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Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 2


bSolved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English – Paper 2

(For Annual Board Examinations to be held in and after March 2018 and onwards)
Based on the latest syllabus and design of the Question Paper released by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi…

Strictly based on the Remodelled Scheme of Assessment, the Latest Syllabus and Design of the Question Paper released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi effective from academic year 2017-18.


SECTION A : READING                             (20 MARKS)

Question 1:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8]
Generally a safari is associated with an expedition for hunting or viewing wild animals. Little did I know about a desert safari till I visited Dubai-a city with modem architecture and fabulous shopping plazas.
While browsing through the various brochures on tourist information, I came across this item on desert safari. Something entirely different from the usual sight-seeing programmes. Immediately I was attracted to it as it would be a worthwhile and new experience travelling through desert. Though I was familiar with the sand dunes and camel rides of Rajasthan, 1 was keen to know what this desert safari would be like. So I enlisted myself in one.
After a drive of about 20 kms on the metalled roads of the city, we entered the desert. At once we felt the change. The vans started wobbling, steering through the sand and cutting roundabouts to push through. Gradually the sand mounds seemed to be rising. We went up and suddenly dipped to negotiate our course for the next rise andfall. It reminded me of a roller-coaster drive. Outside the glass window, lay a vast expanse of sand.
All we saw throughout were scattered patches ofshrubs which broke the monotony of the sand cover all around. It was amazing how they survived in such intense heat. Another noticeable feature was the pattern of ripples over the sand dunes common to all desert lands.
After traversing for about 60 kms we approached the mountain terrain. The change of scene was a welcome relief.
These rocky mountains, devoid of vegetation, in the proximity of the desert and the hardy shrubs in the desert itself, proclaimed in a mute way how they stood there, defying the vagaries of nature. We reached our destination in a narrow gorge between the rocky mountains. Staggered streams of water could be seen here and there which, perhaps, was the stranded rainwater. Some trees could also be spotted as mere jottings on the rocky landscape.
We then geared up for our return journey. Horror lurked in our minds that we would have to repeat our arduous desert ride. But the driver said that we would circumvent the desert and touch only a small portion of it. This came as a blessing for us. We sat at ease in our seats and proceeded.
(a) What is safari generally associated with? [1]
(b) While browsing through brochures what did the writer come across? [1]
(c) Why did he enlist for this desert safari? [1]
(d) What change did they came across after travelling for 60 kms? [1]
(e) What did the hardy shrubs proclaim? [1]
(f) What destination did they reach? [1]
(g) What could be seen in the narrow gorge? [1]
(h) How was their return journey different? [1]
It is associated with an expedition for hunting or viewing wild animals.
(b) He came across an item on desert safari.
(c) He was keen to know what a desert safari would be like.
(d) They approached mountain terrain which was a welcome relief.
(e) How they stood there defying the vagaries of nature.
(f) They reached narrow gorge between the rocky mountains.
(g) Staggered streams of water could be seen there.
(h) They didn’t have to travel through the desert.

Question 2:
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12]
Getting a good night s sleep can help you cope with stress more effectively. But not getting enough sleep can cause more stress. Insomniacs have higher concentrations of stress hormones than other. Women are prone to sleep disturbances. Their sleep problems frequently interfere with their daily activities. Experts believe that sleep, especially deep sleep, enables our nervous system to function well. Without it, we lose our ability to concentrate, remember or analyse. Some experts speculate that during deep sleep, cells manufacture more proteins, which are essential for cell growth and repair of damage from things like stress and UV rays.
Scientists believe that activity in the area of the brain that controls emotions and social interaction lessens during sleep and that deep sleep may help people to be emotionally and socially adept when awake.
Sleep may also help our brain to store a newly learned activity in its memory bank. In a study in Canada, students deprived of sleep after learning a complex logic game showed a 30 per cent learning deficit when tested a week later compared with students not deprived of sleep.
The effect of sleep deprivation on other bodily functions is just as alarming. In studies from five medical centers across the country, researchers established that individuals with insomnia were also more likely to have poor health, including chest pain, arthritis and depression, and to have difficulty accomplishing daily tasks. Another breakthrough study revealed that even temporary loss of sleep can affect the body s ability to break down carbohydrates, interfere with the function of various hormones and worsen the severity of ailments such as diabetes and high blood pressure. So whatever works to help you sleep well, whether its regular exercise earlier in the day, weekly massages, yoga, meditation or a lavender-scented bath, make time for it today.
(a) What can prevent our nervous system from functioning properly? [2]
(b) Experts have come to some conclusions about lack of sleep. What are they? [2]
(c) How can lack of sleep have alarming effect on our bodily functions? [2]
(d) Explain the word ‘breakthrough’ and revelations made by the study. [2]
(e) Mention some ways of promoting good sleep. [1]
(f) What is the connection between deep sleep and our brain? [1]
(g) Find another noun in the passage meaning the same as “Insomnia”. [1]
(h) Give the noun form of the word, “revealed”. [1]
(a) Lack of proper, deep sleep makes us lose our ability to concentrate, remember or analyse. It interferes with our daily functions and harms the nervous system.
(b) Experts believe that when we sleep properly, more proteins are produced by our cells. They help growth of cells and repair the damage caused by stress and ultra violet rays.
(c) Researchers have found out that people who suffer from insomnia have poor health, which includes chest pain, arthiritis, depression and lack of ability to complete daily tasks.
(d) Breakthrough means an advance or a discovery. Scientists have discovered that even a temporary lack of sleep can affect the body’s ability to breakdown carbohydrates, increase the severity of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure and affect the function of hormones.
(e) Some ways are weekly massages, yoga meditation, regular exercises or even a scented bath!
(f) The area of the brain that controls emotions and social interactions, becomes less active during sleep and helps people to be stronger emotionally and socially when they are awake.
(g) Insomaiacs
(h) Revelation.


Question 3:
Our metropolitan cities witness a large number of accidents every day. What do you think is the reason? What can be done to bring down the rate of accidents? Write a letter to IG Traffic City of Noida expressing your concern and offering solutions to this problem (100-120 words). [8]

Letter to I.G. Traffic Noida

Sector 39
Noida (UP)
12 January, 20XX

IG Traffic
Noida (UP)

Subject: Alarming rise in road accidents

Lately there has been an alarming rise in road accidents in Noida. The reasons are not hard to find. The overgrowing population of Noida, the apalling conditions of its roads, plus the traffic bent upon breaking every road safety rule are the main causes. It seems it is very easy to procure a driving license and no one, including the traffic police are interested in observing the rules, speeding, overtaking, jumping the yellow light, brawls and quarrels and road rage are a daily part of our life. Fines have no effect and maximum number of lives are lost on the roads.
What is the remedy? We should not leave it to the law and order to enforce the rules. Parents and schools should see that every child understands that road safety rules are made for them. Parents can teach when and how to cross a road and they should also never break the rule themselves. If parents overspeed and jump lights, what will their wards leam? In schools, road safety rules should be taught to the children from the lowest to the highest class. Children leam rules when they board or drop out of a bus in a disciplined manner. The importance of zebra crossings, the significance of red, yellow and green lights should be explained. Above all the consequences of fast driving can be shown to them. The government should keep the roads in proper condition. Licenses should be given after a proper test and offenders should be severely punished.

Hope my suggestions will be favourably considered.
Yours truly,
Arun Singh (A concerned citizen)

Question 4:
Write a story in about 200-250 words based on the input given below : [10]
Uday’s dream – do something good – win recognition far and wide – be famous in the world – one fine day, he saw this opportunity when………………………………….
Uday was never an ordinary child. Ordinary were his circumstances. Son of a poor gardener, he lacked many amenities and facilities that are easily available to most school children of middle class families. He never had any time to waste. After school he used to carry his books to the beautiful garden of Mr Simon where his father worked as a gardener.
But Uday was ambitious, he had a dream of one day rising above his mundane life to win recognition and become famous.
And he was able to realize his dream when one day Mr Simon’s benign gaze fell on the skinny hard­working little boy who studied while he helped his father in caring for his garden.
His dreams were translated into reality when Mr Simon took him under his patronage providing books, money, help and guidance to the little wonder boy.
With God’s grace and his own hard work and Mr Simon’s generosity he cleared his MBA with flying colours.
Today Uday is a top businessman but he has not forgotten his humble background. Besides being a very successful businessman he is involved with many NGOs and charity works sponsoring needy children.

Question 5:
Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks with the help of given options :
There is a general belief (a)______ students that (b) ______ who write long sentences get (c) ______ marks (d)______those who write short sentences.
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 2-5

Question 6:
The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the error and its correction as shown in the example. [½x8 = 4]
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 2-6
Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Final Board Exams Class 10 Communicative English - Paper 2-6s

Question 7:
Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example : [1×4 = 4]
e.g came / months / me / for eight / to teach / he
For eight months he came to teach me.
(a) algebra and / a week / me / geometry / twice / he taught
(b) very poor / subjects /I was / in these
(c) very / now / proficient / have become / in them /I
(d) migrate / birds / in winter / to south / from north
(a) He taught me algebra and geometry twice a week.
(b) I was very poor in these subjects.
(c) Now I have become very proficient in them.
(d) In winter birds migrate from north to south.


Question 8:
Read one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : [1×4 = 4]
A real message from the real Sebastian Shultz. We both knew that by reliving the accident, something wonderful had happened.
(a) Who is the narrator?
(b) What accident is he referring to?
(c) What does the writer mean by ‘real message and the real Sebastian Shultz’?
(d) What wonderful thing could have happened?


And immediately I regretted it.
I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!
I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education.
(a) What does the poet regret?
(b) Why does the poet curse his human education?
(c) Why did the poet despise himself?
(d) What act was it that was paltry and vulgar?
(a) A fourteen year old boy, Michael.
(b) An accident in which Sebastian Shultz had been injured in a motorway accident and had gone into coma.
(c) The writer means that the ‘real’ message Michael received directly from Sebastian and not something in a computer game.
(d) Sebastian had been saved both in real and reel life, a miracle which occurred while playing the last game.


(a) The poet regrets his action of hitting the snake with a log when it was returning to its hole, without harming anyone.
(b) His human education had taught him that all snakes were poisonous and they should be killed immediately.
(c) He despised himself because he acted like a coward. He hit the snake when its back was turned.
(d) Paltry and vulgar mean a contemptible and distasteful act. The snake had done no harm and was going away peacefully when the poet hit him. The poet did not have the courage to con­front the snake when he was facing him.

Question 9:
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :    [2×4 = 8]
(a) What were the blessings the Albatross brought with it ?
(b) How does Brutus interpret Calpumia’s dream?
(c) Why does Patol Babu’s wife tell him that he is counting his ‘chickens before they’re hatched’?
(d) What made the writer believe that he was good at writing ghost stories?
(a) As the Albatross came it brought luck because the south wind which was favourable to them started blowing. It brought fog and mist. It was a Christian soul as it helped the mariners.
(b) He says the visions of Romans bathing in Caesar’s blood indicates reverence, dedication and a token of memory on the part of the RomAnswer: The vision signifies that’s Caesar’s influence will increase in Rome.
(c) Patol Babu is too excited and happy and confides to his wife that one rises from small roles only. He is convinced it is the beginning of a great career. His wife think he is celebrating before he has a reason to do so.
(d) Whenever he was asked to write a ghost story he had no idea what to write, then suddenly ideas would come to him. (These were being supplied by a ghost named Helen). So he believed he was good at writing ghost stories.

Question 10:
Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words : [8]

How does Helen’s appearance in the party make Lavinia get rid of her superstitious belief in Ouija boards?


Bring out the irony in the words, “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings, Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” as inscribed on the pedestal of the statue. What lesson does this irony teach us?
For the writer, Mr Hallick, his wife’s party, where the Ouija board was used, ended in a disaster. The board pointed at him as ‘Traitor’ and the name of Helen appeared on the board. His jealous wife accused him of infidelity and decided to leave him. The angry writer accused her of destroying his home and happiness and at that moment his wife appeared on the scene. When she demanded who it was, Helen, the ghost, appeared before her. All Lavinia’s suspicions ended and she realised how ridiculous were her doubts and suspicions. In one minute her belief in the board ended!


The irony lies in the very words “king of kings. Look on my works and despair!” The pedestal carries only the trunk of king of kings, the head lies undiscovered and uncared for in the desert sand beside it. The arrogance, the pride of the man is reduced to nothing. No one remembers his work, his might. Ozymandias is shown to be boastful of the fact that he is the greatest ruler of all times. However, he hasn’t been able to win over time. Such is the might of time which reduces people to dust, makes them insignificant and forgotten by the future generations.

Question 11:
Answer one of the following questions in about 200-250 words : [10]
Helen’s contact with Dr. Bell raised her perception and understanding of the world. Comment.


Helen’s teacher took her across the tough road of her life. What role did she play in her success?


Anne Frank’s growing years were not normal. Elaborate.


The annexe was almost a prison for Anne. How did it limit her life?

Dr. Bell had been the most sympathetic right from the beginning. He removed Helen’s reservations and understood her deprivations and all her signs. It helped her to pass from darkness to light, from isolation to friendship, companionship, knowledge and love. Helen visited the World Fair with him and he introduced her to autophones and other inventions that made communication easier. He went everywhere with Helen and described each object in the electrical world with great interest. These experiences matured Helen and she felt she had taken a great leap from the world of fairy tales to the real world, the practical world. Bell became further involved in Keller’s education when she expressed a desire to attend a regular college, an idea which he wholly supported. In 1896, Bell coordinated the effort to establish a trust fund for Keller. When Keller began attending Radcliffe College in Boston in 1900, it was this trust fund, as well as further financial support from Bell, that would pay for her schooling. And when Keller graduated from Radcliffe in 1904, she became the first deaf-blind person to do so. Dr. Bell remained a sustaining influence in her life. Helen spent many beautiful hours in his laboratory listening to his experiments. Dr. Bell was most proficient and he had a special manner of making everything look interesting.


Anne Sullivan, Helen’s teacher, not only transformed Helen but also made her transcend her physical barriers. Helen Keller was deaf, blind and almost mute, trapped in her silent and dark world, prone to violence and anger. Anne Sullivan’s angelic touch, meticulous planning, deep commitment and tender sympathy worked wonders for Helen. The first day Anne Sullivan arrived, Helen learned to spell d-o-l-F, then other words followed with the understanding of what ‘water’ meant. That living word awakened Helen’s soul, gave it light and hope. Then she learned abstract concepts like “love” and “think”.

Anne Sullivan was Helen’s teacher, companion, guide and guardian angel all rolled into one. It was due to her that Helen learned from life itself. When she entered Helen’s life she brought a breeze of joy and love and never let pass any opportunity to point out beauty in everything. Anne taught Helen to enjoy with others’ pleasure even when she was overwhelmed by the problems. Sullivan was always patient, determined, even stubborn, dedicated and wise.
Helen acknowledged her teacher’s greatness and said, “All the best of me belongs to her.”
Mr Whittier called her – “Helen’s a spiritual liberator”.


How, can a girl lead a normal life when at age of thirteen she had to leave her home and go into hiding in a secret annexe on the 3rd floor of a large warehouse? To escape capture by the Germans, Anne with her parents and elder sister, the van Daan family and Albert Dussel spent two years of her growing years in constant fear of being discovered and sent to concentration camps built by Hitler’s men to exterminate the Jews.
From 9th July 1942 till August, 1944 Anne lived in a confined space with seven other people. There was no freedom to talk, play or go out with friends. She, a carefree happy child of 13, lost all connections with the outside world. Their helpers were her only connections between the outside world, the inmates had to observe silence, be very quiet so that people downstairs couldn’t hear them. She was not allowed to look out of the window. She had to cope with the silence, during the evenings and nights. She with the others, had to find ways to pass time. Books and her diary plus the news broadcast by the radio were their only recreation. Her most precious years were spent in hunger, deprivation and fear. There were constant tiffs among the inmates. Anne’s resentment against her mother was a result of the confined life she led. Her rebellions, anger and contradictions were also a result of the unnatural life she led for two years.


The annexe was almost a prison for Anne. It limited her life in many ways. The two best years of her life from 13 to 15 spent in hiding took away her freedom, her friends, her school life and everything a teenager would enjoy. No boyfriends, no parties. Moreover, it was certainly not easy for eight people to live in such cold quarters, sharing the darkness and dampness of the annexe. She could not speak loudly, express her views and had to eat the same limited food. Books were her only solace and her diary the most beloved companion. It changed her nature, because in the confined space tempers were short — everyone pointed to her faults, she was constantly criticised. She retaliated by fighting with her mother and disliking Mrs van Daan and Mr Dussel. Even a prisoner does not live in constant fear of death but she did. She had to live with the dreadful sounds of bombs and gunfire at night and tiptoed around during the day. The occasional visits of the helpers were her only contacts with the outside world. Her diary is a living proof of what griefs and sorrows, she had to survive only to be betrayed and die in a concentration camp.

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