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MP Board 10th Result 2019 | Check Madhya Pradesh Board Class 10 Result @ mpresults.nic.in


MP Board 10th Result 2019: MP Board of Madhya Pradesh state is one of the known boards for conducting the HSC or 10th examinations as other state boards of the country. Almost all the states of India conducts the 10th class annual examinations to verify the performance of the students in the high school and to promote them to higher studies based on the marks that they received in 10th exams. As a part of it, MPBSE this year arranged 10th exams for more than 9 lakh students applied for the exam at various places of the state. People written this exam are waiting eagerly to check their marks in all the subjects and are curious to know whether they qualified in the exam or not.

The MP Board 10th class exams took place from March 1, 2019, and ended on March 27, 2019. The MPBSE 10th Result 2019 can be expected in the second week of May 2019. In 2018, the MP Board 10th Result was declared on May 14. Thus, we can expect the board to follow a similar trend this year too.

The result will also be published on the official website: mpbse.nic.in

MP Board Class 10 Result 2019

According to the stats of the past few years, the MP Board 10th Result 2019 is being declared in the month of May continuously but with changes in the date and time and issuing the results. Almost all the state boards follow the same trend of organizing the exams in March / April and releasing the results on May / June every year. Based on this, tentatively students can expect their MPBSE 10th results for this year on the second or third week of May 2019 as last year results are out on 12th May at 10:30 AM. As of now, the board is in the process of paper scrutiny and once it completes, exam authorities will tell us one date and time and on that particular date and time, the education minister of the state will announce the 10th results officially. Immediately after that, mp board 10th merit list 2019 or toppers list district wise and state wise will also be published in the board result website.

Examination10th Examination 2019 / HSC Exam 2019
Examination ScheduleMarch 2019
MPBSE 10th Result Date14 May 2019 (Tentatively)
Official Site for Resultsmpresults.nic.in / mpbse.nic.in

MP Board 10 Results 2019 – Steps to Check

The best ways to check the MP Board 10th results are online and through SMS. Majority of the people prefer to view their MP 10th exam results in the online official site and so, we are giving the process here.

MP Board Result Online Mode

Step – 1: Visit the resulting site http://mpresults.nic.in/

Step – 2: Search for “HSC (Class 10th) Examination 2019” link and click it.

Step – 3: Enter your Roll Number in the page redirected.

Step – 4: You can see the MP Board 10th Results 2019 on the screen.

Step – 5: Check your result and save it.

MP Board Result Offline/SMS Mode

SMS Format to Check MPBSE 10th Result

Type MP10<space>Roll Number and Send to 56263

Details Mentioned On MP Board 10th Result 2019

The following details will be mentioned on the MP Board 10th Class Result

  • Name of the Student
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Center Code
  • School Code
  • Enrollment Number
  • Regular/Private
  • Application Number
  • Roll Number
  • Subject Code
  • Subject Name
  • Subject-wise Marks Obtained in Theory
  • Subject-wise Marks Obtained in Practicals
  • Subject-wise Marks Obtained (Theory + Practical)
  • Grand Total
  • Remarks (if any)
  • Status of Result

MP Board Class 10 Pass Criteria

The pass criteria in MP Board HSC Exam 2019 are as under

  1. Candidates will have to secure a minimum of 33 percent in order to qualify in the exam.
  2. Out of the six papers, candidates have to pass in at least five papers.
Aggregate MarksDivision
Minimum 60 percentFirst Division
Minimum 45 percentSecond Division
Minimum 33 percentThird Division

MPBSE 10th Revaluation / Rechecking 2019

MP Board will release the 10th result by the end of May after which it will issue the MP board 10th revaluation form. Using that form, you can apply for the MPBSE 10th rechecking or scrutiny. The complete schedule of the recheck process and all the instructions will be soon released by the board and you can check them at the official website. After you apply, the paper will be re-scrutinized and the MP Board 10th revaluation result 2019 will be released very soon i.e., within 10 to 15 days after you apply. So, we suggest you be patient for some more days and wait for the official announcement to be out. We will update full information once we get the official news. So, please wait and check our updates regularly time-to-time. Hope, this information regarding revaluation help you.

MP Board 10th Result Previous Year’s Statistics

It is quite natural for Class 10 students to be worried about the MPBSE Result 2019 scores since the numbers will decide the future academic stream that he/she wants to pursue. We have mentioned the statistics below so that the students can understand the pass percentage and can set their future plans accordingly. We have presented some key facts and figures from last year’s MPBSE 10th Result below

YearStudents AppearedTotal Pass %Boys %Girls %

MP Board 10th Supplementary Results 2019

For all the students failed in the MPBSE 10th regular exams, the board will conduct the supply examinations in the month of July every year for both regular and vocational courses. Every year number of students used to take part in these exams as the pass percentage of the state is very less compared to many states. The board will release the exam schedule of the MP Board 10th supply exams soon with the mp board 10th results 2019 along with the supply exam fee details and the admit card availability details. Students can get all such information either from the board website or from our portal directly as we will be the first site to update all such details here.

Students will be waiting eagerly for the MP Board 10th Supply Results in 2019 as they want to register for higher studies such as 12th class and for other examinations. For all such students, the board will declare the 10th supplementary exam results in the 2nd or 3rd week of August 2019 as last year, the supply results were out on 8th of August. You should note that all the information given here as of now is tentative details and if you want to know the official updates, you should keep visiting till the MPBSE comes up with current updates and we will add the information in our site. Supply results can also be checked from the same official site in the same process available above


The MP Board of Secondary Education was established to conduct the affairs of regulation of secondary education in the state and was established as a regulatory authority through the Madhya Pradesh Secondary Education Act, 1965. The board conducted its first examination in the year 1959-60 in which approximately 80,000 students took part. Over the years, the board was able to increase the number of participants significantly to approximately 10 lakh in recent years. The MP Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) is not merely an exam conducting body but it also regulates the education policies in the affiliated schools.

We hope the detailed article on MP Board 10th Result 2019 is helpful. If you have any doubt regarding this article or MP Board 10th Result 2019, drop your comments in the comment section below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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