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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 1


Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 1

(For Annual Board Examinations to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards)
Based on the latest syllabus and design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi.

Strictly based on the Remodelled Scheme of Assessment, the Latest Syllabus and Design of the Question Paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.



Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8]

  1. One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are widely used in industries and in universities. Now there is hardly any sphere of human life where computers have not been pressed into service of man. We are heading fast towards the day when a computer will be as much part of man s daily life as a telephone or a calculator.
  2. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. These machines can be put to varied uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic jams. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called ‘automation ’. In the future automation may enable human beings to enjoy more leisure than they do today. The coming of automation is bound to have important social consequences.
  3. Some years ago an expert on automation, Sir Leon Bagrit, pointed out that it was a mistake to believe that these machines could ‘think’. There is no possibility that human beings will be “controlled by machines ”. Though computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving on their performance, they need detailed instructions from human beings to operate. They can never, as it were, lead independent lives or “rule the world” by making decisions of their own.
  4. Sir Leon said that in future, computers would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket. Ordinary people would then be able to use them to obtain valuable information. Computers could be plugged into a national network and be used like radios. For instance, people going on holiday could be informed about weather conditions. Car drivers can be given alternative routes when there are traffic jams. It will also be possible to make tiny translating machines. This will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty or to read foreign publications.

(a) What is the greatest advancement in modern technology? [1]
(b) What complicated works are computers capable of doing? [1]
(c) Write one use of computers. [1]
(d) Explain automation. [1]
(e) Why can’t computers lead independent lives or rule the world? [1]
(f) How would computers as translating machines help people? [1]
(g) What was the prediction of Sir Leon about computers in the future? [1]
(h) How can computers help people going on holiday? [1]
(a) The greatest advancement in modem technology is the invention of computers.
(b) They can solve complex mathematical problems and can put in order thousands of unrelated facts.
(c) They can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic jams.
(d) The process by which machines can be used to work for us.
(e) They need detailed instructions from human beings to operate.
(f) People who do not share a common language will able to talk to each other.
(g) He said that in future, computers small enough to carry in pocket would be developed.
(h) They could be informed about weather conditions.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12]

  1. 1. Why does a person become overconfident? The reason lies in over assessment of his capabilities. Sometimes people over-assess their competence and jump into situations that are beyond their
  2. Napoleon Bonaparte who became Emperor of France would say that the word ‘impossible ’was common only amongst fools. The overconfident Napoleon invaded Russia in the winter of 1812. This proved to be a big disaster.
  3. Overconfidence generally leads people into misadventures, endangering their chances in life. It is wisely said that any achievement is a result of two factors-one s personal planning and support from the external world. People, take into account only their planning, generally ignoring external factors. As a result they are unable to foresee future developments. Hence, a great risk of failure.
  4. Then there is the question : How can one manage overconfidence? The formula is very simple. Before taking a decision discuss the matter with other informed people with an objective mind and when it is proved that you are about to go off the path, accept reality and say without delay, “I was wrong ”.
  5. Overconfidence is a flaw characterising people who lack the virtue of modesty. Modesty makes you a realist; you become a person who is cut down to size. People of this kind become very cautious; before taking an action they assess the whole situation. They adopt a realistic approach.
  6. Overconfident people live within their own thoughts. They know themselves but they are unaware of others. Living inside their own cell they are unable to make use of the experiences of others. This kind of habit is highly damaging to all concerned.
  7. There is a saying that the young man sees the rule and the old man sees the exception. With a slight change, I would like to say that the overconfident person sees the rule and the confident person sees the exception. Overconfident people are always at risk. It is said that taking risk is good but it must be well calculated otherwise it becomes very dangerous.

(a) When do, sometimes, situations get out of control? [2]
(b) To what will you attribute Napoleon’s failure in Russia? Why? [2]
(c) How can one avoid a risk of failure? [2]
(d) Why should people be ‘cut down to size’? [2]
(e) Is overconfidence a flaw in one’s character? [1]
(f) What is the difference between a young and an old man’s perceptions? [1]
(g) Which word in the passage means ‘evaluate’? [1]
(h) Find the opposite of the word ‘rash’ in the passage. [1]
(a) When people become overconfident, they think they are very confident. So, they do not make a correct judgement of their abilities.
(b) Napoleon’s success in battles made him overconfident of his powers. He failed to find out the dangers of attacking Russia during winter and failed miserably in the battle.
(c) One can avoid the risk of failure by planning well, not to ignore external factors and forsee future developments.
(d) If people are ‘cut down to size’, they will become realists and modest. They will not take rash actions but be cautious in what they do.
(e) Yes, it is, it makes us rash in our actions.
(f) A young man looks only at the rule but an old man looks for exceptions to the rule.


Question 3:
Influence of friends can have both positive and negative impact on the students. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 100-120 words discussing how we can make it more positive and productive. You are Arun/Aruna, live at 24 Mall Road, Chennai. [8]
24 Mall Road
Chennai 2 May, 20XX

The Editor,
The Times of India,


Subject: Influence of friends on students

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I wish to express my views on “Influence of friends on students”.
It is no secret that the peer group has a great influence on young minds. Teenagers in school look up to their friends. They are influenced by their manners, behaviour, fashion modes, etc. Friends can have both positive and negative impact on the students. If we make a wrong choice, we can fall a prey to all kinds of bad habits. Smoking, bunking classes, visiting cyber cafes and wasting money are some of the lesser negative influences. If not checked in time, they can lead to greater dangers — petty crimes, offences, even drugs!
The first step is the home atmosphere where the students can choose good values. Loving care of parents, proper attention to their growing years and right moral values taught by examples and not by lectures. Proper guidance at home will have a positive effect. In school the students will instinctively avoid bad company will not fall a prey to anti-social behaviour. The teachers in school will have to be vigilant too, set a proper example and engage the students in healthy sports, and develop interest in studies. Parents and teachers have a great role to play in the proper development of children. Habits that harm like excessive T.V. watching, playing video or computer games, should be checked and healthy outdoor games should be encouraged.
I hope my suggestions will be appreciated.
Yours truly,

Question 4:
Write a story in about 200-250 words based on the input given below :
He opened the factory door – peeped inside – some light – last shift over – could be thieves


They started a trek to the peak of mountain – supposed to be a very hard journey – a five-day long trek – when they started………………………….
He opened the factory door noiselessly and peeped inside. It was very late and even the last shift was over. To his surprise there was a dim light at the far end of the hall. Who could it be? Thieves? A gang carrying on some illegal business? For many seconds he stood, undecided, near the door. Should he take the risk of investigating? They, whoever they were, could be armed. Should he leave immediately and inform the directors and the police? But then he may lose precious time. Finally, he decided to move closer before taking any action. As he advanced further he saw half a dozen people bent over bags of polythene, stuffing them and sealing them. What could it be? His mind raced over possibilities — they were involved in some illegal activity – drugs or stealing factory products. It had to be reported immediately. He quietly closed the door and bolted it and promptly called the police and the owners and the managers of the factory. Blissfully unaware of the fate awaiting them, the culprits kept on with their work, only the wailing sirens of the police made them realise the danger. But it was too late.


After a day’s rest the group of teenagers started their trek to the peak – a very difficult five day long climb to their destination. They had already spent twenty nerve-racking days, facing thunderstorms and snowfall. It was a relentless fight against nature, but the group’s morale was high, their spirits unflagging, ready to complete the task before them.
Suddenly, Sameer, the leader of the team, gave a startled cry and stopped climbing. Puzzled the group rushed up to join him and these were cries of horror heard from all of them. A young couple, seemingly dead, were lying frozen in the snow! The group hurriedly started their rescue act, relieved that the couple were only unconscious and not dead. They took them down to the base camp where first aid was given promptly. The young man revived first and what a tale he had to tell. With the total rashness of the young, they had decided to climb the peak with only oxygen masks to help them. They lost their way, the oxygen was over and they fell unconscious. Sameer was furious with them. Their foolish act could have proved fatal. Properly chastened, the couple were sorry but grateful to the group for saving their lives.

Question 5:
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of the given options: [1×4 = 4]
Reading a novel or a short story (a) _____________________ second language could dramatically(b) _____________________ physiological responses to emotions such (c)___________________ smiling (d)_________________ frowning.
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 1-5
(a) (ii)in (b) (i) reduce (c) (iii) as (d) (i) or

Question 6:
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and its correction as shown in the example.[½ x 8 = 4]
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 1-6-1
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 1-6-2
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 1-6-3

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. [1×4 = 4]
detective / below / go / written / through the / story
Go through the detective story written below.
(a) can be / two / blamed / persons / the murder / for
(b) to the / there are / culprit / many clues / real / pointing
(c) the / find / murderer / who / real / out / is
(d) very impatient / makes / an energetic man / slow progress
(a) Two persons can be blamed for the murder.
(b) There are many clues pointing to the real culprit.
(c) Find out who the real murderer is.
(d) Slow progress makes an energetic man very impatient.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : [1×4 = 4]
“Oh, oh, oh, oh …” Patol Babu began giving the exclamation a different inflection each time he uttered it. After doing it a number of times he made an astonishing discovery.
(a) Why did Patol Babu repeat the word, ‘oh’ over and over again?
(b) What ‘astonishing discovery’ did he make?
(c) What does the word, ‘uttered’ mean?
(d) Does this effort on the part of Patol Babu prove that he was a good actor?


Now the frog puffed up with rage.
“Brainless bird-you ’re on the stage-
Use your wits and follow fashion.
Puff your lungs out with your passion.
(a) Why was the frog puffed up with rage?
(b) What happened when the nightingale puffed up her lungs?
(c) What does the frog mean by saying ‘You’re on the stage’?
(d) What was the real intention of the frog?
(a) To give it different expressions.
(b) He made the astonishing discovery that 25 parts of anguish and 25 parts of surprise could be packed in a single Oh!
(c) Spoke
(d) He was an honest, sincere and good actor.

(a) He was angry with the nightingale for not following his instructions.
(b) She burst her lungs and died.
(c) He means she is performing before an audience.
(d) The frog wanted to get rid of the nightingale.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words : [2×4 = 8]
(a) Why does Abel Merryweather say “It’s a bit late to say it (sorry) now”?
(b) What sort of person was Michael’s dad?
(c) Why did Brutus kill Caesar?
(d) Why were the mariners angry with the Ancient Mariner?
(a) The two sisters’ selfishness and total lack of respect and love for their father has been exposed. They first want to grab all his belongings thinking that he is dead. When they say sorry, Abel Merryweather is not impressed as he knows neither of his daughters cares to put up with him.
(b) The narrator’s father was crazy about computers. He bought a lot of things at the Computer Fair — a Pentium Processor, a RAM, 1.2 GB hard disk and a 16 speed CD ROM with speakers, printer, modem and a scanner.
(c) He was of the view that Caesar was too ambitious and one day would become the Roman emperor and a dictator. Brutus was an idealist and believed that ambition should be nipped in the bud.
(d) The mariners condemned the ancient mariner for killing the Albatross. They felt that the Albatross was a bird of good omen and now they will be facing misfortune and disaster, for killing the bird for no reason.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words : [8]
Why does the narrator refer to the young boys Nicola and Jacopo as gentlemen?


Keeping in mind the poem ‘Snake’ write out a speech for the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Snakes – a beautiful creation of God, an object of our love and not hatred’.
The two boys, though very young, were very hard-working, honest and affectionate and devoted brothers. They deprived themselves of food, rest and worked day and night to save money to pay for their sister’s treatment in a hospital. They never complained, never let the sister know about their sacrifice. Though not from a high status family or highly educated, yet in all respect they were true gentlemen.


Respected Principal, teachers and my fellow students
I am here to speak on the topic, ‘Snakes – a beautiful creation of God, an object of our love and not hatred’. Snakes behave in a dignified manner, like a king and they are also the king of the underworld. Snakes live inside the earth like a king in exile.
Snakes are a beautiful creation of God and have a right to live to exist and man has no right to deprive them of it. They have their own life, their own domain, they live in the burning bottom of the earth. Rarely they come out. They feel thirsty and come out to drink water. How can we be so inhuman as to deprive them of it?
Hate has no place in God’s earth. God creates love and we must learn to love all his creations. So friends, let us admire and love God’s creatures.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 200-250 words :  [10]

There were many reasons for Helen Keller’s embittered childhood. What were they and how were they overcome?


Helen’s struggle has become a source of inspiration for all less fortunate. Comment.


Anne’s relationship with her mother was never simple. What created the tension and discord? Why?


Anne’s father was close to her. What did she like about him? Why?
Helen Keller was rendered blind, deaf and almost mute. She struggled hard to break through this silent dark prison that engulfed her. Helen writes that she did not remember when she first realized that she was different from other people. But she knew it before her teacher came. A little coloured girl Martha Washington was her constant companion during her early years as a child. She had seldom any difficulty in making Martha do just as she wished, it pleased her to domineer over Martha as she generally submitted to her tyranny. Helen was strong, active, and indifferent to consequences. She knew her mind well and fought tooth and nail to have her own way.
Being trapped in her silent world, she was prone to violence and anger. But Anne Sullivan, her teacher, transformed her and made her transcend her physical barriers.
Her innovative ideas and meticulous planning made even learning playful.
Helen was taken outdoors in fields and gardens and they were her first lessons she learned to respond to her surroundings from reading manual alphabets. Anne Sullivan taught her geography by taking her to the beach. Helen learnt science by watching plants grow.
Thus, she was able to overcome her disabilities and led a normal life.


Helen’s struggle was not easy but then also she never lost her charm, hope and maintained her spirit of hard work. At a too early age she became deaf and blind. The story of Helen’s early life has made the physical world more accessible to physically disabled people. During that period physically disabled were put in institutions or in asylums and were also assumed to be mentally disabled as well. Helen was lucky to have parents and a teacher who guided her through her deprivations. There were hardly any embossed books then.

But Helen triumphed over her incapabilities. Her achievements changed the mindset of people towards handicapped people and she made the world more accessible to physically disabled people. She got a bachelor’s degree in English literature and master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies. She became a renowned author, speaker and activist. She had managed to learn French, German and Latin along with mathematical subjects.

To her goes the credit of changing the mindset of people towards handicapped people. Every successful person has a lot of struggle and failure hidden behind his/her achievements. So the most less fortunate are the most successful people of future.


Anne’s relationship with her mother was never simple. Before going into hiding, her relationship with her mother was of a normal teenager, who was loved and spoiled by her mother. Her mother took interest in her friends and teased her about her boyfriends. She wanted Anne to be happy but not too cheeky.
When they went into hiding, Anne’s mother was very understanding about Anne’s fears. Things started changing slowly. Anne started resenting being treated like a baby by her mother. She thought her mother gave her sermons and thought her ideas were completely opposite to her mother’s.
She thought mother was more fond of her elder sister Margot, who was of an easy going nature and far more intelligent. She started having bust-ups with her mother which ended up in her mother having fits of tears.
Anne’s father’s support of her mother annoyed her. She felt jealous that her parents never rebuked Margot but always found fault with her.
She started writing about her mother in her diary that her mother was not what a mother should be like.


Anne’s father was close to her, she adored him. He was perfect in her eyes. Modest, loving, a peacemaker who wanted the best for his daughters. He wanted Anne to be happy and not worry too much about her studies though he never forgot to make her study and keep up with what was taught in school. He brought books in Greek and French for her and gave her lessons.

Anne thought her father was a darling who got annoyed with her sometimes for five minutes on end! He always defended her against attacks of van Daans and Mr Dussel. Whenever Amsterdam was bombed, Anne rushed to her father for comfort. He was so patient that Anne realized she had to have more control.

She said her daily prayers with him and hurt her mother badly when she refused to say them with her. She told her father about loving him more than her mother, but he didn’t take it seriously. Instead he asked her to help her mother more voluntarily. She worried a lot when her father fell ill. She admitted her jealousy of Margot and was terribly hurt when he took Margot’s side in a petty quarrel between them over a book.


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