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What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Important Questions Civics Chapter 2


What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Important Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 2

Important Questions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is representative democracy?
Under representative democracy all the people do not rule or take decisions but a majority or elected representatives are allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people.

Question 2.
Which is the most common form of democracy in today’s world?
Representative Democracy.

Question 3.
Name any two characteristics of democracy.

  • People choose their rulers.
  • People have freedom to express their views.

Question 4.
Why are quality decisions a possibility in a democracy?
A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings.

Question 5.
Whose rule is democracy considered to be?
People’s rule e.g., Salvador Allende’s rule in Chile.

Question 6.
With whom does the final decision-making power rest in a democracy?
Elected representatives of the people.

Question 7.
Under which form of government political equality given importance?

Question 8.
In spite of having a vast social diversity, what keeps the people of India together?

Question 9.
What should be done in a democracy if mistakes are committed?
There should be public discussion on these mistakes.

Question 10.
When do we say that elections are fair?
The elections must offer a real choice between political alternatives.

Question 11.
‘In a democracy, the majority of the people rule through their elected representatives.’ Give reasons. HOTS

  • Modem democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically impossible for them to sit together, and take a collective decision.
  • Even if they could, the citizen does not have the time, the desire or the skills to take part in all the decisions.

Question 12.
How does democracy in a country enhance the dignity of an individual? State three points.

  • Democracy is based on the principle of political equality. So all the citizens whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated have the same status.
  • People are not subjects of a ruler, they are the rulers themselves.
  • The ruler has to rule or work according to the wishes and the needs of the people. If the people do not like the ruler they can change him through election.

Question 13.
When does a citizen have an equal role in decision-making?
If a decision involves many persons, discussions and meetings.

Question 14.
What is Referendum?
A direct vote in which the entire electorate is asked to either accpet or reject a proposal.

Question 15.
When did the World Trade Organization set up?

Question 16.
Which form of government is considered nbn-democratic?
Military rule or monarchy.

Question 17.
By whom was the ‘Legal Framework Order’ issued in Pakistan?
General Pervez Musharraf.

Question 18.
After how many yeafcs does Mexico hold elections for electing its president? ‘
After every six years.

Question 19.
During which period did China record its worst famine in the I world’s history?
During 1958-1961.

Question 20.
Before contesting elections in China, whose approval does a candidate need to have?
The Chinese Communist Party.

Question 21.
Which country does not give voting rights to minorities?

Question 22.
By whom is the President of China appointed?
Members of the National People’s Congress.

Question 23.
Name any two countries where free and fair elections are not held.
China and Mexico.

What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Important Questions Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Define Democracy. Sate two merits and demerits of democracy.
Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people to work for their welfare and can be changed by them.

  • Democracy is the best form of government as the rulers are accountable to the people and have to fulfil their needs.
  • Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. This reduces the chance of hasty and irresponsible decisions from being taken and improves the quality of decision making.


  • Leaders keep changing in democracy. This leads to instability.
  • Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality.

Question 2.
How elections in India are different from Mexico?

  • Both the countries have a multi-party system. In case of India, political parties in power often loose elections whereas in case of Mexico PRI did not loose a single election for more than 70 years.
  • Elections in India are held after every 5 years whereas in case of Mexico elections are held after 6 years.
  • Government officials work under the Election Commission during the election days whereas this is not true for Mexico.

Question 3.
Assess any three conditions that apply to the way a democratic government is run after the elections.

  • People should have the freedom to express their views. They should have freedom to form associations and to protest also.
  • Country is governed by the constitutional law. Everyone should be equal in the eye of law.
  • People’s rights should be respected and it must be protected by an independent judiciary whose orders are obeyed by everyone.

Question 4.
What does direct democracy imply? Why can it not be practised in the present day world?
(i) Direct democracy implies to the democracy in which every citizen must be able to play equal role in decision-making.
(ii) (a) Modern democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically not possible for them to sit together and take a collective decision. Even the majority does not rule directly but through their elected representatives.
(b) Moreover, the citizen does not have the time, the desire or the skills to take part in all the decisions.

Question 5.
‘Democracy is all about political competition and powerplay. There is no scope for morality’. Justify the statement by giving arguments against democracy.

  • Political parties and candidates use all the dirty tricks to win elections.
  • Many of them use money and muscle power during the elections.
  • Political parties or candidates demand votes on the basis of caste, religion etc.

Question 6.
Explain the major features of democracy.

  • Final Authority with the People’s Representatives: In a democracy the final decision-making power must rest with those elected by the people.
  • Free and Fair Elections: A democracy must be based on a free and fair elections where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing.
  • One Person, One Vote, One Value: In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
  • Rule of Law and Respect for Rights: A democratic government rules within limits set by constitutional law and citizen’s rights.

Question 7.
‘Democracy improves the quality of decision-making.’ Explain. VBQ

  • Democracy is based on consultation and discussion.
  • A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. When a number of people put their heads together, they are able to point out possible mistakes in any decision.
  • As most of the decisions are taken by discussions, this reduces the chances of rash or irresponsible decisions.
  • If the decision is not according to the wishes of the people, they have the right to protest, and even can force the government to withdraw it.

Question 8.
“Democracy is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes.” Explain. HOTS
There is no guarantee that mistakes cannot be made in a democracy. No form of government can guarantee that. The advantage in a democracy is that such mistakes cannot be hidden for long. There is a space for public discussion on these mistakes. And there is a room for correction. Either the rulers have to change their decisions, or the rulers can be changed. This cannot happen in a non-democratic government.

Question 9.
Why is democracy called a “Government by discussion”?

  • Democracy provides all the citizens some basic rights through which they can give their opinion.
  • Democracy provides h chance to all the citizens to choose their representatives, and change them, if they do not work according to their wishes.
  • In the Parliament, all the members have the right to give their opinions,
  • Democracy provides the citizens a right to follow any religion.

Question 10.
Which is the most common form of democracy? Why is this form of democracy necessary?
The most common form of democracy is representative democracy.

  • Modern democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically impossible for them to sit together, and take a collective decision.
  • Even if they could, the citizen does not have the time, the desire or the skills to take part in all the decisions.

Question 11.
‘Is it good to elect a President for life or is it better to hold regular elections after every five years’? Express your view with reasons to support them.
No, it is not good to elect a President for life. But, it is certainly better to hold regular elections after every five years.

  • Regular elections provide an opportunity to the people to change the government if it does not act as per the wishes of the people.
  • Regular and fair election is an important aspect of democracy.

Question 12.
“A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government.” Explain.

  • Democratic government is an accountable government i.e., it is responsible for its actions, decisions and policies including the administration. The government is answerable to the Parliament or we can say to the people. If government is not working according to the needs and expectations of the citizens the Parliament can move a no confidence motion against the government.
  • More than three crqre people lost their life in 1958-61 famine in China but India, whose economic condition was poorer as compared to China, did not have a famine of the kind China had.
  • The existence of democracy in India made the Indian government respond to food security in a way that the Chinese government did not.

Question 13.
Consider the following facts about a country and decide if you would call it a democracy. Give reasons to support your decision.
(i) All the citizens of the country have right to vote. Elections are held regularly.
(ii) The country took loan from international agencies. One of the conditions for giving loan was that the government would reduce its expenses on education and health.
(iii) People speak more than seven languages but education is available only in one language, the language spoken by 52 per cent people of that country.
(iv) Several organisations have given a call for peaceful demonstrations and nation wide strikes in the country to oppose these policies. Government has arrested these leaders.
(v) The government owns the radio and television in the country.‘All the newspapers have to get permission from the government to publish any news about government’s policies and protests.
(i) Where citizens have the right to vote and elections are held regularly, it is democracy. But elections should be free and fair. In India democracy exist because elections are held free and fair.
(ii) It is democratic. Simply by taking loan from international agency the democratic government does not became undemocratic.
(iii) It is not democratic. In a democracy education should be given in a language spoken by the students.
(iv) It is not democratic. People have a right to protest against the policies of government. Peaceful demonstrations and nation wide strikes are democratic method of protest.
(v) It is undemocratic. For democracy it is essential that radio and television should be autonomous.

Question 14.
Why was every election won by the party called PRI in China? Explain any three reasons.
Every election won by the party called PRI in China because:

  • Until 2000, every election was won by the dominant party called PRI.
  • In its presence, opposition parties did contest elections, but never managed to win.
  • The PRI was known to use many dirty tricks to win elections.

Question 15.
Citizens of a non-democratic nation can bring about a change in the political system of the country. Write any three traits which can help them to do so.
Traits are:

  • They should be allowed to actively participate in the politics.
  • They can form associations. They can protest and take other political actions.
  •  They can express opinions in public.

Question 16.
“Elections in China do not represent people’s verdict”. Explain. HOTS

  • In China, elections are regularly held after every five years, for electing the country’s Parliament, called Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People’s Congress). ,
  • The National People’s Congress has the power to appoint the President of the country.
  • It has nearly 3,000 members elected from all over China. Some members are elected by the army.
  • Before contesting elections, a candidate needs the approval of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Only those, who are member’s of the Chinese Communist Party or eight smaller parties allied to it were allowed to contest elections held in 2002-03.
  • The government is always formed by the Communist Party.

Question 17.
Distinguish between a democracy and a good democracy on three points.

S.No.DemocracyGood Democracy
(i)A democratic government is government which is elected by the people.A good democracy is a government which is elected by the people and people take part in all the decisions.
(ii)In a democracy regular elections are held.In a good democracy regular free and fair elections are held.
(iii)In a democracy there is political equality.In a good democracy along with political there is economic as well as social equality.

Question 18.
Distinguish between democratic and non-democratic elections.

S.No.Democratic ElectionsNon-democratic Elections
(i)Under democratic elections, all citizens have one vote with equal value.Under this, all citizens are not given right to vote.
(ii)Elections are held at regular intervals.Elections are not held at regular intervals.
(iii)Free and fair elections are conducted.Free and fair elections are not conducted.

What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Class 9 Important Questions Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
With the help of an example, prove that a democratic government is a more accountable form of government.
We can take the example of India. In India, the government is accountable to the citizens.
(i) Government policies in India are based on the democratic values.
(ii) It is able to respond to the needs of the people.
(iii) It holds multi-party elections.
(iv) It has opposition parties to criticize the government.
(v) Democracy ensures that decision-making will be based on norms and procedures. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find it out. This is known as transparency. So, this shows democracy produces a government which follows the procedures and is accountable to the government.
(vi) A democratic government rules within limits set by constitutional law and citizen’s right.
(vii) Democracy provides a method to deal with difference and conflicts. It is suitable in countries like India. India has diversity of language, religion and culture.
(viii) It is better than other forms of government because it allows us to correct our own tnistakes.
(ix) Democracy also increases the dignity of the citizens, because it is based on the principle oApolitical equality. This means that the poorest and the least educated have the same status as the rich and educated.

Question 2.
“Democracy is the most popular form of government emerging in the modem times, still the shortcomings cannot be ruled out.” Justify the statement by assessing any five shortcomings of democracy. HOTS

  • Instability: Under democracy, leaders and political parties keep changing. This leads to political instability.
  • Low Morality: Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality.
  • Delays in Decision Making: All the decisions are to be approved and discussed in the Parliament, and many people and institutions are to be consulted. So it leads to delays in decision making.
  • Bad Decisions: As most of the leaders do not know the best interest, of the people, it leads to bad decisions.
  • Corruption: As the democracy is based on electoral competition, it leads to corruption. Many political parties use muscle and money power to come to power.
  • Illiterate and Politically Unconscious Voters: In most of the developing countries, voters are illiterate and politically unconscious, so they elect wrong candidates.

Question 3.
Why is democracy considered to be the best option among all other political systems available in world? Explain.

  • Accountable Government: Democracy is better than any other form of government because it represents the needs of the people. It does not depend on the whims of the ruler or the dictator. In simple words, we can say that democracy is for the people. It is an accountable form of government.
  • Based on Consultation Discussion: Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. As such many mistakes are corrected in time. Thus, democracy improves the quality of decision making.
  • Deals with Differences: Democracy provides a peaceful solution to every problem. It provides the best method of dealing with differences and conflicts. It suits the needs of many countries like India with diversity of languages, religions, castes and creeds. Discussions lead to the solution of every problem, so it keeps our country united.
  • Political Equality: Democracy is based on political equality which ensures equal rights, both for the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Thus, in a way, democracy enhances the dignity of every citizen.
  • Room for Correction: It is only in democracy that mistakes are admitted, and all attempts are made to correct these mistakes. If mistakes are made, it is only in democracy that they are admitted and then corrected. In democracy, thus, there is a room for correction.
  • Democracy provides the opportunity to the citizens to flourish according to their ability.

Question 4.
Explain the major features of democratic governments.

  • Responsible .Government: Democratic government is a responsible government. The representatives elected by the people on the basis of universal Vdult franchise remain responsible to the people and in case they do not remain responsible before the people, the people can change them during the next elections.
  • Possibility of Good Laws: In a democratic government, the representatives have a direct relation with the people. Therefore, they properly understand their problems and interests. They properly represent the interest of the people in the assemblies, and the parliament and always try to get the good laws passed.
  • Political Education: The greatest merit of democracy is its educative value. Participation in elections and other political activities, make the people intelligent and politically conscious. They become enlightened citizens.
  • Based on Liberty and Fraternity: In democracy, the rights and the liberty of the people are well safeguarded. People are given freedom to express their views without any fear. They can criticise the wrong policies of the government.
  • Respect of the Principle of Equality: In democracy, all are equal in the eyes of law, and no discrimination is done on the basis of birth, race, caste, colour, sex, religion, etc. All citizens get equal opportunities to participate in the affairs of the state.
  • Government Based on the Will of the People: Democracy is based on the will of the people, and it functions according to their consent. The Government cannot ignore the interest of the people.

Question 5.
Which characteristics make democratic government so popular?

  • Accountable Government: Democracy is better than any other form of government because it represents the needs of the people. It does not depend on the whims of the ruler or the dicator. In simple words, we can say that democracy is for the poeple. It is an accountable form of government.
  • Based on Consultation and Discussion: Democracy is based on consultation and discussion. As such many mistakes are corrected in time. Thus, democracy imporoves the quality of decision making.
  • Deals with Differences: Democracy provides a peaceful solution to every problem. It provides the best method of dealing with differences and conflicts. It suits the needs of many countries like India with diversity of languages, religions, castes and creeds. Discussions lead to the soultion of every problem, so it keeps our country united.
  • Political Equality: Democracy is based on political equality which ensures equal rights, both for the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated. Thus, in a way, democracy enhances the dignity of every citizen.

Question 6.
“Though democracy is considered to be the best form of government, it is not an ideal form of government.” Give five arguments to prove the above statement.

  • It is not an ideal form of government because every citizen does not play equal role m decision-making. Even the majority does not rule directly. But, it rules through their elected representatives.
  • Democracy provide only political equality but people also need social and economic equality.
  • An ideal government is a government which is not run by few powerful people.
  • An ideal government is free of corruption.
  • An ideal government is a government where there is a gender equality.

Question 7.
Explain the representative democracy. Why is the representative democracy the most common form of government in modem times? Explain any four reasons.
(i) When the majority of people rule through their elected representatives, this is called representative democracy.

  • The most common form that democracy takes in our times is that of a representative democracy. In a democracy, all the people do not rule. Direct rule by people is not possible.
  • So, in a democracy, the majority is allowed to take decisions on
    behalf of all the people. Even the majority does not rule directly. It rules through its elected representatives.
  • A representative democracy becomes necessary. Modem democracies comprise a large number of people. It is physically impossible for them to sit or collect together at a place and take a collective decision.
  • Even if they could collect together, all the citizens do not have the time, the desire, or the skills to take part in all the decisions.

Question 8.
Write any five arguments in favour and five against democracy as a form of government.
Arguments in Favour of Democracy:

  • Democratic form of government is accountable.
  • It improves the quality of decision making.
  • It provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
  • It enhances the dignity of citizen.
  • It allows us to correct our mistakes.

Arguments Against Democracy:

  • Change of leaders lead to instability.
  • It involves only political competition with no scope for morality.
  • Consulting more people leads to delays.
  • It leads to corruption.
  • Ordinary people don’t know that what is good for them.

Question 9.
Write some common features of the non-democratic countries.
Some common features of the non-democratic countries are:
(i) In non-democratic countries, the people are not allowed to criticise the government. Doing so means imprisonment, harassment and trouble one after the other.

(ii) In non-democratic countries, the rule of the king or the so-called military rule prevails and the question of elections does not arise.

(iii) In non-democratic countries, no opposition is tolerated. So the question of political parties, especially of the opposition parties does not arise. Only those political parties can survive which toe to the line of the government.

(iv) In non-democratic countries, the workers are not allowed to form their independent trade unions. Only such trade unions can survive, who rightly or wrongly, support the policies of the government.

(v) In non-democratic countries, all the people are at the mercy of the dictator or the military rulers. Anybody can be detained, arrested or even put to death without any trial.

(vi) In non-democratic countries, nobody can even aspire for any big post. If he is ready to be a tool in the hands of the ruler/ dictator/military leaders, he can hope to get some good post. But he will have to kill his conscience and become dumb and deaf.

Question 10.
Why is Zimbabwe not considered a democratic country?
(i) Same Party Ruling: Zimbabwe attained independence from white minority rule in 1980. Since then the country has been ruled by the party ZANU-PF. Its leader Robert Mugabe, has been ruling the country since independence.

(ii) Unfair Elections: Elections have been held regularly and . always won by the ruling party. They have not been free and fair.

(iii) Change of Constitution to Favour the Government: President Mugabe appears to be popular but also uses unfair practices in elections. His government has changed the Constitution several times to increase the power of the President and make him less accountable.

(iv) Suppression of Opposition: Opposition party workers are often harassed and their meetings disrupted by ruling party.

(v) Right to Freedom Missing: Public protests and demonstrations against the government are declared illegal. There is a law that limits the right to criticise the President. Television and radio are controlled by the government.

(vi) Absence of Independent Judiciary: The government has ignored some court judgements that went against it and has pressurised judges.

Question 11.
How far was the communist government responsible for the famine that occurred in China in 1958-1961? Explain.
China’s famine of 1958-1961 was the worst recorded famine in the world history. Nearly three crore people died in this famine. During those days, India’s economic condition was not much better than China. Yet India did not have a famine of the kind China. Economists think that this was a result of different government policies in the two countries. The existence of democracy in India made the Indian government respond to food scarcity in a way that the Chinese government did not. They point out that no large-scale famine has ever taken place in an independent and democratic country, If China too had multi parti elections, an opposition party and a press free to criticize the government, then so many people may not have died in the famine.

Important Questions for Class 9 Social Science

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