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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 4


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English – Paper 4

(For Annual Examination to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards) Based on the latest syllabi and Design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E New Delhi

Strictly based on the Latest Scheme Of Assessement, the latest Syllabus and Design of the Question paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


SECTION A: READING                                        (20 MARKS)

Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :   [8]

  1. Children should be great bundles of energy— tearing about and getting into mischief and driving their parents to distraction.
    But instead, they are becoming couch potatoes, a lazy group venturing outdoors only to get chips and sweets and spare batteries for their computer toy.
  2. Studies show the younger generation is a lazy one. They get virtually no exercise, have poor diets and spend leisure time in front of computer games or television.
    The old adage “it wasn’t like that in my day ” is certainly true. Their grandparents would think nothing of walking several miles to school and would consider a piece of fruit an after-school luxury.
  3. But only a few decades later children are wooed with bags of chips, sweets and other junk food. And they don’t walk to the shop for these things, they get a gift.
  4. Recent research of Suffolk School, children aged nine to thirteen revealed almost half of the girls and one-third of the boys were incapable of sustaining anything more taxing than walking for more than a few minutes.
  5. The shocking figures have promoted the first ever conference on children’s fitness in Britain. Exercise experts met last month at the Internal Convention for Children’s Health Related Fitness in London to find ways to coax kids off the couch and into a more healthier lifestyle.
  6. Two prime causes of this are the television and the car. Latest figures show the average child spends up to 28 hours a week watching TV, not to mention the time spent on computer games.
  7. But if children s lack of physical fitness is frightening, then their diets give equal cause for concern. Once again modern day conveniences have a lot to answer for.
  8. Shopping research shows that instead of eating nourishing foods, kids nag their parents into buying them junk food. These habits have led to one or more risk factors associated with heart disease.

(a) Why are children of present generation called couch potatoes? [1]
(b) How does the writer contrast the children of the present generation with those of the previous generations?   [1]
(c) Why is the present generation called a lazy one? [1]
(d) Recent research of Suffolk School has revealed that children aged nine to thirteen are :   [1]
(e) What has shocking figures of recent research made the exercise experts in London to do?  [1]
(f) Mention two main reasons for the state of the present generation. [1]
(g) How are the children of present age “wooed” by parents?    [1]
(h) Food habits of the present generation of children are risky for their health.How? [1]
(a) The present generation is called a lazy one as they don’t get any exercise and spend leisure time in front of computer or TV.
(b) Previously children walked miles to go to school and considered getting a piece of fruit an after-school luxury.
(c) They spend most of their time lying on the couch munching chips and going out only to get chips, sweets and spare
batteries for their computer toy.
(d) Incapable of sustaining anything more taxing than walking for more than a few minutes.
(e) They have promoted the first ever conference on children’s fitness in Britain.
(f) The two main reasons responsible for this present state of affairs are the television and the car.
(g) Children are wooed with bags of chips, sweets and other junk food.
(h) These food habits of the present generation of children are risky and associated with heart disease.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :    [12]
In the last few years, I have noticed a tendency in the media, in the Government, and in society to give undue importance and much publicity to commercial successes, foreign investment, Sensex, profits in the IT sector, new billionaires and such matters, like nowhere else in the world. Great recognition is given to salaries given to IIM graduates. There are frequent competitions in the media to pick the most popular personality in the country or in any given city. The choices given are so skewed that only sports personalities, cine stars, and business leaders hit the spotlight. Nowhere in the world do sportsmen earn as much as in India through sponsorship. The heroes of today, therefore, appear to be those who have made big money or have been successful in commercial ventures. Nobody can be jealous or critical of these things, but it is a matter of concern that repeated recognitions of this sort have affected our value system seriously and changed it into one that is mercenary and commercial. This situation does not augur well for the future of our country.
With all the difficulties that we have had in the last few decades, India has continued to progress as one country, by and large because of Indianness. Indianness involves aspects other than money and commercial successes. Furthermore, if we want India of the future to be a country that is advanced in all spheres, we have to take greater pride in intellectual and creative accomplishments. It is, therefore, important that our leaders, politicians, intellectuals, teachers and others should talk about these matters in public and highlight our innovations in science, arts and literature, theatre and other aspects related to human creativity.
One is not asking for monetary support here, but a moral support, and a commitment of society to all spheres of creative activity so that a balanced future for our country is assured.
(a) Why do the media, the government and society give undue importance and publicity
to commercial successes, foreign investment, etc.?   [2]
(b) Why are there less people who hit the spotlight? [2]
(c) What according to this passage is “Indianness”? [2]
(d) To make India a great country what should our focus be on? [2]
(e) Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘undertakings’. [1]
(f) Which word in the passage means the opposite of ‘skewed’? [1]
(g) Give the noun form of ‘appear’. [1]
(h) Give the synonym of ‘achievements’. [1]
(a) Because they want to make more and more money only. Their main concern is profit making only.
(b) Because there are frequent competitions in the media to pick up the most popular personalities in the country. They have no concern for ordinary people.
(c) Indianness involves aspects other than money and commercial successes; it involves intellectual and creative accomplishments.
(d) We need to highlight our innovations in science, arts and literature, theatre and other aspects of human creativity.
(e) Ventures
(d) Balanced
(g) Appeance

SECTION B : WRITING AND GRAMMAR                                         (30 MARKS)

Question 3:
Write an article based on the hints given in about 100-120 words.      [8]

  • education becoming more and more computer-based
  • ocean of information on the internet
  • online teaching/leaming materials as well as admissions and examinations
  • computers must for all occupations and professions
  • virtual classrooms
  • ideal for research and projects in all subjects
  • distance leaming/education
    You can take clues from the M.C.B. Sub-unit – ‘Children and Computers’

Today’s system of education is fast becoming computer based. At the touch of one button you get access to a storehouse of information on any and every subject. If you want to get the benefit of a lesson you missed you can always make use of the online teaching/leaming materials. Every profession, every occupation now works ten times more efficiently with the help of a computer.
Most important is the use of computers in school. For more grown-up students they are a storehouse of knowledge. You can get whatever information you want. It stimulates curiosity and encourages gathering information and knowledge on you own. It helps in promoting a global instinct in you, a desire to compete with the best in the world because you can find out what is the best in the world.

Question 4:
on a flight – engines failed – a powerful bird got sucked into – flight diverted – diverted to river – Hudson – most passengers saved.
A Weird Nightmare
The flight was on time. It was smooth comfortable and pleasant. I was travelling by the Canadian Airlines. I was trying to doze after a light meal when I felt the plane thud and lurch. It started losing altitude. The pilot announced that both the engines of the plane had been damaged by coming into sudden contact with a large bird.The plane started going down. Hectic negotiations took place between the crew and the ground control. The plane was diverted to the river Hudson on the advice of the ground control. With a loud splash and a thud it fell into the river Hudson and started moving around and then started floating on the river water. In no time rescue boats surrounded the plane. Innumerable choppers started circling overhead – passengers were screaming, shouting and crying. Many had scrambled out of it and were now on top of the plane.
Speedily the rescue teams started rescuing people. Soon everyone was taken out. With the exception of a few, majority were rescued without any injury or harm. What an experience!

Question 5:
Complete the passage by choosing the correct option from those given below :            [½ x 6=3]
Sometimes when I look back at my childhood and (a)_______ things to the way life is of (b) ______ poor children, I notice the change television (c) ________  to their lives. Some changes have been improvements while some have been (d)_______. When I (e)_________ school, most people didn’t have a TV. The TV was just beginning to get (f)_____and my father decided to go all-out and buy a 16 inch black and white set.
With love,
Your grandfather
S4- section B-5
(a) (ii)                       (b) (iii)                      (c) (ii)                               (d) (ii)                         (e) (ii)

Question 6:
The following passage has not been edited. One word is omitted in each line. Put a slash (/) where the word is omitted and write the word in the space provided.       [½ x 8 = 4]
S4- section B-6

(a) playing / with                                (b) pets / in                                          (c) down / from
(d) came / out                                      (e) ran / towards                                 (f) him / down
(g) him / from                                      (h) ran / away

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. [1 x 3 = 3]
(a) suddenly collapsed /1 was /sitting in / that / the chair
(b) a dozen eggs /of which /1 bought / were broken / four
(c) show up / the man / did not / waiting for / that I was
(a) The chair that I was sitting in suddenly collapsed.
(b) I bought a dozen eggs of which four were broken.
(c) The man that I was waiting for did not show up.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :      [1 x 4 = 4]
I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling.
(a) What things does the brook encounter in its path?
(b) Identify the two names of fish from the above stanza?
(c) What makes the brook so colourful and lively?
(d) How does the brook move?


I am dotted silver threads dropped from heaven
By the Gods. Nature then takes me to adorn
Her fields and valleys.
(a) Why does the rain call itself ‘dotted silver threads’?
(b) What is the role of nature in the poem?
(c) What does ‘to adorn’ in the poem mean?
(d) Who is talking in the poem?
(a) A blossom and a trout.
(b) Grayling and trout.
(c) The brook is colourful due to the presence of various kinds of fish and flowers.
(d) The brook does not flow in a straight line but twists itself along its way.


(a) It calls itself so because the shimmering raindrops look like silver threads.
(b) Nature’s role is to drop rain as drops of ornaments to make the fields and valleys look beautiful.
(c) It means to make it more beautiful.
(d) The rain is talking to us.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :        [2×4=8]
(a) Lord Ullin is revengeful, having a dictatorial nature, but is soft at heart. Discuss.
(b) What did the people wonder about Charles Hooper after the death of Duke?
(c) What did the professor mean by ‘intelligent reading’?
(d) Do you think the Bishop was right in selling the salt cellars? Why/why not?
(a) Lord Ullin’s daughter wants to marry the Chieftain of the island of Ulva. He does not approve of it. Along with his horseman he goes after them when they ran away. This picture of a stem father is one side of facts. The other is that he loved his daughter. Seeing his daughter in danger he forgets his anger, asks her to come back and promises to forgive her.
(b) When Duke died, and Hooper walked alone day after day, the people wondered how long he would keep up with the walk. They were curious to know how far he would walk, and whether he would be able to walk all alone in the absence of Duke.
(c) Quelch was diligent, had brains, had thirst for knowledge and he put all these to intelligent use. Since he remembered everything precisely and used his knowledge at critical moments to impress his instructors, he termed it “intelligent reading”.
(d) Yes, the Bishop was right in selling the salt-cellers because he was an ideal person. He couldn’t bear the thought of an old and sick lady to be thrown out of the house due to non-payment of rent.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words :         [8]
Why does the grandmother identify with the protagonist of the ‘Kashi Yatre’? What does this tell you about her character?


Lots of racial remarks are exchanged between Mrs A1 Smith and Gaston. Discuss their context and relevance.
‘Kashi Yatre’ was a story of the struggle of an old lady who had a strong desire to go to Kashi or Varanasi but could not do so because she spent the money she had saved for the purpose, in helping a poor orphan get married. There is a belief among most of the Hindus that going to Kashi and worshipping Lord Vishweshwara is the ultimate ipunya\ The grandmother had never been to Kashi. Like all other Hindus, she also had a desire to visit Kashi, but was anyway happy cooking and feeding her grandchildren. That is why she identifies herself with the protagonist of Kashi Yatre. This shows that she is a religious lady, who is very loving and affectionate.


Mrs A1 Smith is an American, and very proud of it. In her views, the Americans are far more swift, smart and systematic in their work, and can take fast and independent decisions as compared to the French. She makes another racial remark when she tells Gaston that the French live in the past, whereas the Americans always think of the future.
Gaston retaliates when Mrs. Smith tells him that the French should copy the Americans. He says that copies are not always good because imitations are no better than parodies. He tells her that it is a matter of wonder, that whereas Europeans go to America to earn money, it is Americans who come to Europe to spend it.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 150-200 words :      [10]
Describe vividly the encounter between Gulliver and the reaper.


Draw the character sketch of the King of Brobdingnag.


Describe the funny incident connected with towing which George narrates.


Describe the struggle that George, Harris and Jerome had to undergo in order to put up the canvas at picnic point.
Gulliver hid among the stalks and the reaper came dangerously close to him; his next step would have crushed Gulliver. He screamed at the top of his voice and the huge creature stopped. First he stared at Gulliver, then he picked him up between his forefinger and thumb. Gulliver had the good sense to lie absolutely still, he was sixty feet above the ground! The reaper pinched his sides, which hurt Gulliver. But he put his hands together in a pleading gesture and spoke in a humble, sad tone. He even groaned and shed tears. Pleased by his voice, though the reaper did not understand anything, he put Gulliver gently into his pocket and ran along with him to his master. Gulliver was fortunate that the reaper did not dash him to the ground. His curiosity was aroused and he dealt gently with Gulliver.


The King comes out as a man of strong views and virtues in direct contrast to what the European Gulliver holds! Gulliver thinks he has wisdom, profound learning, admirable talents for governing and is adored by his subjects.
He is not tempted by Gulliver’s suggestions, in fact he thinks they are inhuman. He thinks the inventor of gunpowder must have been an evil genius, an enemy of mankind. He appears as a man who was not obsessed with power or greed, in his eyes a man who could produce two ears of com, or grow grass on a barren land was more useful to mankind. For him, governing meant common sense, reason, justice and lenience. He kept a huge army made up of traders and farmers under the command of nobles and gentry who were not paid!
Gulliver might think he had received “limited education” but he was a man of principles who believed in peace and welfare of his people. Above all he is highly intelligent!


George tells a story of how his friends and he saw a very interesting scene while sculling in the river. A boy and a girl, real deep in conversation, were carrying a boat hook attached to a towline. The towline trailed behind them, its end in water, with no boat near or in sight. The tower couple did not know that there was no boat and did not bother. They had the boat hook and the line, and thought it was enough. George thought of calling them, then a bright idea hit him. He stooped over, drew in the towline, made a loop and put it over the mast of their boat. Then they stopped rowing their boat. The young man and the young woman towed George and his three friends and the heavy boat from Maidenhead to Marlow. After two hours the young people realised that they were towing the wrong boat! Only the young woman stopped the boy from using violent language! She then cried out in horror “O Henry, then where is auntie?”
George never found out what happened to her.


Putting up the canvas was rather a much more difficult task that they had anticipated. They took up the hoops, and began to drop them into the sockets placed for them.
First they would not fit into their sockets at all. When they fit them in with some Herculean effort, they realised that they had fixed them in the wrong sockets. But they would not come out until two of them had gone and struggled with them for five minutes. When they came out, they threw the three into the water in an effort to drown them.
Then George and Harris began to unroll the canvas to cover the hoops. After ten minutes of superhuman effort, they were able to get themselves completely rolled up in it.
They, however, made frantic struggles for freedom. George’s head came wriggling out over the side of the boat, and spoke up for help angrily.
Jerome went closer and undid them. Harris was nearly black in the face. It took them half an hour’s hard labour, after that, before the canvas was properly up.

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