Dreaming to solve Pipes and Cisterns related problems in no time? Get the complete preparation kit of shortcuts and tricks here. These are another model of Time and Work problems. If you are perfect with the Time & Work Problems, then you can easily solve Pipes & Cisterns Problems and score well in them. Check for the sample solved questions here. Follow the below sections to know the full details regarding shortcuts, solved examples, easy steps to solve problems, formulae, important points etc.
Pipes and Cisterns – Important Points
Most of the students lose their marks in quantitative aptitude because of lack of time. If you have good practice over the problems, you can solve them in a very less time. Therefore check for the shortcuts and tricks to solve problems in a very less time. Once you know the important formulae, shortcuts and tips, focus on your practice. As said, practice makes a man perfect, practice more and more to get grip on the subject and learn it perfectly.
If you practice Cisterns and Pipes problems more, then you can know a few shortcuts by yourself. As every single minute is important in the competitive exam. These shortcuts help you in saving every minute and solve questions quickly.
Basic Terms:
Inlet: A pipe that is used to fill the tank, reservoir or cistern is commonly known as “Inlet”. This kind of nature designates “positive type” or “plus” of work done.
Outlet: A pipe that is used to empty tank, reservoir or cistern is commonly known as “Outlet”. This kind of nature designates “negative type” or “negative” of work done.
Important Formulae
- Suppose an inlet is attached to a tank fills in A hours, then part of that tank filled in one hour = 1/A
- Suppose an outlet is attached to a tank empties in B hours, then part of that tank emptied in one hour = 1/B
- An inlet fills a tank in A hours and outlet empties the same tank in B hours. If both pipes are opened at a similar time and B>A, the complete part of the tank filled in one hour can be calculated as (1/A – 1/B)
- When two pipes are open at the same time, the time taken to fill the complete tank is (AB/B-A) Hours
- If A is greater than B, water flowing into the tank is less than water flowing out of the tank. The net part of the tank that is emptied in one hour is calculated as (1/B – 1/A)
- Hence, To empty the full tank when both pipes are open is calculated as (BA/A-B) Hours
- Suppose an inlet can fill the tank in A hours and other inlets can fill the same tank in B hours. The net portion of the tank that is filled in one hour of both the inlets are opened at a similar time is calculated a (1/A+1/B)
- Hence, the time required to fill the complete tank is calculated as (AB/A+B) Hours
- As in an above-mentioned way, Suppose an outlet can empty the tank in A hours and other outlets can empty the same tank in B hours. The net portion of the tank that is emptied in one hour of both pipes start working together at a similar time is calculated as (1/A + 1/B)
- Hence, the time required to empty the complete tank is calculated as (AB/A+B) Hours
Tricks and Tips to Solve Pipes & Cisterns
As mentioned above, time management is an important factor to crack a competitive exam. Look for the shortcuts which help you better in solving the problems quickly. Here are the important tips to solve all the problems with ease.
- Be familiar with all the terms like an outlet, inlet, filling a tank, emptying a tank, leak and all the related formulas. If you are perfect with these terms and formulas then only you can solve the problems easily.
- Don’t spend too much time on a single question, jump to the next one in this case. It kills so much of your time, instead get back to that question at the last stage of the exam.
- Memorize formulae and tricks as many times as possible, to score better marks in the exam.
Sample Questions on Pipes and Cisterns
Question 1:
X and Y are two outlet pipes which are connected to a full tank. Pipe X can alone empty the tank in 10 minutes and pipe Y can alone empty the tank in 30 minutes. How much time does it take to empty the tank completely when both the pipes are opened?
Suppose the capacity of the tank be LCM(10,30) = 30 units
- Proficiency of pipe X = 30/10 = 3 units/minute
- Proficiency of pipe Y= 30/30 = 1 unit/minute
- Combined proficiency of pipe X and Y = 4 units/minute
Therefore, the total time required to empty the tank if both pipes work together = 30/4 = 7 minutes 30 seconds
Question 2:
One large pump and 3 other small pumps are filling a tank. Each of the small pumps works at 2/3rd of the large pump rate. Suppose all the pumps work at the similar time, they should fill the full tank in what portion of the time that it would have taken the large pump alone?
According to the question, Volume of two large pumps = Volume of three small pumps
To express the volume of one large pump + three small pumps with reference to the large pump, you should add a large pump on either side of the above equation.
Then the final equation will be as
One large pump + Three small pumps = Three large pumps
Hence, if all the pumps are open at the same time, they would fill the complete tank in 1/3rd of the time that large pump takes alone.
Question 3:
A water tank consists of three taps X, Y and Z. X tank fills 4 buckets in 24 minutes. Y tank fills 8 buckets in 1 hour. Z fills 2 buckets in 20 minutes. The tank will be emptied in 2 hours if all the taps are opened. How much is the capacity of the tank if a bucket can hold 5 litres of water?
In 1 Hour
X tank fills 4 buckets in 24 minutes, Hence X fills 1 bucket in 6 minutes(24/4)
In the same way, Y tank fills 8 buckets in 1 hour. Hence Y fills 1 bucket in 60/8 minutes
In the same way, Z tank fills one bucket in 10 minutes (20/2)
In 2 hours
No. of buckets filled by X tank will be = 20 buckets (120/6)
Number of buckets filled by Y tank will be = 16 buckets ((120*8)/60))
No of buckets filled by Z tank will be =12 buckets (120/10)
Total no of buckets filled = 48 buckets (20+16+12)
The capacity of the tank i.e., total water coming out of the tank = 240 litres (48 * 5 litres)
Most of the questions asked in the competitive exams are of the same pattern mentioned above. Be perfect with the models and also practice various questions to know the patterns of questions asked. Practice all the questions beforehand and score better marks in the exam. Moreover, you can check various details of other competitive, inter, bank, police exams etc on our site. Get the latest updates on complete information of all the exams.
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