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CBSE Class 6 English Notice Writing


CBSE Class 6 English Notice Writing are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. Here we have given CBSE Class 6 English Notice Writing.

CBSE Class 6 English Notice Writing

1. Tapan Ghosh of class IX A is the Secretary of the Holy aarist School Geography Forum. The geography teacher has asked Tapan to put up a notice to invite the students of geography to participate in the Geography Quiz Contest to be held after a fortnight in St Anthony’s School. The first prize carries Rs 1000 and a Trophy. Write this notice, using not more than 30 words. Try to make the notice catch all the students’ attention.

Notice Board
Win Rs 1000 in Geography Quiz Contest

St Anthony’s School is holding an Inter-School Geography Quiz Contest within a fortnight. The first prize carries Rs 1000 and a Trophy.
Interested Geography students should see me immediately.
15 July, 2007

Tapan Ghosh

2. Mukul Swami of class X, Captain of the School Hockey Team and Sports Secretary, is asked by his sports teacher to put a notice on the school notice board inviting the students to buy some old hockey sticks and balls. These items are in a fairly good condition. Write this notice using not more than 30 words. Try to make the notice catch students’ attention.

Notice Board
Buy hockey sticks etc at very low prices

The school offers for sale almost new Hockey sticks and balls at a very low price. Interested students can inspect and buy them in the recess tomorrow in the Sports Room.
15 November, 2007

Mukul Swami

3. Your school has decided to present a programme on the AIR from the AIR Stadium of your city, in the popular programme “Meet the Young-Artists”.
Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice- board inviting talented students to appear for trial for different items on 20th November in the School’s “Open Theatre”. You have invited Mr. Anand Bosle, the famous Presenter on the AIR. You are Secretary, Cultural Activities Society. The school Principal has accorded his permission for the broadcast.

P.S. Public School

Our school Is going to present a programme on the AIR in the popular programme ‘Meet the Young-Artists’. All students willing to participate may appear for a trial for different items on 20 November in the school’s ‘Open Theatre’ in the presence of Mr. Anand Bosle, famous AIR presenter.
10 November, 2007

Cultural Activities Society

4. Meenakshi Goel is the sports captain of Navodaya school. The sports day is to be held, on March 21st which is just two weeks away. She has to inform house captains that they have to submit the names of the participants to her in a week’s time. A student cannot take part in more than three events excluding the relay. Any delay or wrong information will lead to disqualification of the student.
Write the notice for Meenakshi using not more than 40 words.

Navodaya School
Kind Attention : All House Captains

The Sports Day of the School is on January 21st. Please submit the names of the participants of your houses to the undersigned within a week. A student cannot take part in more than three events excluding the relay. Any delay or wrong information will lead to disqualification.
3 January, 2007

Meenakshi Goel
Sports Captain

5. You are Anupam, the editor of the school magazine, and want to hold an interclass competition to collect poems and cartoons for the magazine before Sept. ‘97. Draft a notice for the students’ notice board inviting entries. Mention all details required like entry dates, prizes etc. Give your notice an appealing heading.

Rosemary Model School
Win A Fabulous Prize

There will be an inter-class competition for collecting poems, cartoons etc for the school magazine, on 25 August, 2007 at 1 pm in the school hall. Students willing to participate should give their names to the undersigned by 20 August, 2007. The winning articles carry prizes of Rs. 500, 300, 100 respectively. The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
10 August, 2007


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