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Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme | Rewards, Eligibility, List of Pre-Matric Scholarships


Pre-Matric Scholarship 2019: Pre-Matric Grant is a general class of grants that offer monetary help to understudies learning at the pre-registration level of training for example school instruction from class 1 to 10. The Legislature of India and other state governments offer various pre-matric grants for understudies having a place with various classes including SC, ST, OBC, General, Minorities, EBC and the sky is the limit from there. The key goal of a pre-matric grant kept running by the legislature is to advance the school level of instruction among understudies with the assistance of money related guides in this manner lessening the school drop-out rate.

A pre-matric grant can be extensively ordered into two classifications specifically halfway supported and state-financed. While the halfway subsidized grants are relevant for understudies across the nation, the state-financed grant focus on the understudies of their particular states. The key states offering a pre-matric grant for understudies incorporate Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. The table underneath includes a far-reaching rundown of all pre-matric grants accessible for understudies across the country. You can likewise discover data with respect to the grant suppliers and application period featured in the table.

Pre-Matric Scholarships List Region Wise

All India Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarships for Minorities: Can Apply between August and October by Ministry of Minority Affairs
  • Pre-matric scholarship for Students with Disabilities: Can Apply between August and October by the Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disability.
  • Pre-Matric Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Worker: Can Apply between August and October by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

Delhi Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi: Can Apply Between December and February by Department for the Welfare of ST/SC/OBC, Government of NCT of Delhi.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi: Can Apply Between December and February by Department for the Welfare of ST/SC/OBC, Government of NCT of Delhi.

Assam Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam: Can Apply Between November and January by Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam: Can Apply Between November and January by Department of Welfare of Backward Classes and Plains Tribes, Government of Assam.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam: Can Apply Between November and January by Ministry of Empowerment and Social Justice.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam: Can Apply Between November and January by Ministry of Empowerment and Social Justice.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam: Can Apply Between December and January by Ministry of Empowerment and Social Justice.

Maharashtra Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra: Can Apply Between November and January by Special Assistance and Social Justice Department, Government of Maharashtra
  • Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra: Can Apply Between November and January by Special Assistance and Social Justice Department, Government of Maharashtra
  • Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra: Can Apply Between November and January by Special Assistance and Social Justice Department, Government of Maharashtra

Andhra Pradesh Wise

Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship: Can Apply Always Open by Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Finance Corporation Ltd. (APSMFC)

Telangana Wise

Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare: Can Apply Always Open by Government of Telangana

Tripura Wise

Pre-Matric Scholarships  for ST, Tripura: Can Apply Between October and December by Government of Tripura

Uttarakhand Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship  for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand: Can Apply Between November and December by Uttarakhand Minorities Commission
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Can Apply Between November and December by Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Can Apply Between November and December by Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
  • Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand: Can Apply Between November and December by Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Can Apply Between November and December by Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand

Arunachal Pradesh Wise

Umbrella  for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh: Can Apply Between November and December by Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Manipur Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur: Can Apply Between September and October by Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes and SCs, Government of Manipur
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur: Can Apply Between September and October by Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes and SCs, Government of Manipur.

Uttar Pradesh Wise

  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh: Can Apply Between July and September by Minority Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh: Can Apply Between July and September by Backward Class Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Pre-Matric scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh: Can Apply Between July and September by Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Nagaland Wise

Pre-matric scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland: Can Apply Between May and June by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of Nagaland

Pre-Matric Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Each pre-matric grant accompanies certain important conditions that should be satisfied by the understudies. These conditions are commonly founded on your present scholastic capability and money related need. Additionally, there are grants implied for some particular class understudies. Discover which pre-matric grant is accessible for you in the table beneath. It familiarizes you with nitty-gritty qualification criteria for each pre-matric grant.

Pre-Matric Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Category Wise

For Minority Community

Pre-Matric Scholarships  for Minorities

  • For this scholarship, learners from the class Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis may apply.
  • They have to study in class 1 to 10.
  • The proportion of marks to be acquired by the learners should be at least 50 percent.
  • The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 1 Lakh.

Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship

  • Students must belong to the minority community’s economically lower segment.
  • They have to study in school 6 to 10.
  • It is compulsory to have 75 percent participation.

Pre-Matric Scholarship  for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand

  • This scholarship may be applied for by learners belonging to the Uttarakhand state and studying in class 1 to 10.
  • They have to belong to societies of Muslims, Jains, Parsis, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhism.
  • The last qualifying examination must have been completed.
  • The family’s annual earnings should be less than twice the present revenue sheet below the poverty line.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh

  • The grant is available to Uttar Pradesh-based learners enrolled in school 9 and 10.
  • The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 1 Lakh.

For SC Category

Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi

  • Delhi-based learners can apply for this scholarship.
  • They have to study at a recognized college in class 9 or 10.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2.5 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam

  • The scholarship is available to learners who are an Assam State permanent resident and study at a recognized college in class 9 or 10.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2.5 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand

  • This scholarship can be applied for by learners who are domiciled in Uttarakhand state and enrolled in class 1 to 10.
  • The last qualifying examination must have been completed.
  • Class 9 and 10 pupils annual household earnings should be lower than INR 2 Lakh. (Note: Class 1 to 8 learners do not have revenue requirements).

Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur

  • Students are required to study in school 9 and 10 and be a Manipur State permanent resident.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2 Lakh.

For ST Category

Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam

  • Students who study at a government-recognized college in class 9 or 10 may register.
  • They must be Assam state’s home.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam

  • This scholarship can be applied for by learners who are domiciled in Assam and enrolled in class 1 to 8.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be less than INR 50,000.

Pre-Matric Scholarships  for ST, Tripura

  • This scholarship can be applied for by learners who are domiciled in Tripura and studying in class 9 and 10 at a recognized college.
  • The family’s annual revenue from all sources should not exceed INR 2 Lakh.
  • No other centrally funded scholarship must be received by them.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand

  • Students who are Uttarakhand State permanent inhabitants may apply for this scholarship.
  • They have to study in class 1 to 10.
  • The last qualifying examination must have been completed.
  • Class 9 and 10 students ‘ annual household revenue is expected to be lower than INR 2 Lakh (Note: there are no revenue criteria relevant to class 1 to 8 learners).

Umbrella for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh

  • The scholarship is available to learners residing in Arunachal Pradesh who study at a recognized college in class 9 or 10.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2 Lakh.

Pre-matric scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland

  • This scholarship may be applied for by learners who are a permanent resident of Nagaland.
  • They have to study at a recognized college in class 9 and 10. The family’s annual earnings should be lower from all sources than INR 2 Lakh.

For OBC Category

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi

  • Delhi-based learners can apply for this grant.
  • They have to study at a recognized college in class 1 to 10.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2.5 Lakh.
  • The minimum requirement for participation in the past year was 60%.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam

  • This scholarship can be applied for by learners domiciled in Assam State.
  • They have to study in class 1 to 10 with minimum participation in the prior year of at least 60 percent.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than that of INR 2.5 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand

  • Uttarakhand home learners and class 1-10 teachers may apply for this grant.
  • They’ve had to pass their last qualifying exam.
  • The family’s annual earnings should be lower than INR 44,500.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur

  • This scholarship can be applied for by learners who are domiciled in Manipur and enrolled in class 1 to 10.
  • The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 2.50 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh

  • Uttar Pradesh’s home learners who study in school 9 and 10 may apply for this scholarship.
  • The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 1 Lakh.

For SC/ST/BC Categories

Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare

  • The scholarship is available to Telangana-based learners studying in school 9 and 10.
  • The family’s annual earnings should be lower than INR 2 Lakh for SC / ST and BC / Minority welfare (metropolitan region) pupils.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be less than INR 1.5 Lakh for BC / Minority aid (rural region) learners.
  • For EBC / Disabled welfare learners, the family’s annual earnings should be less than INR 1 Lakh.
  • At the end of each quarter, the minimum attendance required for the students is 75%.

For all Categories

Pre-matric scholarship for Students with Disabilities

  • The grant is accessible to disabled learners studying in school 9 or 10.
    The disability rate should be 40 percent or higher.
    The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 2.50 Lakh.

Pre-Matric Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers

  • For this scholarship, districts of people working as a Beedi employee, Iron Ore Manganese & Chrome Ore Mines (IOMC) employee, Cine employee, LSDM (Limestone & Dolomite Mines) may apply for this grant from at least six months.
    They have to study at a government-recognized college in class 1 to 10.
    The family’s monthly revenue from all sources should be less than INR 10,000 (the monthly earnings should be less than INR 8,000 for Cine employees).

Pre-Matric scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam

The wards of people engaged in subsequent occupations may apply for the grant–Manual Scavenging Tanning and Flaying Waste Picking Dangerous Cleaning

Pre-Matric scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra

They must be Assam State’s home and study in school 1 using 10.  The grant is available to the trustees of people engaged in subsequent occupations–Scavenging Tanning Flaying Sweeping.

Pre-matric scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra

  • They must have been in their prior school in the first or second place. For this scholarship can be applied for by learners who are domiciled in Maharashtra and study in class 1 to 10.
  • The minimum handicap rate should be 40%.

Pre-Matric Disability scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand

  • The grant is accessible to Uttarakhand government resident learners studying in school 1 to 10.
  • The family’s annual revenue should be lower than INR 24,000.
  • The last qualifying examination must have been completed.

For SC/ST/General Category

Pre-Matric scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh

  • The grant is available to Uttar Pradesh-based learners enrolled in school 9 and 10.
  • The family’s annual earnings from all sources should be lower than INR 1 Lakh.

For VJNT/SBC/SC Category

Pre-Matric Merit scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra

  • They must be a Maharashtra government home and study in category 1 using 10. Students who are a Maharashtra state permanent resident and study in school 5 to 10 may register.
  • In the prior qualifying examination, they must have obtained at least 50 percent marks.
  • They must have been in their prior school in the first or second place.

Pre-Matric Scholarship Application Procedure

Most pre-matric scholarships recognize internet apps from the applicant with the introduction of technology. National Scholarship Portal is one of India’s most popular nationally acclaimed scholarship portals using which you can apply for multiple pre-matric scholarships. In addition, some state agencies also operate their corresponding internet applications scholarship portal. See the table below for a comprehensive implementation method for each pre-matric scholarship.

Scholarship Name and How To Apply

  • Scholarships for Minorities: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarships for Students with Disabilities: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi: Apply online using the E-district portal of Government of Delhi.
  • Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi: Apply online using the E-district portal of Government of Delhi.
  • Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra: Apply online using MahaDBT portal of Government of Maharashtra.
  • Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra: Apply online using MahaDBT portal of Government of Maharashtra.
  • Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra: Apply offline using your respective schools.
  • Andhra Pradesh Scholarship: Apply offline using respective institutions.
  • Telangana Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare: Apply online using the Telangana ePass Portal.
  • Scholarships for ST, Tripura: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand: Apply online using the National scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Apply online using National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Apply online using National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand: Apply online using National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand: Apply online using National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Umbrella for Education of ST Students Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh: Apply online using National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
  • Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur: Apply online using Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) of Government of Manipur.
  • Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur: Apply online using Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) of Government of Manipur.
  • Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh: Apply online using UP Scholarship portal.
  • Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh: Apply online using UP Scholarship portal.
  • Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh: Apply online using UP Scholarship portal.
  • Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland: Apply offline using your respective school

Pre-Matric Scholarship Rewards

The quantity of monetary support given under each pre-matric scholarship to learners may differ. The main items covered by each scholarship, however, are the tuition fee, maintenance allowance, book and ad-hoc grant, and other vital allowances. In the chart below, know what each scholarship provides for you. It shows a comprehensive overview of the prizes offered to eligible learners by each scholarship.

Scholarship NameAward Details
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for MinoritiesAdmission payment of INR 500 per year for Class 6 to 10 pupils.
A tuition fee of INR 350 per year for school 6 to 10 pupils.
Maintenance payment of INR 100 per month for class 1 to 5-day school learners.
INR 600 maintenance payment per month for Class 6 to 10 hosteller pupils.
Maintenance payment of INR 100 per month for Class 6 to 10-day school pupils.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesMaintenance payment of INR 800 per month for hostellers Maintenance payment of INR 500 per month for day scholars The annual disability payment of INR 1000 is up to INR 4000 per year.
Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Pre-MatricINR 250 is provided to class 1 to 5 learners to buy clothes/books, etc.
INR 940 is provided to grade 5 to 8 female teachers and INR 500 is provided to grade 5 to 8 kid learners.
Class 9 female learners will earn INR 1140 and INR 700 will be given to child learners.
Class 10 female learners will earn INR 1840 and INR 1400 will be given to baby learners.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), DelhiClass 9 and 10 learners will earn monthly INR 225 (for day scholars) and monthly INR 750 (for hostellers).
There will also be an ad hoc award of INR 525 per year (for day scholars) and INR 1000 per year (for hostellers).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, DelhiClass 1 to 10-day school learners earn INR 100 per month.
Class 3 to 10 hosteller learners earn INR 500 per month.
INR 500 ad hoc award per year for each scholar.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamStudents at day school earn INR 150 a month and hostellers earn INR 350 a month.
Day-scholars will receive an extra book and ad-hoc award of INR 750 pa and INR 1000 pa will be provided to hostellers.
Extra payment for learners with disabilities up to INR 240 per month
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), AssamScholarship amounts vary between INR 25 per month and INR 100 per month.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, AssamClass 1 to 10-day school learners earn INR 100 per month.
Class 3 to 10 hostellers earn INR 500 a month.
Students are also provided an ad hoc grant of INR500 per year.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), AssamThe quantity of scholarship for day scholars is INR 225 per month and INR 525 per month for hostellers.
The chosen learners also obtain books and an ad hoc grant of INR 750 per year (for day school learners) and INR 1000 per year (for hostellers) An extra benefit of up to INR 240 per month for disabled learners.
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), AssamStipend amount up to 700 INR per month Ad-hoc grant up to 1000 INR per year An extra bonus up to 100 INR per month.
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), MaharashtraClass 3 to 10 hosteller learners will earn INR 700 per month and an INR 1000 ad-hoc grant per year.
Class 1 to 10-day school learners will earn INR 110 per month and an INR 750 ad-hoc grant per year.
Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, MaharashtraStudents assigned to the SBC / VJNT group will earn INR 200 per year to study in school 5 to 7.
Students affiliated to the SBC / VJNT group will earn INR 400 per year to study in school 8 to 10.
Students assigned to the SC group will earn INR 50 per month to study in school 5 to 7.
Students assigned to the SC group will earn INR 100 per month to study in school 8 to 10.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, MaharashtraClass 1 to 4 learners with a hearing impairment receives INR 100 per month.
Class 5 to 7 learners will earn 150 INR per month.
Class 8 to 10 learners earn INR 200 per month.
Students who are mentally retarded will receive up to 18 years of era INR 150 per month.
Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric ScholarshipClass 6 to 8 learners earn an INR 600 scholarship per year.
Class 9 to 10 learners earn an INR 800 scholarship per year.
Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled WelfareSelected academics will receive variable financial benefits in regard to the state corpus of the scholarship resources.
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for ST, TripuraINR 150 daily scholarship per month and INR 350 daily scholarship for hostellers.
INR 750 annual books and the ad-hoc award for day scholars and INR 1000 annually for hostellers.
Extra payment for learners with disabilities up to INR 240 per month.
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority (100 percent State Sector), UttarakhandClass 1 to 5 students–INR 50 per month Class 6 to 8 students–INR 80 per month Class 9 and 10 teachers–INR 120 per month
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), UttarakhandClass 1 to 5 learners obtain INR 600 per year Class 6 to 8 learners obtain INR 720 per year Class 9 to 10-day school learners obtain INR 1500 per year Class 9 and 10 hosteller learners obtain INR 3500 per year
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), UttarakhandClass 3 to 5 learners obtain INR 600 per year Class 6 to 8 learners obtain INR 720 per year.
Class 9 and 10 learners earn INR 1000 per year.
Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), UttarakhandClass 1 to 5 learners earns INR 600 per year. Class 6 to 8 learners earn INR 960 per year. Class 9 and 10 learners earn INR 1700 per year.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), UttarakhandFor Class 1 to 5 pupils–INR 600 per annum For Class 6 to 8 pupils–INR 720 per annum For Class 9 and 10-day school learners–INR 1500 per annum For Class 9 and 10 hosteller learners–INR 3500 per annum
Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal PradeshDay school learners earn INR 150 per month scholarship and INR 750 per annum school award.
The hostellers will earn a monthly INR 350 scholarship and an annual INR 1000 book grant.
In addition, disabled learners will also obtain up to INR 240 allowances.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, ManipurStudents in day school will earn INR 150 a month and hostellers will earn INR 350 a month.
The chosen learners will also obtain INR 750 per year (for day scholars) and INR 1000 per year (for hostellers) books and ad-hoc grant.
Students with disabilities receive an extra payment of up to INR 240 per month.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, ManipurThe hosteller students of class 3 to 8 will receive INR 200 per month and class 9 to 10 will receive INR 250 per month.
The day-scholar students of class 1 to 5 will receive INR 25 per month, class 6 to 8 will receive INR 40 per month and class 9 and 10 will receive INR 50 per month.
An ad-hoc grant is also given to students of INR 500 per annum.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar PradeshVariable financial assistance
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar PradeshVariable financial assistance
Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar PradeshVariable financial assistance
Pre-matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, NagalandINR 2,000 per annum

Pre-Matric Scholarship Documents Required

Without adequate paperwork, the registration method for each pre-matric scholarship continues unfinished. While applying for any scholarship, candidates must provide certain significant records in assistance of their implementation. Although the list of papers may differ from academic to academic, some important papers are mandatory. Some popular papers are included in the list

  • Home certificate
  • Applicant’s photograph
  • Caste certificate (if relevant)
  • Disability certificate (if appropriate)
  • Mark sheets of prior academic qualifying
  • Aadhaar card/Aadhaar registration number
  • Certificate of income provided by the competent authority
  • Copy of bank account passbook

FAQ’s On Pre-Matric Scholarship

Question 1.
What is a pre-matric scholarship?

Pre-Matric Grant is a general class of grants that offer monetary help to understudies learning at the pre-registration level of training for example school instruction from class 1 to 10.

Question 2.
Which categories are eligible for this scholarship?

The Legislature of India and other state governments offer various pre-matric grants for understudies having a place with various classes including SC, ST, OBC, General, Minorities, EBC.

Question 3.
Which are the key states that offer the pre-matric scholarship?

The key states offering a pre-matric grant for understudies incorporate Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur

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