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CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2013 Outside Delhi


CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2013 Outside Delhi

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100

General instructions:

  • This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
  • Separate instruction are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions
  • very carefully and follow them faithfully.
  • Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 English 2013 Outside Delhi Set – I

Section – A

Question 1.
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [12]
1. Air pollution is an issue which concerns us all alike. One can willingly choose or reject a food, a drink or a life comfort, but unfortunately, there is little choice for the air we breathe. Everything there in the air is inhaled by all living in those surroundings.
2. Air pollutant is defined as a substance which is present in an amount exceeding the normal concentrations. It could either be gaseous or a particulate matter. The important and harmful polluting gases are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. The common particulate pollutants are the dust of various inorganic or organic origins. Although, we often talk of the outdoor air pollution caused by industrial and vehicular exhausts, the indoor pollution may prove to be as or a more important cause of health problems.

3. Recognition of air pollution is relatively recent. It is not uncommon to experience a feeling of ‘suffocation’ in a closed environment. It is often ascribed to the lack of oxygen. Fortunately, however, the composition of air is remarkably constant all over the world. There is about 79 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen in the air the other gases forming a very small fraction. It is true that carbon dioxide exhaled out of lungs may accumulate in a closed and over-crowded place. But such increment is usually small and temporary unless the room is really air-tight. Exposure to poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide may occur in a closed room, heated by burning coal inside. This may also prove to be fatal.

4. What is more common in a poorly ventilated home is a vague constellation of symptoms described as the sick-building syndrome. It is characterized by a general feeling of malaise, head-ache, dizziness and irritation of mucous membranes. It may also be accompanied by nausea, itching, aches, pains and depression. Sick building syndrome is getting common in big cities with the small houses, which are generally overfurnished. Some of the important pollutants whose indoor concentrations exceed to those of the outdoors include gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and organic substances like spores, formaldehydes, hydrocarbon aerosols and allergens. The sources are attributed to a variety of construction materials, insulations, furnishings, adhesives, cosmetics, house dusts, fungi and the other indoor products.

5. By-products of fuel combustion are important in houses with indoor kitchens. It is not only the burning of dried dung and fuelwood which is responsible, but also kerosene and liquid petroleum gas. Oxides of both nitrogen and sulphur are released from their combustion.

6. Smoking of tobacco in a closed environment is an important source of indoor pollution. It may not be high quantitatively, but significantly hazardous for health. It is because of the fact that there are over 3000 chemical constituents in tobacco smoke, which have been identified. These are harmful for human health.

7. Micro-organisms and allergens are of special significance in the causation and spread of diseases. Most of the infective illnesses may involve more persons of a family living in common indoor environment. These include viral and bacterial diseases like tuberculosis.

8. Besides infections, allergic and hypersensitivity disorders are spreading fast. Although asthma is the most common form of respiratory allergic disorders, pneumonias are common, but more persistent and serious. These are attributed to exposures to allergens from various fungi, molds, hay and other organic materials. Indoor air ventilation systems, coolers, air-conditioners, dampness, decay, pet animals, production or handling of the causative items are responsible for these hypersensitive-diseases.

9. Obviously, the spectrum of pollution is very wide and our options are limited. Indoor pollution may be handled relatively easily by an individual. Moreover, the good work must start from one’s own house.
(a) (i) What is an air pollutant ? [1]
(ii) In what forms are the air pollutants present ? [2]
(iii) Why do we feel suffocated in a closed environment? [1]
(iv) What is sick building syndrome? How is it increasing? [2]
(v) How is indoor smoking hazardous? [1]
(vi) How can one overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution? [2]
(i) Air pollutant is a gaseous or a particulate matter present in the air in an amount exceeding the normal concentrations.

(ii) Air pollutants are present in gaseous form such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. The pollutants are also in the form of dust of various inorganic or organic origins.

(iii) We feel suffocated in a closed environment due to lack of oxygen. Accumulation of carbon dioxide exhaled out of lungs and more exposure to carbon monoxide are also the reasons of suffocation.

(iv) Sick building syndrome is characterised by a general feeling of malaise, headache, dizziness and irritation of mucous membrane. It may be accompanied by nausea, itching, aches, pains and depression.
It is increasing due to poorly ventilated and over furnished houses in big cities in which there is high concentration of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen and other harmful substances.

(v) Indoor smoking is hazardous in the way that there are 3,000 chemical constituents in tobacco smoke which are harmful to human health.

(vi) The houses should be properly ventilated with more and more greenery around them. Smoking of tobacco and burning of coal inside the houses should also be avoided to overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution.

(b) Find the words from the above passage which mean the same as the following: [3]
(i) Giddiness (para 4)
(ii) Constant (para 8)
(iii) Humidity (para 8)
(i) Dizziness
(ii) Persistent
(iii) Dampness.

Question 2.
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: [8]
The term dietary fibres refers collectively to indigestible carbohydrates present in plant foods. The importance of these dietary fibres came into the picture when it was observed that the people having diet rich in these fibres, had low incidence of coronary heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gall stones.

The foodstuffs rich in these dietary fibres are cereals and grains, legumes, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage, green vegetables with leanes, apples, melons, peaches, pears, etc.

These dietary fibres are not digested by the enzymes of the stomach and the small intestine whereas, most of the other carbohydrates like starch and sugar are digested and absorbed. The dietary fibres have the property of holding water and because of it, they get swollen and behave like a sponge as these pass through the gastrointestinal tract. The fibres add bulk to the diet and increase transit time in the gut. Some of these fibres may undergo fermentation in the colon.

In recent years, it has been considered essential to have some amount of fibres in the diet. Their beneficial effects help in preventing coronary heart disease, and decreasing cholesterol levels. The fibres like gums and pectin are reported to decrease postprandial (after meals) glucose level in blood. These types of dietary fibres are recommended for the management of certain types of diabetes. Recent studies have shown that the fenugreek (Methi) seeds, which contain 40 percent gum, are effective in decreasing blood glucose and cholesterol levels as compared to other gum containing vegetables.

Some dietary fibres increase transit time and decrease the time of release of ingested food in colon. The diet having less fibres is associated with colon cancer and the dietary fibres may play a role in decreasing the risk of it.

The dietary fibres hold water so that stools are soft, bulky and readily eliminated. Therefore, high fibre intake prevents or relieves constipation. The fibres increase motility of the small intestine and the colon and by decreasing the transit time there is less time for exposure of the mucosa to harmful toxic substances. Therefore, there is less desire to eat and the energy intake can be maintained within the range of requirement. This phenomenon helps in keeping a check on obesity. Another reason in helping to decrease obesity is that the high-fibre diets have somewhat lower coefficients of digestibility.

The dietary fibres may have some adverse effects on nutrition by binding some trace metals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and others and therefore preventing their proper absorption. This may pose a possibility of nutritional deficiency especially when diets contain marginal levels of mineral elements. This may become an important constraint on increasing dietary fibres. It is suggested that an intake of 40 grams dietary fibres per day is desirable.
(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes in points only, using abbreviations wherever necessary. Provide a suitable title.
Title: Dietary Fibres
1. Importance: lowers
(i) hrt disease
(ii) irrtble bowel syndrome
(iii) dental caries
(iv) gall stones

2. Rich dietary fibers
(i) cereals, grains, legumes
(ii) fruits
(iii) vegetables

3. Adverse effects
(i) bind metals like ca, mg, ph, zn
(ii) prevents their absoptn
(iii) nutnl defcncy

Abbreviation Used


(b) Write a summary of the above in about 80 words. [3]
Dietary fibers are indigestible carbohydrates present in plant foods. People having diet rich in fibers have low heart diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gall stones. Sources of dietary fibers are legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables and grains. The fibers like gums present in fenugreek and pectin decrease glucose level. The diet which is less in fibers results in colon cancer. The dietary fibers hold water and functions like sponge, hence they prevent constipation.
But there are adverse effects also. They bind some trace metals resulting in nutritional deficiency.

Section – B

Question 3.
You are Vineeta/Vikram, School pupil leader of Rani Laxmi Bai Senior Secondary School, Gwalior. Draft a notice for your school notice board in not more than 50 words inviting the names of the students who want to participate in the cultural programme organised in aid of the victims of the recent Assam floods. [5]
You have a three bedroom flat in Dwarka, which you want to let out on rent. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in “The Times of India” under classified columns, Contact 2758902.


30th July, 20XX

Participation in the Cultural Programme

To help the flood victims of Assam, a cultural programme is being organized by the school on 30th August, 20XX, in the school auditorium. The students who are interested in participating in dance, singing or dramatics can give their names to their respective class teachers by 7th August, 20XX.

School Pupil Leader



For rent, good accommodation, prime location, three bhk flat in Dwarka, near metro station, fully furnished, company lease preferred, AC installed in all the rooms, expected rent 30,000/- Interested may contact: 2758902

Question 4.
Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated “Nutrition Week” from 1st September to 7th September by arranging inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competition, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. There was an overwhelming response from students and parents. Prepare a report in 100-125 words to be published in your school magazine. You are Arjun/Anita, School pupil leader. [10]
You are Roshan/Rohini, School Pupil Leader of Meerut Public School, Meerut. Your school joined a campaign organised by various agencies of your city to create awareness among people to conserve water. Write a report in 100-125 words highlighting the activities such as rain water harvesting etc.
By Anita/Arjun (School Pupil Leader) Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated Nutrition Week from 1st September to 7th September in the school auditorium. The celebration started with lighting of candles by our respected Principal followed by his inspirational speech on the present day’s health issues and the impact of diet on it. Different schools participated in various competitions organised by the school. The competitions included interschool cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competition, besides valuahce idian inere shoored by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. The students as well as their parents gave an overwhelming response because nowadays everybody is conscious about their health and well-being. The speech on the nutritional value of food by a student was praised by all. The programme was a combined effort of the teachers and the students and received a huge appreciation by present there.
In the end, the results of the competitions organised were declared and the winners were awarded prizes by Principal.
By Rohini/Roshan (School Pupil Leader) Water scarcity today has become a big issue which, if not dealt with in time, will turn out to be a hazard. To make people aware to conserve water, Meerut Public School joined a campaign organised by various agencies of the city. People in large numbers attended it and were asked to conserve every drop of water and not to waste it unnecessarily. Small skits presenting the ways of conserving water were presented by the children. It was an easy approach as the venue of the campaign was the public park and the passersby also stopped to become a part of the campaign. Besides, importance of rainwater harvesting and its the methods, were also explained. People were encouraged to improve water management practices that reduce the wastage of water and enhance the beneficial uses of water. Some ancient methods of water conservation should also be practiced. In case, someone is found misusing water, he /she will be enalised. Public was motivated by this, and they joined hands and took oath to use water properly and motivate others also.

Question 5.
Write a letter to your cousin, Raj Prakash who is currently staying in Dubai explaining the process of CCE, being used by CBSE for the secondary school examination in its affiliated schools. Also mention how you and your classmate have reacted to this scheme. You are Narain/Nisha, 20 Fort Road, Mumbai. [10]
Recently you travelled from Bangalore city to Vasco in Vasco Express. To your dismay, you found that the coach was infested with cockroaches. Write a letter to the editor “The Hindu” drawing the attention of the General Manager of Southern Railways, towards the prevailing unhygienic conditions and asking for remedial action. You are Saroj/Saran, 5/31 Bangalore Cantt., Bangalore.
20, Fort Road,

20th April, 20XX

Dear Raj Prakash,
Hope you are good and have adjusted well in the atmosphere of Dubai. How do you find your school? What pattern of examination is followed there? Here, in our schools, CBSE 6. has started a new pattern-CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation). This system evaluates the performance of the students in scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas. It has reduced the burden of the children and we feel that it will go a long way. It includes formative and summative assessment. With this new system it has become possible for us to learn and do it in a fun-filled way. Learning has become a pleasure as it has taken away the fear of examination. It not only excel us in academics but our holistic development also. We all are enjoying it and it is a positive approach towards learning.
Hope you too are doing fine in your studies. Convey my regards to uncle and aunty.
Yours affectionately,
5/31, Bangalore Cantt.

10th January, 20XX

The Editor,
The Hindu

Subject: Unhygienic conditions in train coaches
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw attention of the General Manager, Southern Railways towards the unhygienic conditions of train coaches. Recently, when I was travelling from Bangalore city to Vasco in Vasco Express, I noticed that the coach was infested with cockroaches. The sheets and blankets given to the passengers were not properly washed; the food was also stale and uncovered, toilets were unclean, washbasins were dirty due to which, the cockroaches are breeding and the whole place is infested with them. Therefore, immediate remedial actions are required. There should be regular check on the cleanliness of the coaches and the staff members who are given the duty, should also be taken into account. If they are not performing their duties, they should be fined so that the negligence is not repeated. I hope, this will bring a definite change. I shall be grateful if this letter finds a place in your newspaper.
Yours Sincerely,

Question 6.
Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic. “Obesity among School Children.” You are Mohini/Mohit. [10]
You are Ramesh/Ruchika. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, “Life without Modem Gadgets”.
By Mohini/Mohit
The most common problem found among the children in today’s scenario is the growing problem of obesity. This is the result of present day lifestyle where parents are much responsible for it. Even the tastes of the children have changed a lot and they are moving towards junk food like burgers, pizza, pasta and many more. These are not only harmful for their proper growth but also affect their metabolism. As the children are confined to their rooms playing on laptops, computer games and mobiles, the outdoor activities have come to an end. As a result, more and more children are becoming obese and overweight which is alarming because it causes health problems which results, in social issues. They are likely to be teased by their peers and they tend to become inactive.

Once children become obese it is very difficult to return to the original shape. Apart from this, the risk factors are very high. They are more prone to high blood pressure, weak heart, diabetes, orthopedic disorders, etc. So, the only remedy for this is the awareness about obesity less intake of junk foods, more intake of home-made food, avoiding aerated drinks and getting involved physical activities only then this problem can be overcome.
By Ruchika/Ramesh
Science has made life easy, convenient, comfortable, better and more beautiful. Its achievements, discoveries and inventions are wonderful. One we cannot think of our lives without gadgets as we would just be helplen without them. Every device or appliance has a unique purpose. They have revolutionised our life so much that without them we feel handicapped. Beginning from kitchen, gadgets like mixer, microwave oven, refrigerator and water purifier have proved to be a boon. Cell phones are the center of our life, have huge potential, we can listen to our favourite music while travelling and need not carry heavy radios.

Our life starts with the sound of an alarm clock, so we can say that our day begins with gadgets. They work as our personal assistant. In offices, meetings, trainings and all, we are dependent on them. Even at the shops, libraries, railways, banks, airports, a computer is required for booking tickets and keeping accounts. If for a day our internet does not work, we feel paralysed. It feels as if something important is missing from our lives. Thus, these gadgets have left a remarkable impact on our lives and we cannot work or go without them.

Section – C

Question 7.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [3]
The stunted, unlucky heir
Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,
His lesson, from his desk. At the back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young.
(i) Who is this ‘unlucky heir’ and what has he inherited ? [1]
(ii) What is the stunted boy reciting ? [1]
(iii) Who is sitting at the back of the dim class? [1]
Driving from my parents
Home to Cochin last Friday
Morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
Doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
Of a corpse and realised with pain
That she was as old as she looked …
(i) Where was the poet driving to ? [1]
(ii) Why was her mother’s face looking like that of a corpse ? [1]
(iii) What did the poet notice about her mother ? [1]
(i) The boy who has twisted bones and is sitting in the slum classroom is the unlucky heir. He has inherited the gnarled disease of twisted bones from his father.
(ii) The stunted boy is reciting his father’s gnarled disease and his lessons.
(iii) At the back of the dim class, there is an unnoted, sweet and young dreamer sitting, who is dreaming of squirrel’s game.
(i) The poet was driving to Cochin from her parents’ home. ‘
(ii) Her mother’s face was looking like a corpse because she was old, weak, pale and lifeless.
(iii) The poet noticed that her mother’s mouth was open and her face looked like that of a corpse.

Question 8.
Answer any three of the following in 30-40 words each: [2 × 3 = 6]
(a) What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its drink immortal ?
(b) What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem ? What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars ?
(c) What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband ?
(a) Beauty, according to Keats is immortal and is continuous source of motivation and inspiration and things of beauty are like endless fountains pouring from heaven. It is an endless fountain of beautiful things so that man can enjoy happiness and peace.

(b) The poet talks of the chemical wars, war with fire, wars with ammunition, wars with environment and green wars. According to him, these wars are the gate to destruction. Therefore, wars should be avoided, as there will be no survivors to enjoy the victory.

(c) The wedding band and the ring lie heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand. The ring symbolises the weight of her marriage which she has to bear, dead or alive. It reminds her of the pressures of an unhappy and unpleasant marriage.

Question 9.
Answer any three of the following in 30-40 words each: [2 × 3 = 6]
(a) What was the order from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school?
(b) How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?
(c) Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff’s silence?
(a) There was an order from Berlin that French would not be taught in schools anymore. Instead, German would be taught by a new teacher. That was probably their last French lesson. It was not a Sunday morning yet, there was no noise or activity in the school. The French teacher Mr. Hamel seemed to be calm and he was becoming emotional. He was wearing a special dress and all the villagers were sitting on the back benches of the class. The whole atmosphere of the school was silent and peaceful.

(b) The old terror always returned whenever Douglas was alone in the pool. He covered the length of the pool but when he was not satisfied, he went to Lake Wentworth and swam two miles to overcome his terror. The terror was now gone and he laughed at it.

(c) Sophie was jealous of Geoff’s silence because she wanted him to share everything as she used to do. Geoff was an introvert and spoke very little. She thought that there was something about his life that was unknown to her.

Question 10.
Answer the following in 125-150 words: [10]
Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of 25 percent refund to the farmers? How did it influence the peasant-landlord relationship in Champaran?
Gandhiji agreed to the settlement of 25 percent because the amount was not important for him but to release the peasants from the indigo raising agreement was much more important. The British planters wanted to prolong the agreement but Gandhiji proved to be wiser. He fought for the poor peasants a long battle for one year and managed to get justice for them. This was a moral victory for them. Even the Britishers had to compromise with their pride and prestige. Peasants now got the courage and became aware of their rights. Their money and time was saved and within few years British planters were forced to give up their estates and these were returned to farmers. They became the owners of their own land. It also ignited the feelings of self dependence and patriotism among the farmers.

Question 11.
Answer the following in 30-40 words : [7]
Give a character-sketch of the Governor of Oxford Prison based on your understanding of the story ‘Evans Tries an O-level’.
The Governor of Oxford Prison was a generous man who allowed Evans to appear for the exam. Evans was a criminal and had escaped from jail twice, so the governor took all the possible precautions for the smooth conduct of his examination. The examination had been arranged in the cell itself. The door was locked one day before and the security was made tighter. Everything was checked thoroughly to ensure that there was no way that could help him to escape. This shows that he was very wise and on the other hand, he was so simple that he couldn’t understand the cunningness of Evans.

Question 12.
Answer the following in about 100 words: [5]
There is a saying ‘kindness pays, rudeness never’. In the story ‘The Rattrap’ Edla’s attitude towards men and matters is different from her father’s attitude. How are the values of concern and compassion brought out in the story, ‘The Rattrap’?
Edla, the ironman’s daughter was totally different from her father. In the beginning, the iron master seemed to be very sympathetic when he mistook the stranger for one of his old acquaintance. He even sent his daughter to call for him when he did not agree to come to their house. But soon his attitude changed when he came to know the truth that the stranger was someone else. He called him dishonest and threatened to hand him over to the police whereas his daughter was entirely different from her father. She had different ways of looking at things. She was affectionate and considerate. She acted more wisely than her father. She stopped her father from behaving badly towards the stranger. She proved to be a good host and it was her, who brought a change in his behaviour. It was her generosity and sympathy that converted him entirely. These values strengthen our hope in goodness.

Question 13.
Answer the following in 30-40 words : [2 × 4 = 8]
(a) What forced Dr. Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient?
(b) Why does Jo insist that her father should tell her the story with a different ending?
(c) If you were to give a different ending to the story ‘On the face of it’ how would you end it?
(d) What were the articles in the stalls and shops that fascinated Bama on her way back from school?
(a) When Dr. Sadao saw the difficulties faced by his wife in the absence of maids and servants due to the presence of an enemy in his house, he felt impatient and irritable with him. Besides when this secret was out that he was sheltering an enemy, he feared of getting into serious trouble. It caused a great deal of tension to him.

(b) Jo insists that her father should tell her the story with a different ending because she wants that other animals should play with Roger Skunk and for that he must smell like roses. According to her, the mother is wrong as she made him smell foul again and the wizard should hit his mother for that. In fact, she wants to assert her views on her father.

(c) If I were given a chance to end the story, surely it would be a happy ending. Mr. Lamb would have died and Derry along with him would have started a new life. They would have been living happily in each other’s company.

(d) It was a daily routine of the writer to walk back home from school, which was a ten minutes walk. But, it always took her thirty minutes to reach home as the stalls and shops on the way fascinated here a lot. These stalls and shops were of sweets, dried fish, fried snacks, etc.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers

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