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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Social Science – Paper 5


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 9 Social Science – Paper 5

(For Annual Examination to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards) Based on the latest syllabi and Design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E New Delhi

Strictly based on the Latest Scheme Of Assessement, the latest Syllabus and Design of the Question paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


Question 1:
Explain ‘Subsistence Crisis’ with an example. [1]
This refers to an extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are endangered. This occurred frequently in France during the Old Regime.

Question 2:
When was Napoleon finally defeated? [1]
He was finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Question 3:
Which type of drainage pattern does an area have where hard and soft rocks exist parallel to each other?    [1]
Trellis drainage pattern

Question 4:
What is a Terai region? [1]
It is a wet, swampy and marshy region located south of the Shiwaliks.

Question 5:
What is the Northernmost latitude of India? [1]
37°6’N latitude

Question 6:
Why do South African’s call themselves a rainbow nation? [1]
Because like a rainbow the nation has people of all hues and colour, i.e., the blacks, whites,mixed races, Indians.

Question 7:
What is the main aim of ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’? [1]
To provide elementary education to all children between the age of 6 and 14 years.

Question 8:
State the different views of socialist society. [3]
Socialists had different visions of the future. Some such as Robert Owen, a leading English manufacturer, sought to build a co-operative community called New Harmony in Indiana (USA). Other socialists felt that co-operatives could not be built on a wide scale only through individual initiative. They wanted that governments must encourage co-operatives and replace capitalist enterprise. This was propagated by Louis Blanc in France.
More ideas were added to this body of arguments. These ideas were added by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx argued that industrial society was capitalist. The workers contributed to the profits but did not gain anything. Their condition could improve only if the workers freed themselves from capitalist exploitation. For this the workers needed to construct a radically socialist society where all property was socially controlled. This would be a communist society.

Question 9:
Explain the position of Germany at the end of the First World War.    [3]
During the war Germany made initial gains by occupying France and Belgium. But the Allies,strengthened by the US entry into the war, won decisively defeating Germany and Central Powers in November 1918.
The defeat of imperial Germany and the abdication of the emperor gave an opportunity to political parties to recast German polity. A National Assembly met at Weimar and established ,a democratic constitution with a federal structure. Deputies were elected to Reichstag on the basis of universal adult franchise. But the republic became unpopular due to its acceptance of the treaty of Versailles which was too harsh and humiliating.

Question 10:
Describe the main features of Aravali ranges. [3]
It is a range of mountains in Western India running 800 km in north-eastern direction across Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Delhi.
The Aravali range is the oldest fold mountains in India. The northern end of the range coutinues as isolated hills and rocky ridges into Haryana state, ending in Delhi. The famous Delhi Ridge is the last leg of the Aravali Range. It is one of the world’s oldest mountain ranges. The southern end is at Palampur near Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The highest peak is Guru Shikhar in Mount Abu in Rajasthan. Rising to 5650 feet (1722 meters), it lies near the south-western extremity of the range, close to the border with Gujarat state. The city of Udaipur with its lakes lies on the south slope of the range in Rajasthan. Numerous rivers rise amidst the ranges including the Banas, the Luni, the Sahibi, the Sakhi, and the Sabarmati.

Question 11:
Distinguish between Central Highlands and Deccan plateau on the basins of their shape, rivers that flow and hill ranges.   [3]
(i) Central Highlands lie to the north of Narmada river while the Deccan plateau is a triangular landmass lying to the south of river Narmada.
(ii) Rivers flowing through the Central Highlands are Chambal, Sind, Betwa and Ken while the rivers draining through the Deccan Plateau are Krishna, Godavari, Tungabhadra, Mahanadi and Tapi.
(iii) The Central Highlands are wider in the west but narrower in the east. The eastward extensions of this plateau are Bundelkhand, Baghelkhand and Chhotanagpur plateaus. Deccan plateau consists of Satpura range, Mahadev, Kaimur hills, Maikal range. Its extension in the northeast are Meghalaya, Karbi-Anglong, and north Cachar Hills. Garo, Khasi and Jaintia are prominent hill ranges in the northeast.

Question 12:
Evergreen Rainforest and Montane Forest, both have variety of plants but still some major differences are there. Identify them.   [3]
Tropical rainforests are found in the areas of heavy rainfall and high temperature. Both of them are important for the growth of plants. Western parts of Western Ghats, north-eastern states and West Bengal have average rainfall of 250 cm. Several layers of vegetation is found in evergreen forest areas. On ‘ground layer’ grasses are found up to 1-5 metres. ‘Shrub layers’ are found, above that up to 5 metres-20 metres young trees are found. From 20 metres-40 metres canopy layer is found where trees have umbrella like shape. Above 40 metres and more emergent layer is found. Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber and cinchona are major plant types of this region. Same kind of layers of vegetation is found in Montane forest but unlike evergreen forest these layers are easy to demarcate, identity and group. Grasses, shrubs, tall trees, all of them can be found there but their belts or areas are different. While they are found simultaneously in evergreen forest, in Montane region succession of vegetation is found according to altitude.

Question 13:
What shortcomings do you see in the democratic system of India?   [3]
(i) There is often a change in ruling party and leaders leading to frequent reversal of policies and programmes. This leads to instability and inefficiency in government.
(ii) Political competition and power play has led to erosion of values and morality.
(iii) Casteism in politics and politicisation of castes and communities have led to social tension and conflict.
(iv) Corruption has crept in all spheres of governance.

Question 14:
Explain any three salient features of democracy.   [3]
(i) In a democracy the final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people.
(ii) A democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.
(iii) In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.

Question 15:
“The Preamble of Indian Constitution provides the philosophy of Constitution.” Explain any three values that you derive from it.      [3]
(i) Liberty : There are no unreasonable restrictions on the citizens in what they think, how they wish to express their thoughts and the way they wish to follow up their thoughts in action.
(ii) Equality : All are equal before the law. The traditional social inequalities have to be ended. The government should ensure equal opportunity for all.
(iii) Fraternity : All of us should behave as if we are members of the same family. No one should treat a fellow citizen as inferior.

Question 16:
Which season are Kharif crops grown in? Mention four crops grown in this season. [3]
The cropping season is divided into three parts on the basis of sowing and harvesting. There are: Kharif, Rabi and Zaid. Kharif crops are grown with the onset of monsoon and are harvested in September – October. Important crops grown during this season are – paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, cotton, jute, etc.

Question 17:
Why is educated unemployment a peculiar problem of India?   [3]
The joblessness among the educated, i.e., matriculates and above, is called educated unemployment. Unemployment problem signifies the wastage of human resources. If unemployment is high among the educated persons, the quantum of wastage of resources will be greater. This is due to investments in education and skill formation. There is a feeling of hopelessness among the educated youth. India has to spend a lot of money on education every year. People who should have been assets for the economy have turned into a liability.

Question 18:
How is the human resource different from the other resources? Explain.    [3]
Human resource differs from other resources like plants, machinery and raw materials in the following ways :
(i) Human resource can be improved through education, training and medical care and this improved human capital earns higher income because of higher productivity while other resources would remain as they are.
(ii) Humans have power of thinking and creativity, while other resources are to be controlled by human mind. Creative thinking makes human resources most valuable, through which higher national income can be expected.
(iii) Human resource can make use of land and capital, while land and capital cannot become useful on their own. So, we see that human capital is considered as an asset to the government.

Question 19A:
How did the new forest laws affect the forest dwellers?   [5]
Foresters and villagers had very different ideas of what a good forest should look like. Villagers wanted forests with a mixture of species to satisfy different needs — fuel, fodder, leaves. The forest department wanted trees which were suitable for building ships or railways. They needed trees that could provide hard wood and were tall and straight. So, particular species like teak and sal were promoted and others were cut. The new forest laws meant severe hardship for villagers across the country. After the Act (Forest Act), all their everyday practices, cutting wood for their houses, grazing their cattle, collecting fruits and roots, hunting and fishing became illegal. People were now forced to steal wood from the forests, and if they were caught they were at the mercy of the forest guards who would take bribes from them. Women who collected fuel wood were especially worried. It was also common for police constables and forest guards to harass people by demanding free food from them.


Question 19B:
Elaborate on the seasonal movement of Dhangars of Maharashtra.       [5]
The Dhangars live in the central plateau of Maharashtra during the monsoon season. They use it as a grazing ground for their flock and herds. They sow their dry crop of ‘bajra’ here during the monsoon season. By October, they reap the harvest and move to Konkan — a fertile agricultural region. The Konkan peasants welcome them to manure and fertilise their fields for the ‘rabi’ crop. The flocks manure the fields and feed on the stubble. They stay there till the monsoon arrives and then move on to the dry plateau. They carry with them the rice given by the Konkans.


Question 19C:
What lessons can we draw from the conversion of the countryside in the USA from a bread basket to a dust bowl?    [5]
The expansion of wheat cultivation in the Great Plains created the Dust Bowl. The American dream of a land of plenty had turned into a nightmare.
We need to learn a lesson from this. Use of land is good but overuse of land is bad. We need to realise that land is a precious natural resource which needs to be preserved and conserved. Reckless, improper and unsustainable use of any resource leads to its degradation and depletion. This gives rise to serious consequences. We must realise that we need to respect the ecological conditions of each region and work towards sustainable development and look after our earth.

Question 20A:
Explain five ideas and decisions of Dietrich Brandis regarding management of forests in India.        [5]
(i) Brandis realised that a proper system needed to be introduced to manage forests.
(ii) He wanted to train people in the science of conservation.
(iii) Legal sanctions had to be given to various rules and regulations regarding the use of forest resources.
(iv) Felling of trees and grazing had to be restricted so that forests could be preserved for timber production. People cutting
trees illegally had to be punished.
(v) Brandis set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864 and helped formulate the Indian Forest Act of 1865. The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up at Dehradun in 1906 where scientific forestry was taught.


Question 20B:
“Life of the pastoral groups was sustained by a careful consideration of a host of factors.” Explain any five of these factors. [5]
They had to weigh all pros and cons to sustain their life.
(i) They had to judge how long the herds could stay in one area, and find new areas for water and pasture.
(ii) They needed to calculate the timing of their movements through different territories.
(iii) They had to set up a relationship with farmers on the way, so that herds could graze in harvested fields and manure the soil.
(iv) They had to make provisions for security of their cattle and their own lives.
(v) To make their living, the) combined many activities such as cultivation, trade, and herding.


Question 20C:
How did new demands for grain give a fillip to the Enclousure movement in the late 18th century in England?   [5]
(i) Between 1750 and 1900, the population of England grew over four times, from 7 million in 1750 to 30 million in 1900.
(ii) Rapid explosion of population meant soaring demands for foodgrains. Soaring demands led to price rise and more profits for landlords.
(iii) During this period, Britain was on the path of industrialisation. This meant rapid urbanisation and migration of rural population into cities. This huge population of cities needed to buy foodgrains.
(iv) As urban population grew, the market for foodgrains expanded leading to soaring demands and soaring prices.
(v) By the end of the 18th century, war with France led to disruption in trade and import of foodgrains from Europe. Thus, prices of grains skyrocketed encouraging landlords to enclose lands and enlarge the area under grain production.

Question 21:
Which part of India receives rainfall in winter through retreating monsoon and why? [5]
Most of the Tamil Nadu and coastal parts of Andhra Pradesh receives rainfall in winter. From the month of October sun starts moving southward, so temperature in these areas starts decreasing, thus low pressure zone over this area starts weakening. So monsoon starts retreating from this area. Meanwhile in the Bay of Bengal, low-pressure conditions are formed. This shift of low- pressure zone causes occurrence of cyclonic depressions. Till December temperature is high near the southermost part of India (that is near the equator) and thus pressure is low. there. So, dry winds coming back from Indian plains grains moisture as they move over the Bay of Bengal and precipitate over the Tamil Nadu and eastern coast as they change their direction from North-East to South-West.

Question 22:
Describe the ways in which Lok Sabha is more powerful than Rajya Sabha.   [5]
(i) An ordinary law has to pass through both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. In case of differences, a joint session is held. Since
Lok Sabha has a larger number of members, its will prevails.
(ii) Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. Once it passes the budget or the money bills, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. It can delay it by 14 days or suggest changes in it. The Lok Sabha may or may not accept these changes.
(iii) Lok Sabha controls the council of ministers. If the majority of Lok Sabha members say they have no confidence in the council of ministers, all ministers including the Prime Minister have to quit. Rajya Sabha does not have this power.

Question 23:
Why do we need rights in a democracy?    [5]
(i) Rights are necessary for the very sustenance of a democracy. For democratic elections to take place, it is necessary that
citizens should have the right to express their opinion, form political parties and take part in political activities.
(ii) Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority they ensure that the majority cannot do whatever it likes.
(iii) Rights are guarantees which can be used when things go wrong. This usually happens when those in majority want to dominate those in minority.
(iv) The government should protect the citizens, rights in such a situation.
(v) In most democracies, the basic rights of the citizens are written down in the constitution.

Question 24:
Describe the role of cooperatives in promoting food security.            [5]
(i) The cooperatives are playing an important role in food security in India. The cooperative societies set up shops to sell low
price goods to poor people. For example, in Tamil Nadu, 94 per cent of all fair price shops are being run by the cooperatives.
(ii) In Delhi, Mother Dairy is doing an excellent job in supplying milk and vegetables to the consumers at reasonable prices.
(iii) Amul is another success story of cooperatives in milk and milk products from Gujarat. It has brought about the white revolution in the country.
(iv) The cooperatives provide good quality food items at competitive prices. They run on the principle of no profit no loss.

Question 25:
Mention the main features of the Green Revolution.  [5]
(i) The Green Revolution was launched in the 1960s to achieve self-sufficiency in foodgrains.
(ii) The measures adopted were : Wide use of HYV seeds, proper irrigation, use of fertilisers, weedicides and pesticides.
(iii) Only two crops were covered – wheat and rice.
(iv) Increase in foodgrain production was disproportionate – areawise and production wise.
(v) Many States – Maharashtra, M.R, Odisha, Bihar, eastern part of U.R, and northeastern states continued to remain behind whereas Punjab, Haryana, Western U.P., Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh gained the most.

Question 26:
Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of France.   [1]
(i) Bordeaux                                              (ii) Nantes

Question 27:
Locate and label the following on the given outline map of world.      [1]
(i) Germany (Axis power).
(ii) Territories under Nazi power.

Question 28:
Three items A, 8 and C are marked on the given outline political map of India. Identify these items with the help of the given information and write their correct names on the map. [3]
(A) — A river
(B) — A river
(C) —A lake

Note : The following questions are for the blind candidates only in lieu of Q.No. 26, 27 and 28.     [5]
(28.1) Name a port city in France famous for slave trade.
(28.2) Name another port city in France famous for slave trade.
(28.3) Where does Narmada river fall into?
(28.4) Where does Tapi river fall into?
(28.5) Where is Chilika Lake situated?
(28.1) Nantes
(28.2) Bordeaux
(28.3) Arabian Sea
(28.4) Arabian Sea
(28.5) Odisha

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