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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English- Paper 5


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Communicative English- Paper 5

(For Annual Examination to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards) Based on the latest syllabi and Design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E New Delhi

Strictly based on the Latest Scheme Of Assessement, the latest Syllabus and Design of the Question paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


SECTION A : READING                                                              (20 MARKS)

Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :     [8]

  1. This month the Mumbai High Court directed all schools in Maharashtra to strictly abide by new guidelines for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia (reading), dysgraphia (writing) and dyscalcula (mathematics). To make sure that there is total compliance to the guidelines, the court said that any school that failed to provide facilities to such students could face contempt of court. The court ruled that once it is established that the child has one of these conditions the school is bound to provide facilities to the students free of cost. It also makes it ‘mandatory’ for all Maharashtra schools to provide these facilities free of cost. Schools must mandatorily screen students for learning disabilities in class III and class VI.
  2. Because dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalcula are incurable, the child will never be able to perform like a child without these disabilities, but there are learning interventions that can be introduced to alleviate the children s disadvantage. The court has ruled that schools have to give added help/resources to those children to mitigate their disability.
  3. The bad news is that schools who have been resisting exams for young children will now have to hold exams for all children in class three, and there will also be pressure on them to send all children who do not do well in exams to a qualified psychologist to be tested for these cognitive learning disorders.
  4. The good news is that this ruling is another small step towards making schools provide ed­ucation and facilities for children that meets the child’s needs regardless of their abilities. It opens the door for other challenges to our schooling system. It is a significant shift away from an education system that was originally designed to progressively exclude the many, and include only the privileged few.

— Abha Adams

(a) Mention 3 disabilities in learning faced by students. [1]
(b) What has been made ‘mandatory’ for all Maharashtrian schools by Mumbai High Court? [1]
(c) Why has the court passed this rule? [1]
(d) Is there any possibility of removing the differences between a child with disability and a child without the above 3 disabilities? How? [1]
(e) Which kind of children are labelled dyslexic by many parents and teachers?   [1]
(f) The bad news for schools about the court ruling is : [1]
(g) The good news about the court ruling is : [1]
(h) How was the original education system different? [1]
(a) The three disabilities are : (i) dyslexia (reading) (ii) dysgraphia (writing) and (iii) dyscalcula
(b) It is mandatory to provide facilities to students free of cost if they are suffering from dysexia, dysgraphia or dyscalcula.
(c) To ensure that students suffering from disabilities are provided help by schools.
(d) The above 3 are incurable but by proper learning interactions they can reduce the disadvantage.
(e) Any child that had problems with reading and writing were declared dyslexic.
(f) That the schools will be under pressure to hold exam for all in class 3 and send disabled children to
(g) That the schools have to provide education and facilities to children regardless of their abilities.
(h) The original education system catered to the needs of a few privileged students and ignored the many.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :       [12]
As the tigers grew, they began to hunt actively.
But hunting was a skill which would take time and effort to learn. Developing this ability in her cubs was one of the most important duties of the tigress. The survival of her offsprings depended on their ability to grasp the intricate essentials of this difficult talent. She had mastered the art under her mother, and now it was up to her to teach and develop a sufficient level of expertise in her cubs.
The cubs learned by watching their mother. They observed that unlike the wasteful methods adopted by them, the tigress preferred to conserve her strength. She had perfected the technique of lying absolutely still. When she hid in the tall grass, even their sharp eye could not locate her. She would remain for hours, watchfully waiting for prey to pass. One leap was all it took. She never indulged in energy-consuming chases. If her ambush failed she would simply change position and lie in wait once again.
When her prey was some distance away, she stalked it, soundlessly inching along the ground. She would move ever so slowly, placing her rear paws in the depressions created by her front paws. The cubs watched their mother closely. They noticed their mother’s eyes. They were always… always staring at the chosen prey. When the selected animal was not looking in her direction, the tigress would steal forward, with her belly close to the ground. If the animal became wary and searched for her presence, the tigress would flatten herself against the ground and wait. Her movements were infinitely slow and stealthy. Despite all her efforts, her prey, more often than not, would elude her final jump or sense her presence and move away. As they absorbed these invaluable lessons, it became increasingly clear to the little animals that hunting was a difficult skill and only practice,effort and patience would bring them reward.
(a) Why is learning hunting essential for the grown-up cubs of the tiger? [2]
(b) What could be the wasteful methods adopted by the cubs? [2]
(c) Describe how the tigress stalked her prey with special reference to her movements. [2]
(d) Do you think that the tigress showed its patience during hunting? How? [2]
(e) Which word in the passage means the same as ‘method of working’.  [1]
(f) Find a word in the passage which is the opposite of ‘lack of skill’. [1]
(g) Give the noun form of ‘conserve’.  [1]
(h) Give the adjective form of ‘indulge’.  [1]
(a) It is essential for the grown-up cubs to satisfy their hunger.
(b) The cubs might have run fast to catch their prey, so the prey could sense and escaped away. The other thing, the cubs had no patience and they pounced on the prey quickly. So their methods were considered wasteful.
(c) She stalked her prey soundlessly and very slowly. She would move with her belly close to the ground, flatten herself and wait for the moment to pounce and leap on her prey.
(d) The tigress followed the technique of lying still. She would remain for hours, watchfully waiting for prey to pass. She never indulged in energy-consuming chases.
(e) Technique.
(f) Mastered.
(g) Conservation.
(h) Indulgent.

SECTION B : WRITING AND GRAMMAR                     (30 MARKS)

Question 3:
You recently attended a seminar on Martial Art Training. You were thoroughly impressed and now want this training to be imparted in your school also. Make a diary entry in about 100-120 words.  [8]
Dear Diary,
What a thrilling, highly educative seminar I just attended. It was about “Martial Arts Training in Schools”. I am absolutely convinced that all schools should make it compulsory. In every city big or small crime rate is increasing day by day. The need of the hour is to equip oneself with defensive techniques.
Besides agility and flexibility, we imbibe qualities of concentration, character development, confidence and respect for others. It will make us develop very good reflexes, there will no need for girls to be escorted all the time.
I do hope the staff and the principal listen to us and introduce martial art training in our school as soon as possible!

Question 4:
Write a short story in about 200-250 words based on outline given below.     [12]
A poor man wants to go on pilgrimage — saves money — all set to go — very happy — meets a man with a sick child — hears story — gives money — not able to go to pilgrimage — but happy.
Satyan was a daily wage earner. He had been saving money since the last 10 years. Now he had enough money to go on a pilgrimage. All set to go he packed a few belongings and set off for the bus stop.- On the way he met a man sitting on the roadside with a boy of four years.
He stopped to ask him what the matter was. The man said his son was very ill and he had no money to arrange for his treatment. Satyan felt sad. He wanted to help the poor man but then he would lose all hope of ever going on a pilgrimage.
He pondered for a long time debating whether to go on the pilgrimage or give the money to the needy man to help him save his son.
At last he decided that he would drop the idea of going on the pilgrimage and would give the
money to the needy man and thus help the sick child get well.
Once he had made up his mind he felt relieved as if a heavy load had been lifted off his shoulders. He felt happy. With a light
heart he gave the man his ten years saving. The smile on the man’s face made him feel as if he had gone on the pilgrimage.
He realised saving a life helping save one in need is as good as going on a pilgrimage.

Question 5:
Complete the dialogue choosing the correct options from the ones given below. [3 x 1=3]
S5- section B-5

(a) (i)                              (b) (ii)                                  (c) (iii)

Question 6:
There’is a word missing in each line of the passage. Put a slash (/) where the word is omitted and then write the missing word in the space given.  [½ × 8 = 4]

S5- section B-6
(a) since / the                                                 (b) hunting / for
(c) gone / on                                                   (d) which / is
(e) name / of                                                   (f) he / tried
(g) beauties / of                                              (h) times, / the

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. [1 x 3 = 3]
(a) rise / considerable / number of / in the / there / has been / a / working women
(b) sustain / take / jobs / to / they / have to / families / their
(c) role / changed / their / independence / since / has
(a) There has been a considerable rise in the number of working women.
(b) They have to take jobs to sustain their families.
(c) Since independence their role has changed.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow :              [1 x 4 = 4]
Lord Ullin reached that fatal shore,
His wrath was changed to wailing.
(a) Why is the adjective ‘fatal’ has been used to describe the shore?
(b) What does “wrath was changed into wailing” mean?
(c) Give the reason why Lord Ullin came to the shore?
(d) What was the reason of Lord Ullin’s wrath?


His salute at the pay table was a model to behold.
(a) Whose salute is referred to here?
(b) What is the tone of the author in the above remark?
(c) Explain ‘model to behold’ in your own words.
(d) Do you think Private Quelch was conceited?
(a) Because the storm would kill the two lovers.
(b) He was crying over the possibility of his daughter meeting a watery grave.
(c) To stop his daughter from running away from him with the chief of Ulva’s isle.
(d) His daughter’s choice of the person she wanted to marry had filled him with great anger.


(a) Private Quelch’s salute.
(b) The tone is sarcastic.
(c) He did it ceremonially. He would swing his thin arms and march to the canteen like a guard’s man.
(d) He appeared conceited to others specially his seniors. The truth was he was diligent, hard­working and very intelligent but totally unaware how insolent and irritating his behaviour was.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :          [2 x 4 = 8]
(a) What was John Pescud’s opinion about best sellers?
(b) “All can hear but only the sensitive can understand.” What does the poet want to convey?
(c) Why is Juliette fed up with the house? What was the reaction of the people when the villa was put up for sale?
(d) How did Hooper become paralysed?
(a) Pescud believed that the stories about best sellers were not realistic. The themes revolved around romances between royals and commoners, sword fights, imaginative encounters and all the staff that never happens in real life.
(b) When the rain falls, everyone can hear its sound but very few can sense or understand its blessed nature. It requires great sensitivity, refinement of mental faculties to understand the exceptional functions the rain performs.
(c) Juliette was fed up because after putting up the sign, she felt as if the villa did not belong to her. The neighbours looked at
her in such a strange way that she began to think that they were mocking at her.
(d) One autumn night, when Hooper was driving back home, a car suddenly pulled in front of his car without warning. It was a serious accident and Hooper suffered from subdural haemorrhage in the motor section of the brain, leaving his left side completely paralysed.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words :   [8]
Why does Shakespeare compare the world to a stage?


In the world of crime where all values seem to have been lost, where all around is violence, treachery and terror, how do you feel when you read of the unconditional love and devotion of a dog named Duke?
Stage is the platform in a theatre where actors perform their parts and all actions take place. The roles of the actors are written by the playwright and they are performed as directed by the director. The players enter and leave according to their roles. Similarly in life, according to Shakespeare, the world is a stage, where men and women perform their parts, as predetermined by God. Human beings cannot choose their roles, they cannot decide their appearances or exits, that is their births, and deaths are also in the hands of God.


After reading the story ‘A Dog Named Duke’ we again review our faith in life’s values of goodness, love, devotion and loyalty. When man, the super-creation of God, seems to have lost these age old values, we find them in this mute friend of Hooper and marvel at his extraordinary power of intuition, foresight and in-depth understanding of his master’s needs. His never dying loyalty, his continued efforts and perseverance to make Hopper walk earn our spontaneous admiration and make us realise the extent of our own lack of these values. Duke not only contributed to Hooper’s regaining the control of his limbs but also in reinstalling these age old values in us to make us rise and stand upright.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 150-200 words :     [10]
Describe Gulliver’s travelling box.


Draw the character sketch of Gulliver after reading the part ‘A Voyage to Brobdingnag’.


How did Harris bungle the task of covering the hoops? When did the writer help him? Give one example of how Harris and George had bungled before.


Write the character-sketch of George.
It was a convenient closet of twelve feet and an exact square, with a window in the middle of three of the squares. Each window was latticed with iron wire on the outside, to prevent accidents on long journeys. On the fourth side, two strong staples were fixed, for the person who carried him on a horse back. He put a leather belt through it and tied it to his waist. In the closet a field bed and a hammock hung from the ceiling, two chairs and a table, neatly screwed to the floor to stop being tossed about in a carriage. Glumdalclitch used to hold this box on her lap while travelling. On the roof of the closet, Gulliver had a hole made to give him fresh air and he could cover it. The box, was as big as a house!


The chapter ends the story of Gulliver’s voyage to Brobdingnag. He never expected to escape from the country, though he never gave up the desire. All the comforts and kindnesses shown to him by everyone did not make him forget his family, his country.
One trait also stands out in this chapter. Even when he was flying in the sky, held in the beak of the eagle, Gulliver was concerned about the fate of Glumdalclitch! He could not forget her kindness and felt sad about the sorrow she would feel at his disappearance, the displeasure of the Queen and the end of her good fortune. She would have to suffer. Ingratitude was not a part of Gulliver’s character.
His courage, his desire to survive and his presence of mind never desert him. He shouts, waves a make-shift flag, issues instructions about his rescue till the last minute. A great story-teller, he convinces the captain about the veracity of his tale. He is always ready to praise where praise is due, calls the captain as kind, without greed and extremely helpful man.


Harris stood in the middle when George and the writer, standing on two opposite sides, tried to fix the canvas over the boat. He managed to get completely rolled in it. He was so firmly tucked in it, that he could not come out and struggled for freedom. When George tried to help him, he too got entangled. The writer and the dog watched the two struggling and didn’t do anything. The writer only helped when George managed to stick out his head and called him “cuckoo” and “a stuffed mummy” and a “dummy”!
Harris and George had bungled before when they tried to help in the packing. They broke a cup, squashed a tomato by putting strawberry jam on it. George trod on the butter, they packed pies at the bottom and put heavy things on it and smashed the pies. Harris sat on a packet of butter and could not find it.


George loves to speak in medical terms and comes up with the final suggestions of taking a boat trip. His two friends are surprised as they think he was not capable of making such a sensible suggestion. They also think he’s extremely lazy. He weighs about 12 stones. While packing also, George messes up with food items and breaks things. He is so lazy that when the writer and Harris wake up and argue with each other for not waking each other, George is still snoring and when his friends rush at him he falls into the bath tub.
George is a die hard lazy bee. The writer comments that George goes to the bank from ten to four where he does nothing but sleep. He would rest anywhere anytime. He is described as an elephant and a half dressed ruffian when the writer feels something heavy in the tent at night. The writer also comments that he doesn’t know why George is always thirsty.

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