for his entertainment, placed on a table and made to walk about, draw his dagger. The farmer talked to Gulliver’s master in low tones. The farmer advised his friend to display Gulliver in the
market and earn money. The farmer did likewise. He carried him to the market in a box. There at an inn Gulliver was placed on a table made to answer questions prepared beforehand, paraded and made to perform. In one day he was shown to twelve sets of company. He felt so worried that he could very well die of it. This process continued and Gulliver was taken from city to city and displayed for public entertainment. He was shown around in eighteen large towns beside many villages and private families. This ordeal continued till he was so wearied, his health so impaired as to kill him. One day he was sold to the queen. The incident exposes to us man’s greed, selfishness and cruelty in the way Gulliver was treated and his health so damaged as to kill him.


During his entire stay Gulliver had to suffer because of his diminutive size. His first dinner with the farmer’s wife was an eye opener. The thirty foot high table frightened him, the farmer’s ten year old son, grabbed him by the legs and lifted him high in the air ; the one year old son nealy sallowed him, the huge rats had to be killed by Gulliver with his sword. The obnoxious dwarf (of the Queen) dropped him into a large bowl of cream, shook the apple tree and an apple, as big as a Bristol barrel, hit Gulliver. A hail stone struck him to the ground, a little puppy put him in his mouth and presented him to his master, the gardener. He had to stop small birds from snatching food from his hand with a cudgel. The worst was when a monkey, thinking him to be a baby monkey, ran with him to the roof and he had to be rescued by King’s men. The King called him an “insect” and a special box had to be created to make his travelling safe. On many occasions, Gulliver had to suffer loss of dignity because of his size. He was made to perform ticks before the public, was exhibited throughout the country. A special toy boat was made for him and ladies made it sail by using their fans! The only good thing that happened to him was when his box was picked up by an eagle and could escape from Brobdingnag.


Harris talks to Jim of the maze at Hampton Court. He tells him that once he had gone to show it to some friend. He thought then that it was an easy maze, nothing to be wary of and it was quite easy to come out of it. Inside the maze he met some people and realised they had been lost in it for quite some time. So he said he would help them come out. Leading them Harris went round and round. After three attempts of starting from the entrance they all got crazy. The crowd following him started looking dangerous. At last frustrated, they gave up and shouted for the keeper who climbed upon a ladder and shouted instructions which they misunderstood and soon the keeper also got lost with them till quite some time later an old keeper came and rescued them.


Montmorency is the fourth member of their party. It is his deep-set wish to be involved in all the activities going on. He does not like to be left out. He loves to get in the way of everyone. He is not able to rest when scolded. In a way he was quite a nuisance for Jim, George and Harris as he always troubled them greatly. You could find him where he was not wanted. He snorted things with his damp nose, he put his legs into the jam. Thinking of lemons as rats he killed three of them. He sat on things which were meant to be packed. In short, his day was wasted if he did- not disturb the work of others. Montmoreney is a fox terrier and has the looks of an angel. He conducts himself in a noble way. When the writer first saw him he didn’t think he would survive, but after rescuing him from hundreds of street fights and paying for doz of chickens he had killed the writer was sure he would live. He is treated by the three friends as the fourth member of their group. He doesn’t like the idea of the boat trip but is happy with the decision of sleeping out on five nights and staying in pubs and inns when it rains.

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