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CBSE Class 9 Physical Education Sports and Nutrition


CBSE Class 9 Physical Education Chapter 3 Sports and Nutrition

1 Mark Questions
Question.1. What are fats? [CBSE2013]
Answer. Fats are the energy boosters which provide us with twice as much energy as carbohydrates. We can store extra fat in our body to be used later. Butter, ghee and nuts are rich sources of fats; too much of fats can lead to diseases like blood pressure, heart problems and obesity.

Question.2. What do you mean by components of diet?
Answer. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water are called components of diet. These components are composed of various elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other macro and micro elements like calcium, iron, zinc etc.

Question.3. What is balanced diet?
What do you mean by balanced diet?
Answer. A diet that contains sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, salts, vitamins and water is called balanced diet. A balanced diet is that which contains the proper amount of each nutrient required by our body.

Question.4. What are vitamins?
Answer. Vitamins are compounds of carbon which are essential for the normal growth and working of the body. They are required in very small quantities.
The important vitamins are A, C, D, E, K and B-complex (B,, B2, B3, Bs, B6, B7, B9 and B12). Vitamins are found in milk, butter, eggs, green vegetables, oil, nuts, fish, amla etc.

Question.5. What are carbohydrates?
Answer. Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Sources Fruits, milk, vegetables, pulses, bajra, rice, cakes etc.
Functions The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, brain and nervous system.

Question.6. What do you mean by food and nutrition?
Answer. Food is a mixture of various substances which are essential for life, whereas nutrition is a dynamic process in which the body is made healthy by the consumption of food.

Question.7. What is Glycemic Index?
Answer. Glycemic Index (Gl) is a scale of how much a particular type of food raises blood sugar over a two-hour period compared to pure glucose.

Question.8. List the goals of nutrition during competition.
Answer. The goals of nutrition during competition are to
(i) stay hydrated
(ii) provide immediate fuel
(iii) boost performance
(iv) preserve muscle and
(v) improve recovery.

3 Marks Questions
Question.9. Discuss the role of fats on the performance of sports persons.
Answer. Fats are considered as a major source of fuel for light to moderate levels of activity. Various sports require different proportions of fat in the muscles for maximum performance. Particularly for long distance runners and swimmers, fat is very important, as lack of fat will reduce the available amount of calories required by the body for the exercise undertaken. Fat is important to meet the demands of energy. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates, which occurs after the first 40 minutes of exercises, it begins to depend on calories from fat.

Question.10. Explain about any two components of diet in brief.
Answer. (i) Proteins Proteins are the basic structure of all living cells. The basic structure of proteins is a chain of amino-acids that contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.
There are two types of proteins:
(a) Non-essential proteins (b) Essential proteins
(a) Proteins are essential for growth and development of children.
(b) The cells of muscles and ligaments are maintained with proteins.
(ii) Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in all activities. These provide energy to the body and are not stored in the body for a long time.
Carbohydrates are of two types:
(a) Simple carbohydrates
(b) Complex carbohydrates
Function The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and nervous system.

Question.11. What are vitamins? Name the types of vitamins.
Answer. Vitamins are compounds of carbon. These protect us from various diseases and are essential for general growth and development of our body.
Types of Vitamins There are various vitamins such as A, C, D, E, K and B-complex (Bt, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12)
There are two groups of vitamins
(i) Fat Soluble Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins are those vitamins which are soluble in fat. These vitamins are A, D, E and K.
(ii) Water Soluble Vitamins These vitamins are soluble in water. These contain the elements of nitrogen and sulphur. These vitamins are B and C.

12. What are the uses of any two minerals in our diet?
Answer. (i) Iodine For creativity as well as proper activity of the thyroid gland, iodine is essential. Its deficiency may stop the growth of hair. It is found in rich quantity in sea fish. Iodised salt is normally the main source of iodine in a normal diet.
(ii) Calcium Calcium is helpful in the formation of teeth and bones. It helps in clotting of blood. It also maintains the balance between acids and bases in our bodies. Milk, cheese, oranges and green vegetables have a rich amount of calcium.

Question.13. What are the effects of good nutrition on an individual?
Answer. Effects of good nutrition on an individual are
(i) Prevent Disease It includes prevention from cancer, tissues disease, parasitical and bactarial infections.
(ii) Maintain Flealthy Weight It includes proper blood pressure, less likely to allow diseases like diabetes, heart malfunctioning etc.
(iii) Provide Stress Relief It includes side effects of drugs, boost immune system of the body and helps to maintain calm and coping abilities.
(iv) Good Start to Future Generations It includes healthy bahies, better immune system, healthy pregnancy etc.

Question.14. Discuss the functions and sources of proteins.
What are proteins? Discuss.
Answer. Proteins are the basic structure of all living cells. These are complex organic compounds. Protein is a ’ chain of amino-acids that contain carbon, oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen.
These are two types of proteins
(i) Non-essential proteins
(ii) Essential proteins
Sources All meat and other animal products are sources of proteins. The best sojftfes are eggs, milk, meat, poultry, milk products, beans etc.
(a) The cells of muscles and ligaments are maintained with protein.
(b) Proteins are needed for growth and development of children.
(c) Proteins are the main components of muscles, organs and glands.

Question.15. What is balanced diet? Elaborate the important nutrients/ele’ments of balanced diet.
Answer. Balanced Diet A diet that contains the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, salts, vitamins and water is called balanced diet.
(i) Carbohydrates These are our main source of energy.
(ii) Proteins These provide essential growth as vyell as repairing muscles and other body tissues.
(iii) Fats These are the source of energy.
(iv) Vitamins These play an important role in many chemical processes in the body.
(v) Minerals These are essential for proper growth and functioning of our body.
(vi) Water It is essential for normal body functions. It serves as a vehicle for carrying other nutrients.

Question.16. What are vitamins? Write the sources of vitamins A, D, E and K.
Answer. Vitamins Vitamins are the compounds of carbon that are absolutely essential for the normal growth and working of the body. These are required in a very small quantities.
Vitamin-A Milk, butter, eggs, carrots, pumpkin and green vegetables.
Vitamin-D Cheese, butter, milk, green vegetables and exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin-E Vegetable oil, butter, milk, whole grains, com, nuts, seeds and spinach.
Vitamin-K Cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and other vegetables. Bacteria in the intestines normally also produce vitamin-K.

Question.17. Discuss the functions and sources of fats.
Answer. Fats are an essential ingredient of food. Fat is also a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Functions of Fats:
(i) They provide heat and energy to the body.
(ii) They also help in regulation of body temperature.
(iii) They are considered better than carbohydrates as sources of energy.
(iv) They are helpful in making the body soft and oily and protect it from external effects of hot and cold climates.
Sources of Fats:
(i) Animal Sources We get various products from animals such as ghee, butter, curd, fish oil, milk, meat and eggs.
(ii) Vegetables Sources We also get fats from various vegetables such as dry fruits, coconut, , soyabean, food grains, mustard oil and cotton seeds.

Question.18. What are fats? Write a detailed note on its types. Also mention its importance in the proper functioning of the body. [CBSE 2012]
Answer. Fats contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These are the most concentrated source of energy in food. One gram of fat provides double the energy provided by one gram of carbohydrates.
Sources of Fats Animal products like meat, poultry and dairy products like milk, cream, cheese, butter and ice-cream, peanuts, olive oil etc.
Types Fats can be classified according to their structures. Different types of fats have different characteristics and these react in different ways inside the body. There are three different groups of fats in the diet which are saturated, poly-unsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats. The intake of saturated fats increases the chances of heart diseases due to the increase of cholesterol in the blood. Poly-unsaturated fats and mono-unsaturated fats help in lowering the blood cholesterol.
(i) Fats are necessary for many body functions.
(ii) Fats keep up warm and give protection to organs.
(iii) Fats also help in production of hormones.
(iv) Fatty acids provide the raw materials which help in control of blood pressure, blood clotting and other body functions.
(v) Fats are also important energy sources.
(vi) Fats help in transportation of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
(vii) Fats maintain skin and hair.

Question.19. What is the major goal of a pre-competition meal? When should it be taken and why?
Answer. The major goal of a pre-competition meal is to maximise carbohydrate stores in the muscles and liver and to top up blood glucose stores. This meal should preferably be taken about three hours prior to the start of the competition. If taken later than this, it results in performing with a full stomach, which causes nausea – the body’s attempt to cease exercise so that it can redirect blood flow back to the stomach. An exception is of consuming carbohydrate immediately prior to the start of a game in the form of a sports drink 5 or 10 minutes before competition.

5 Marks Questions
Question.20. What is a balanced diet? Explain its elements.
Explain in detail the different elements of diet.
Answer. Balanced diet is the intake of appropriate types and right / sufficient amount of food and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintenance of body cells, tissues and organs and to support normal growth and development.
Elements of Diet There are many nutrients in the food. These are known as elements.
Basic elements of our diet are:
(i) Carbohydrates These are the compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Sources Fruits, milk, vegetables, pulses, bajra, rice, cakes etc.
Functions The main function of carbohydrate is to provide energy to the body, brain and nervous system.
(ii) Proteins Proteins are a chain of amino-acids that contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen.
Sources Eggs, milk, meat, beans and animal products etc.
Functions Proteins are the main components of muscles, organs and glands. The cells of muscles and ligaments are maintained with protein and proteins are used for the growth and development of children.
(iii) Fats Fats cantain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Sources Animal products, milk, cream, cheese, butter, olive oil etc.
Functions Fats are a source of energy. They are important for the proper functioning of the body. Fatty acids provide the raw materials which help in control of blood pressure.
(iv) Vitamins Vitamins are compounds of carbon. The important vitamins are A, C, D E, K and B- complex (B1B2 B3 B5 B6, B7 B9 and B12).
Sources Milk, butter, eggs, green vegetables, exposure to sunlight, oil, nuts, seeds, fish, am/a etc.
Functions Vitamins play an important role in many chemical processes in the body. Vitamins are essential for metabolism of fat and carbohydrate and are needed for healthy skin. They are helpful in RBC production.
(v) Minerals Minerals are iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, copper, chloride etc. Sources Eggs, milk, meat, green vegetables, pulses, fish, salts, tea and coffee etc.
Functions Minerals are essential for proper growth of the body. Calcium is needed for strong teeth and bones. It is also essential for proper thyroid function.
(vi) Water Water is an important element of balanced diet.
Source Natural.
Functions Water helps in the digestive system. It breaks down complex food molecules. It also regulates the body temperature and is essential for various chemical reactions.

Question.21. Discuss the role of diet on the performance of a sportsperson.
Answer. The energy requirement of an athlete depends on:
(i) Quality Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fluids.
(ii) Quantity Calories according to the sport.
(iii) Variety Different types of food.
(iv) Palatability Proper cooking.
(v) Acceptability of Nutrients To suit different customs, habits and tastes.
The quality of a sports diet depends on the correct proportion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, salts etc, which constitute the main nutrients of diet.
Functions of different elements of diet are:
(a) Carbohydrates are helpful in increasing endurance.
(b) Protein is necessary for the growth and development of various tissues of the body.
(c) A minium amount of fat is desirable for a long distance runner, high jumper or gymnast.
(d) Diet prevents various diseases.
(e) Vitamins are essential for good performance.
(f) Vitamin-B complex helps in increasing the internal strength of our systems.
(g) Vitamin-E is beneficial in the treatment of heart diseases.
(h) Diet maintains healthy weight.
(i) Diet provides stress relief.
(j) Diet maintains normal body functions and proper blood sugar levels.
(k) Diet gives positive psychological feeling.
(l) Diet provides enough glycogen storage.
(m) Proteins are necessary for the growth and development of various tissues of the body.
(n) Minerals deficiency can decrease performance, especially during exercises in hot climate.
A normal person needs around 2100 – 2800 calories per day. An athlete may need upto 5000 to 7000 calories per day.
At training or competition time, the best food is to take in a small amount of non-carbonated fruits, juices or non-carbonated soft drinks.
Eating Diet Before Performance We should eat suitable foods in the breakfast like cereals, porridge, bread or toast, fruit juice, boiled rice, potatoes, biscuits etc.

Question.22. What are the goals of eating during competition? Explain the two different categories of such nutrition, indicating the different requirements.
Answer. The goals of eating during competition are to :
(i) stay hydrated
(ii) provide immediate fuel
(iii) boost performance
(iv) preserve muscle and
(v) improve recovery.
The two different categories of this nutrition are :
(i) (competitions less than two hours long, and
(ii) (competitions more than two hours long.
For the first category, the main focus should be on hydration. This is especially true if you’re using good pre-and post-trainingputrition. So make sure you consume plenty of water. However, if you’re exercising in the heat and sweating a lot, sports drinks maybe useful since they have electrolytes that help speed hydration and recovery.
For the second category, sports drinks are helpful. Every hour you will need 15 grams of proteins and 30 to 45 grams of carbohydrates, which can be taken in the formiof liquids, gels or solid food. However, ensure that you get enough electrolytes, especially sodium. This can be in the form of table salt added to any drink.

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